Chapter 79 – The eighth step

Old Hei handed me a cigarette.

After lighting it, I took a deep drag.

Looking down at the street, two people who had set a deadly trap for me.

Now, they were at each other’s throats.

About to come to blows.

This feeling.

It was special.

Like a puppeteer.

The people below were my marionettes.

No, they should be called string puppets.

Old Hei was also looking downstairs. Suddenly, he turned to me and asked:

“Master Chu Liu, I can’t figure it out. This was clearly a no-win situation. Other than fighting it out, I thought there was no other way. How did you manage to make these two groups fight each other while you remain unscathed?”

I took another puff of the cigarette, slowly exhaling.

Watching the white smoke dissipate into the night air.

I explained every step I had taken to Old Hei.

The first step was to take over the magpie’s nest.

I booked all the remaining rooms in the hotel in advance.

Normally, after we start the game.

Old Qian and Old Chef Zheng’s men would go to the adjacent rooms to rest.

I couldn’t give them that chance.

I needed them to go downstairs.

This was also to prepare for my third step.

The second step was to lure the rat away from the mountain.

Yes, you heard it right, and I didn’t write it wrong.

It was to lure the rat away from the mountain.

Because in my eyes, Zhao Ping was nothing but a rat.

He was far from being a tiger.

In this step, the key figures were two of Old Hei’s senior brothers.

They were unfamiliar faces.

I had them go to the card room in advance.

Disguised as gambling customers.

As soon as the game started on my end.

The two caused trouble in the old street’s card room.

Most of the staff there had been taken away by Old Chef Zheng.

And the few left to watch the place.

Couldn’t handle these two professional fighters with a background in Sanda.

Old Chef Zheng couldn’t go back.

The only one who could was Zhao Ping.

The third step was to divert disaster eastward.

The key figures here were Little Duo and Yin Wu.

Because Zhao Ping was known as a swift knife user.

To draw disaster onto him.

I had to find someone with knife skills as swift as his.

That person was Little Duo.

So I made a point of checking out Little Duo’s knife skills.

I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to cut off Yin Wu’s fingers in the shortest time.

And also ensure she wouldn’t expose herself and could make a clean getaway.

After witnessing her skills that day, I was relieved.

I had Little Duo choose two locations.

One was the restroom in the first-floor lounge.

The other was the hotel’s parking lot.

Yin Wu was bound to show up in these places.

That’s when Little Duo would make her move.

Some might wonder.

How could someone cut off fingers without being discovered?

In fact, when people are suddenly attacked and suffer severe pain.

The first reaction is to check the wound and alleviate the pain.

Not to immediately see who hurt them.

By the time Yin Wu realized and wanted to see who had injured him.

Little Duo was already long gone.

The fourth step was to mix the fake with the genuine.

Old Smoker Brother Zhu’s height and build were similar to Zhao Ping’s.

Although he was thinner than Zhao Ping.

But at night, under the dim lights.

Wearing the same clothes as Zhao Ping and the same hat.

No one would notice the difference.

After Yin Wu was injured.

His men would definitely chase after the assailant.

I had Brother Zhao, who came from a background of wielding clubs, come out from the side door.

Intentionally letting his men see him.

Then he got into a grey Jetta, just like Zhao Ping’s.

Anyone who saw this scene.

Would believe that the person was Zhao Ping.

Thus, the incident of Zhao Ping injuring Yin Wu.

Was firmly established.

The fifth step was darkness under the light.

I had Old Hei bribe the hotel’s maintenance electrician.

To cut the power for five to ten minutes.

This was to create an atmosphere of chaos, tension, oppression, and terror.

After all, the sight of Yin Wu’s condition.

Would leave everyone feeling uneasy.

And in the pitch-black environment.

Everyone’s first thought would be self-preservation.

This chaotic situation also facilitated my sixth step.

The sixth step was muddying the waters to catch fish.

Using the power outage and the ensuing chaos.

To get both sides entangled in a fight.

It might seem troublesome.

But in reality, an ashtray could solve it all.

Of course, if they had already started fighting before that.

Then the sixth step was irrelevant.

Because my goal was to get both sides to fight.

Then came the seventh step, the cicada shedding its shell.

Using the chaos to protect myself.

Some might think.

Both sides considered me one of their own.

No one should harm me.

But this idea is wrong.

Because only Old Qian, Old Chef Zheng, and a few of their capable subordinates knew my identity.

The rest of the thugs had no idea who I really was.

When the city gates catch fire, the fish in the moat suffer.

In the chaos, I could inadvertently be harmed.

So, I had to protect myself.

And the eighth step is now.

Watching the fire from across the shore.

Standing on the rooftop.

Watching the imminent battle between the two sides.

And I had already made a clean getaway.

Old Hei was already stunned, speechless.

I understood his shock.

Just like when I first heard Master Liu talk about the game setters in the world.

The difference is.

Back then, it was about others.

But now, I had become the game setter.

As we spoke.

The two groups had already clashed.

Looking down at the dense crowd below.

I suddenly asked Old Hei:

“Old Hei, who do you think will win?”

Old Hei thought for a moment and said:

“Old Qian, I guess. He has more men…”

But then he immediately added:

“It’s hard to say. Old Chef Zheng may have fewer people, but he has a few ruthless men who are willing to risk their lives. What do you think, who will win?”

“Old Chef Zheng!”


Old Hei pressed.

“Although Old Chef Zheng also has the heart of a fierce tiger, he treats his men better than Old Qian does…”

As we were talking.

The fight had already started below.

Old Qian had the advantage in numbers.

Right from the start, he had a significant upper hand.

Old Chef Zheng and Swift Knife Zhao Ping.

Although they were also ruthless.

Even a good tiger can’t stand against a pack of wolves.

The two were already being chased and hacked at by Old Qian’s men to the corner of the street.

“It’s over, it’s over. Old Chef Zheng is done for…”

Old Hei clicked his tongue in pity.

But I slowly shook my head.

“Not necessarily!”

As soon as the words left my mouth.

Suddenly, a loudspeaker’s voice came from the alley of the old street.

The one shouting through the loudspeaker was a woman.

Her voice was loud, almost a scream.

We could hear it clearly from the rooftop.

“They’re bullying Old Chef right to his doorstep. Have all the men in Old Street who can wield a weapon died? You guys eat and drink Old Chef’s food for free, isn’t it time to repay him? If all the men are dead, let us women take over! If you have the guts, come out!”

The woman’s voice was incredibly compelling.

As soon as her words ended.

The entire Old Street seemed to erupt.

The sounds of doors opening, cursing, and calling for others.

All mixed together, like a boiling cauldron.

In just a moment.

The whole Old Street had over a hundred more people.

Men and women, old and young.

The weapons in their hands were also varied.

Kitchen knives, carrying poles, rolling pins, axes, mallets, shovels.

There was even a man in his seventies.

All the usable items at home must have been taken by his family.

He was shakily holding a back scratcher.

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