Chapter 77 – Severed finger

These people were all underlings of Old Qian.

And standing in the middle of the crowd, propped up by two of his men, was Old Qian’s sworn brother, Yin Wu.

At this moment, Yin Wu’s face was twisted in agony, his expression one of extreme pain.

He was incessantly screaming “ah, ah” at the top of his lungs.

His left hand was clutching tightly at the wrist of his right hand.

The right hand was a bloody, indistinct mess.

It was a sight that made onlookers’ hearts leap with fear.

No one had expected that aside from his thumb, Yin Wu’s other four fingers were all gone.

Blood had soaked his palm and clothes completely red.

He looked like a bloodied man.

Such a gory scene made everyone in the room startle.

Especially Old Qian.

His eyes were wide with anger as he hurried forward and demanded furiously:

“Old Wu, what the hell happened? Who the fuck did this?”

Yin Wu was sweating profusely from the pain.

He lifted his chin and nodded in the direction of Old Chef Zheng, cursing with rage:

“Him, it was all arranged by this bastard…”

The usually jovial and plump Old Chef Zheng now had a nervous look on his face.

He quickly tried to defend himself:

“Yin Wu, you can’t just say anything. When did I ever arrange for someone to harm you?”

Yin Wu gritted his teeth, his eyes bulging as he shouted:

“You still won’t admit it! In this building, besides your brother, Quick Knife Zhao Ping, who else has such a fast blade? Just one slash, and fuck, my four fingers were gone. Today, I swear I’ll kill you…”

Yin Wu was seething with hatred.

It had to be admitted.

Yin Wu was a ruthless man.

Despite losing four fingers and not seeking medical treatment, he was still determined to fight his adversary to the death.

Old Chef Zheng instinctively took a step back but continued to press Yin Wu for answers.

“It couldn’t have been Zhao Ping; he went back to the old street. Don’t tell me you saw it was him with your own eyes?”

Yin Wu glared and shouted loudly:

“Go to hell! How fast Zhao Ping’s knife is, you old bastard should know better than anyone! With one slash, I was in so much pain I fell to the ground. Where the fuck would I have the chance to see him?”


Yin Wu hadn’t seen the person who chopped his fingers off.

Turning his head, he said to Old Qian with a face full of hatred:

“Eighth Brother, are you going to handle this or not? If you don’t, I’ll fight them myself!”

Old Qian’s face was extremely ugly.

He glared at Old Chef Zheng and cursed loudly:

“Old Chef Zheng, are you playing dirty with me? If you don’t give me an explanation today, don’t even think about leaving here!”

Old Chef Zheng was no fool.

He knew that at this moment, Old Qian and the others were furious.

If he said one wrong word, it would be like pouring oil on the fire.

He tried to suppress his anger and explained:

“Old Qian, listen to me. It couldn’t possibly have been Zhao Ping. He’s at the card room right now; I’ll call him immediately. I’ll have him come over and explain everything in person…”

Saying this, Old Chef Zheng walked towards the sofa.

His mobile phone was in the handbag on the sofa.

He had barely taken two steps when there was another commotion of footsteps at the door, mixed with cursing voices.

Then, over twenty burly men crowded into the room.

Among these people were Old Qian’s men, who had been chasing the assailant downstairs, but clearly, they hadn’t even caught a glimpse of a shadow.

There were also Old Chef Zheng’s men, who had heard about the incident and wanted to come up to ensure Old Chef Zheng’s safety.

The whole room was in an uproar.

And I, lit a cigarette and sat leisurely beside the card table, smoking.

Today’s game was indeed lively.

Even if you bought a ticket, you probably wouldn’t see such an exciting scene.

Outside the main door, one of Old Qian’s men shouted into the room:

“Eighth Brother, we saw the person who chopped Brother Wu…”

At that statement, the room suddenly fell silent.

Old Qian immediately turned his head and said to the crowded men at the door:

“Make way, let him in!”

Three panting men entered the room, all out of breath.

“Speak, who was it? Was it Zhao Ping?”

Old Qian asked with a dark face.

One of the men immediately blurted out:

“Eighth Brother, it was Zhao Ping. He was wearing a black T-shirt and a black hat. He left through the side door of the hotel. We wanted to chase him, but he ran very fast and got into a silver-gray Jetta. It was too dark; we didn’t see the license plate clearly…”

Old Chef Zheng, who had just taken out his phone, was stunned.

He stood there, puzzled.

Zhao Ping had clearly told him he was going back to the card room to deal with some disputes.

How could he suddenly come back, chop Yin Wu, and then run away?

Could it really be him?

At this moment, even Old Chef Zheng was starting to doubt.

“Old Chef Zheng, what the fuck do you have to say now?”

Old Qian’s eyes were blazing as he roared.

Then, turning to his men, he ordered:

“Lock the door! Today, I’m going to settle this once and for all!”

Old Qian’s men were all excited, eager to rush forward and chop Old Chef Zheng into mincemeat.

But Old Chef Zheng’s men immediately stood in front of him, glaring fiercely at the opposition.

At this moment, the balance of power in the room was clearly in favor of Old Qian.

At least in terms of numbers, he had many more men than Old Chef Zheng.

Old Chef Zheng tried to calm himself down and pleaded with Old Qian:

“Old Qian, don’t be impulsive, there must be some misunderstanding. Listen to me. As long as I call Zhao Ping over, everything will be clear…”

I took a drag on my cigarette and sneered inwardly.

Now that Old Qian was hesitating to make a move, it wasn’t because he believed Old Chef Zheng’s words.

He was worried about the three million on the card table.

Once a fight broke out, in the chaos, it was hard to ensure the money would be safe.


Since they weren’t making a move yet, I’d help them along.

I began to silently count down in my mind.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6…”

But I was wrong this time.

I thought something would happen when I reached “1”.

However, I had just counted to six when suddenly, with a scream, everyone in the room gasped in unison.

The entire building suddenly lost power.

The whole room was plunged into darkness.

The crowd inside immediately became restless.

I slowly extinguished my cigarette and picked up the ashtray from the table.

I hurled it towards the crowd at the door.


I didn’t know who it hit, but a scream followed.

Then someone cursed:

“Motherfucker, dare to hit me, kill him…”

The room instantly descended into chaos.

There were shouts, sounds of fighting, and slashing.

All mixed together, it was quite a spectacle.

“Charge to the door, protect Boss Zheng…”

I didn’t know which of Old Chef Zheng’s men was shouting orders.

The brawl immediately moved from inside the room to the doorway.

The door was also opened.

The emergency lights in the corridor emitted a faint glow.

Under the dim light, the two groups fought desperately.

The four swindlers at the card table had already disappeared.

And I slowly put the money into the suitcase.

Carrying the suitcase, I walked out through the side door inside.

The corridor was still in turmoil.

Old Chef Zheng, covered in blood and desperately protected by two of his men, finally made it out.

But Old Qian’s men were still in hot pursuit.

I slowly made my way to my room.

Passing by the emergency exit, a strong scent of perfume wafted out.

I was very familiar with this scent.

It was the same scent from the woman with the rose tattoo I had encountered earlier.

Pushing open the door, sure enough, I saw Big Back and the Rose Woman.

The two were hugging a suitcase full of money, looking panicked as they hid behind the door.

My sudden appearance startled them.

Seeing it was me, the Rose Woman immediately asked:

“You, you’re out? Are you okay?”

I shook my head slightly.

“If you’re all fine, how could I be in trouble?”

The Rose Woman quickly said:

“That’s good, we’re leaving now!”

With that, the two of them, holding the money case, were about to go downstairs.


I suddenly said.

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