Chapter 76 – Difference in height

This hand, I dealt myself an Ace-high flush.

The other four players, Rose Lady got a Queen-high flush.

Big Backhead and Eagle Nose both had mixed straights.

And He Huan, she had a pair of Kings.

Normally speaking,

I shouldn’t deal the cards this way.

A five-person table, everyone could follow for a few hands.

Although this situation isn’t rare,

everyone present is a swindler.

This kind of card pattern coming out, it’s bound to make them more vigilant.

But, I had no choice.

Right now, I must win some first.

Otherwise, things might turn out worse today.

I placed the first bet.

Playing passively, I put down the top bet of five thousand.

Big Backhead was the next player.

He glanced at me and said with a serious face:

“Young man, you play fiercely, starting with five thousand. I’ll call…”

Saying so, he tossed five thousand yuan towards the card table.

When it was He Huan’s turn,

she was very cautious.

First, she looked at her cards, a pair of Kings.

Against a passive play, this hand could follow for two rounds.

But without any hesitation, she surprisingly discarded her cards.

And also, she deliberately looked up at me.

I knew.

She guessed I was cheating.

But she still hoped that I could help her win some.

However, I didn’t give her any response.

Her next player was the woman with the rose tattoo on her chest.

She smiled faintly and called the bet passively.

The last player was Eagle Nose, and he chose to call as well.

This hand was interesting.

Two people from Fengtian,

thinking I would follow Old Chef Zheng’s instructions and let one of them win.

And Eagle Nose, under Old Qian’s command,

was completely cooperating with me, hoping to help me raise the bet for a few rounds, up to the full bet.

It didn’t matter which one of us won.

The four of us kept betting five thousand each round.

After a few rounds,

the money on the table reached a hundred thousand.

And Old Qian and Old Chef Zheng were also standing by the card table.

Both of them looked quite relaxed.

After all, it was just the beginning of the game.

No matter who won, it was justifiable.

“A hundred thousand now, let’s compare cards!”

Big Backhead still had a serious face, and he revealed his cards directly.

He had a 9, 10, J mixed straight.

Eagle Nose also showed his cards.

A 5, 6, 7 mixed straight.

The woman with the rose tattoo looked at her cards.

With a seductive smile and a twist of her body, she said:

“It seems, I win this hand, King flush…”

Saying so, she also revealed her cards.

And I, pretending to check my cards, then said:

“Sorry, yours isn’t big enough, I have an Ace flush!”

Saying that, I showed my cards and collected the money.

A total of a hundred thousand yuan on the table, now belonged to me.

Rose Lady and Big Backhead both stared at me.

I guessed, they must be wondering.

How I managed to cheat.

And also, why I didn’t let them win.

But I, without looking at them, continued to shuffle.

“Handsome, you’re quite lucky…”

Rose Lady said to me, suddenly speaking up.

“Not bad!”

I replied indifferently.

“What’s your name?”

Rose Lady was already curious about me.

The reason was simple, she couldn’t figure out my cheating technique.

“Chu Liu!”

“Heh, are you kidding me? Chu Liu, I’m fifteen, in the first lunar month!”

Rose Lady thought I was deceiving her with a fake name.

Saying so, she even gave me a white look.

But I didn’t take it seriously.

In my mind, I was silently calculating the time.

Because my plan had already begun.

I guessed.

It wouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Someone should come in.

Sure enough, before I finished dealing the cards,

the door was pushed open with force.

Yin Wufeng stormed in.

Upon reaching our room, he started making a fuss, saying to Old Qian:

“Eighth Brother, all the rooms are damn full. I’m going to the bar in the lobby. Call me if there’s anything…”

Old Qian nodded slightly.

This was why I had booked the entire room today.

Because both of them had brought quite a few subordinates.

To prevent the other from getting desperate and playing dirty if they lost.

And I couldn’t let their subordinates rest in the room.

I needed to drive them downstairs, or to the entrance.

So that the plan below could be carried out smoothly.

The card game continued.

I won another twenty or thirty thousand.

Including the previous hand,

I had already won about a hundred thousand.

I then stopped cheating.

Keeping the money I won under a hundred thousand.

Because, winning this hundred thousand would be mine.

But beyond that, it was hard to say.

The card game proceeded tepidly.

And I, smoking a cigarette, was still calculating the time in my mind.

According to my plan, within five minutes.

The second person to knock on the door would come.

Sure enough, before five minutes were up,

there was another knock on the door.

The person who came in was Old Chef Zheng’s subordinate, Quick Knife Zhao Ping.

He wore a black long-sleeved T-shirt.

On his head, he also wore a black duckbill cap.

As soon as he entered, he went to Old Chef Zheng’s side.

He whispered a few words in his ear.

Old Chef Zheng, who was still smiling, his expression changed slightly. He nodded and said:

“Handle it, go and come back quickly…”

After Zhao Ping left, without waiting for Old Qian to ask,

Old Chef Zheng took the initiative to say:

“There’s a little problem in my small card room. I’ve asked Zhao Ping to handle it…”

I knew.

Old Chef Zheng said this to dispel Old Qian’s doubts.

In case Old Qian thought he was arranging something disadvantageous to Old Qian.

If Old Qian became suspicious and caused other troubles.

Old Qian looked doubtful.

He nodded and didn’t say anything.

The card game was still going on tepidly.

The four players at the table were getting restless.

They started to get tricky.

The first one to get tricky was He Huan.

When she shuffled, she used the perfect shuffle method.

Around the year 2000,

in the northern regions, not many people knew the perfect shuffle method.

But that didn’t mean the swindlers at the table didn’t understand.

After just three shuffles,

Rose Lady sneered and hinted at He Huan:

“Beauty, your shuffling technique is quite special. It looks pretty beautiful…”

With that “beautiful” word,

she had already revealed everything.

He Huan’s face changed color, but she didn’t speak.

And Big Backhead snorted coldly, still with a serious face, he said:

“Playing these little tricks, are you trying to take advantage of us outsiders?”

Shuffling techniques,

strictly speaking, are cheating.

But if you can’t completely articulate the sequence of cards the opponent has shuffled,

then even if you catch them, it’s useless.

The opponent just needs to deny it, and you have no way to prove it.


Big Backhead and Rose Lady couldn’t articulate it at all.

They could only use this method to warn He Huan.

He Huan’s face looked somewhat ugly.

Her partner, Eagle Nose, suddenly spoke up.

“What’s the use of talking about this and that? If you think she’s cheating, catch her. If you can’t catch her, I think you’d better shut up!”

This kind of talk was already a provocation.

Big Backhead’s eyes narrowed.

He glared at Eagle Nose.

“Are you guys bullying too much, not even letting people talk?”

You could feel it.

This Big Backhead had a bit of a temper.

As he spoke,

he also stood up.

Looking like he was ready to blow up the game at any moment.

This scene was completely unexpected to me.

But I didn’t care.

I lit a cigarette and leisurely smoked.

Acting indifferent, enjoying the show.

It was Old Chef Zheng who immediately spoke up.

“Old Gao, calm down. Without evidence, it’s meaningless to talk…”

Old Qian obviously didn’t want the game to blow up at this time either.

He was about to speak.

Suddenly, a noisy wailing sound came from the corridor.


the door was kicked open with force.

A group of people charged in furiously.

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