Chapter 73 – Opening

The thieving techniques of the Honor Sect are varied.

There are the barehanded, the thread slip, the willow tools, and so on.

Barehanded means relying solely on manual dexterity, without any tools.

Thread slip refers to experts in slipping through doors and picking locks.

Perhaps a single silk thread could unlock hundreds of different locks.

Willow tools are what Little Duo specializes in.

She’s adept with quick blades or tweezers and the like.

Let me add one more thing.

In the past, those who dared to claim affiliation with the Honor Sect

Were definitely not petty thieves or burglars.

Generally, they were master thieves with exceptional skills.

Seeing me like this,

Little Duo asked with some dissatisfaction:

“Chu Liu, don’t tell me this isn’t enough?”

The girl called me by my name directly.

Her defiant side was immediately on display.

I remained calm, replying indifferently:

“Right, it’s not enough!”

“What kind of standard are you looking for then?”

I glanced at the book in my hand and said lightly:

“It doesn’t matter how, I want two cuts, three halves!”

What’s meant by two cuts, three halves,

Is that whether you cut horizontally or vertically,

Two cuts must ensure the book is split into three parts.

My attitude made Little Duo somewhat unhappy.

She rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction and said:

“I thought you were asking for something much harder. Come on, I’ll give you three cuts, six halves!”

I slowly extended my arm, holding the book level.

As Little Duo approached me,

Her hand swept across.

Two swift horizontal cuts.

Her speed was extremely fast.

In an instant, the book was cut at the waist into three sections.

One section remained in my hand.

The other two sections fell rapidly.

They fell quickly,

But to my surprise,

Little Duo was even faster.

I saw her suddenly raise her hand.

A flash of silver light between her fingers.

From top to bottom, as the blade moved,

With a few “snap” sounds,

Five halves of the book fell to the ground.

And in my hand, only a corner of the book remained.

Old Hei was completely dumbfounded.

He stood there, stunned,

Unable to even utter “damn.”

My expression remained calm.

But inside, I was tumultuous.

I knew this girl’s blade was fast.

The last time I caught her,

She had said that if she hadn’t held back,

Old Hei’s hand would have been useless.

I believe it!

But I never imagined

Her blade could be this fast.

“Is this enough now, Master Chu Liu?”

Little Duo’s proud words carried a teasing tone.


I nodded.

“Good, then give your orders. What do you need me to do?”

The girl knew I was here to ask her to do something.

So I told Little Duo my plan.

Of course, I only told her the parts she needed to do.

As for the rest of the plan, I didn’t share with Little Duo.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her.

It was just a habit.

As Master Liu would say,

The wind moves, words travel.

Never say what shouldn’t be said.

After leaving the hospital, I called Old Smoker Brother Zhu.

As soon as the call connected, I heard Brother Zhu’s lazy voice.

“Bro, what’s up?”

By the sound of it, Brother Zhu must have just woken up.

“Just a small favor, I need to trouble Brother Zhu!”

I said directly.

Brother Zhu didn’t ask for details, he simply said:

“Meet me at the Jingxiang Club on Central Street…”

Old Hei drove me to Central Street.

He waited in the car while I entered the club alone.

Even though it was noon,

The club was still dim and dark.

The entire hall had a mix of tobacco and alcohol smells.

It was unpleasant.

The remnants of last night’s revelry.

Old Smoker Brother Zhu was leaning on a sofa in a corner.

He was covered with a coat, his hair a mess.

A cigarette dangled from his mouth.

Seeing him like this,

He must have slept here last night.

It seems Tao Hua was right.

Brother Zhu is currently just a bouncer.

His life is truly average.

After I approached, Brother Zhu offered me a cigarette.

His lackey immediately came over to light it for me.

“Bro, what’s the matter, just tell me…”

I took a drag of the cigarette and didn’t speak.

Brother Zhu immediately understood and told the two lackeys beside him:

“Get out, I have something to discuss…”

Once the two lackeys left,

I then spoke to Brother Zhu:

“In two days, I’d like to ask Brother Zhu to help with something!”

“Who’s the target? Do you want something from him, or just to teach him a lesson?”

Brother Zhu asked directly.

He thought I was looking for him to rough someone up, which fit his former enforcer identity.

I shook my head slightly.

“It’s not that. I just need Brother Zhu to make an appearance…”

Brother Zhu was a bit confused.

So I explained my request to him.

Actually, what I needed him to do wasn’t much.

And it was quite simple.

After I finished, I took out twenty thousand yuan from my pocket and placed it on his table.

Brother Zhu glanced at the money and said:

“Bro, it’s a small matter, no need!”

“Keep it!”

I gently tapped the two stacks of money.

“That’s too much!”

“It’s not, just a few boxes of cigarettes!”

Brother Zhu hesitated, then said:

“Frankly, I shouldn’t take this money. But times are tough. I’ll take it for now. You can rest assured about the job, there won’t be any slip-ups…”

I waved my hand, indicating there was no need for more words.

This time I was asking for Brother Zhu’s help, not a partnership.

I had to give him money.

If money can talk, why owe someone a favor?

According to my plan to break the game,

I had already arranged everything that needed to be arranged.

But in the entire plan,

There was one variable.

That was Old Qian’s female swindler, He Huan.

She had said last time that she wanted to cooperate with me against Old Qian.

But I didn’t agree.

To put it simply, I didn’t trust her.

On the way back with Old Hei, I detailed what he needed to do.

Just as I finished, my phone rang.

It was He Huan calling.

As soon as the call connected, He Huan said directly:

“Chu Liu, do you have time? Let’s meet and talk?”

“Just say it over the phone…”

I coldly refused.

He Huan hesitated, then said:

“It’s about what I mentioned before, let’s work together against Old Qian. Rest assured, I’ve thought through the plan, it’s foolproof. Once it’s done, you’ll get seventy percent, I only want thirty percent! And I promise, the money you’ll get won’t be less than a million!”

The offer was tempting.

But often behind temptation lies endless danger.

I replied indifferently:

“Sorry, I’m not interested!”

With that, I was about to hang up.

“Wait a minute…”

He Huan hurriedly said.

“You don’t have to cooperate. But could you promise me one thing…”


“At the gambling den, could you ensure that I win a bit more?”

Let her win more?

Normally speaking,

Whatever we win is Old Qian’s anyway.

So why would He Huan make such a request?

I had a vague feeling of what she was planning.

“We’ll see how it goes!”

I didn’t agree, but I didn’t refuse either.

The night is dark, the world is complex.

And more complex than the world, are the hearts of people.

This He Huan, absolutely unreliable.

Two days passed in a flash.

This morning, I deliberately changed into a new suit.

Tonight, this game is about to begin.

For me, it seems like a dead end.

If there’s no chance to break the game,

My path in the Blue Path of Harbin North will become extremely difficult.

Because, with my strength,

I simply can’t contend with either Old Qian or Old Chef Zheng.

Not to mention, this time it’s both of them.

Just as I finished getting ready,

My phone rang.

Without looking, I could guess who it was.

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