Chapter 65 – A dagger hidden in smiles

The man was also dressed in a dark suit.

He wasn’t particularly tall, about 1.7 meters.

But he was solidly built.

He was even holding a pair of sunglasses in his hand.

As soon as he entered, his face was cold.

He looked like he could explode at any moment.

Brother Zhao, the manager, was visibly surprised to see the man.

He immediately stood up and politely said to the man:

“Uncle Tong, what brings you here?”

Uncle Tong’s face was gloomy, and he didn’t speak.

Meanwhile, a girl named Lingling quickly ran to Li Dabiao’s side.

First, she looked him up and down with concern, then she hurriedly asked:

“Dabiao, are you alright? They didn’t do anything to you, did they?”

Li Dabiao’s tears had just dried, but at Lingling’s question,

His tears came flooding out again.

“Lingling, I thought I’d never see you again…”

As he spoke, the two embraced tightly.

This scene,

Made me feel sick to my stomach.

Li Dabiao, this despicable man,

Now pretending to be affectionate, playing this girl.

And that Uncle Tong, also slowly walked up to Li Dabiao.

He remained silent, but his gaze at Li Dabiao was fierce.

The two quickly let go.

Li Dabiao hurriedly wiped away his tears.

“Uncle Tong…”

He called out softly.


A crisp slap echoed.

Everyone present was taken aback.

We all thought,

Uncle Tong must have come to settle things for Li Dabiao.

But unexpectedly, he started by slapping Li Dabiao.

“Dad, what are you doing? Why did you hit him?”

Lingling glared, questioning discontentedly.

It turned out that Lingling was Uncle Tong’s daughter.

“Li Dabiao, I’ve told you before. I’ve always disapproved of you and Lingling being together. But Lingling was set on you, asking me to give you a chance, to evaluate you. Fine, I agreed. But look at you, not only a compulsive gambler, but also caught cheating. With your behavior, how can you be worthy of Lingling?”


Li Dabiao knelt down in front of Uncle Tong.

Tears streaming down as he confessed:

“Uncle Tong, please, give me another chance. I just got carried away. I promise, there won’t be a next time!”

Uncle Tong’s face was cold.

Suddenly, he raised his foot.

It looked like he was about to kick Li Dabiao hard.

But Lingling quickly stepped in front of Li Dabiao.

She stretched out her hands to block, glaring at her father.

“Dad, what are you doing? I asked you to come to help solve the problem. If you’re going to be like this, I don’t need you to interfere. Just go. If they want to chop or kill, I’ll stand by Dabiao…”

As she spoke, Lingling helped Li Dabiao up.

Then she glared at Brother Zhao, posing righteously:

“Tell me, what do you want to do? Chop off a hand, or a foot? Just chop me along with him…”

Lingling was somewhat spoiled and arrogant.

Clearly, she had been pampered at home.

But Li Dabiao, he had some tricks up his sleeve.

To make Lingling so devoted to him.

Brother Zhao didn’t speak, just glanced at Uncle Tong.

Uncle Tong’s face turned livid with anger.

But he couldn’t possibly leave his daughter here alone.

He suppressed his rage and asked Brother Zhao:

“How do you want to handle this?”

Brother Zhao smiled slightly and said:

“Originally, we were going to follow the rules. But now that Uncle Tong is here, I can’t make the decision. Let’s have Boss Zheng talk with Uncle Tong…”

With that,

He signaled to someone beside him.

That person immediately went out to find the boss.

It wasn’t long before,

The door was pushed open again.

A familiar figure walked in from outside.

Brother Zhao immediately went up to him, respectfully saying:

“Boss Zheng, Uncle Tong is here…”

Seeing Boss Zheng, I was taken aback.

Boss Zheng was fat, of average height.

He wore a white tank top and black shorts.

But the tank top was stained with grease.

He had an apron tied around his waist.

The apron strings seemed a bit short.

They dug into his plump belly, leaving a deep mark.

In his hand, he carried a bloody cleaver.

I never would have guessed.

That Boss Zheng was the head chef.

When I arrived, he was still chopping ribs in the kitchen.

Yet this unassuming chef,

Was the owner of this bustling gambling den.

“Old Tong, you’re a rare visitor, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. I just chopped a chicken, shall we have a drink later?”

Boss Zheng, holding the cleaver, said with a hearty laugh.

And the blood from the cleaver was slowly dripping down.

Uncle Tong’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.

But he still said:

“No drinks! There’s a matter today, I need your help…”

“Speak! You don’t have to be polite with me…”

“This dog…”

Uncle Tong didn’t finish his sentence.Turning around, Master Liu pointed at the trembling Li Dabiao beside him.

“This kid was caught cheating in your gambling den. He’s a friend of my daughter. I was thinking, could I take him back first? We can settle the rest slowly…”

“What’s going on?”

Boss Zheng turned to ask Brother Zhao.

Brother Zhao immediately recounted the events.

Boss Zheng still wore a smile.

But I didn’t believe for a second.

That he was unaware of the incident.

From the moment he entered, holding a bloody kitchen knife, talking about chopping chickens and the like.

All of it, clearly meant for Uncle Tong and Li Dabiao to hear.

Master Liu once said.

In the world, there are a thousand faces for a thousand people.

But there is one kind of person.

You must be wary of.

This kind of person, always with a smile on their face.

No matter who they meet, they greet with a grin.

But behind that smile.

Could be hidden a storm of ice and blades.

After listening, Boss Zheng waved his hand grandly.

And laughed heartily:

“Uncle Tong, I thought it was something serious. Such a trivial matter, and you came all this way in person. Since you’ve spoken, I must give you face…”

Saying so.

Boss Zheng pulled out a cigarette and offered it to Uncle Tong.

After lighting up.

Boss Zheng took a deep drag.

On his plump face, a smile unfathomable.

Suddenly, he changed the subject, continuing:

“But you know, Uncle Tong, we who run gambling dens must have rules. Without rules, wouldn’t all sorts of demons and monsters from all over come to fish in troubled waters in my den? Tell me, can my small business withstand such turmoil?”

I had to admit.

Boss Zheng was an expert.

His words were watertight.

He refused Uncle Tong.

And his reasoning was irrefutable.

In reality, he hadn’t given Uncle Tong any face at all.

Uncle Tong, an old hand in the world, how could he not understand Boss Zheng’s meaning?

His face clouded over as he asked Boss Zheng:

“So what are you saying, Boss Zheng?”

Boss Zheng chuckled again.

“What can I mean? Of course, I want to help you resolve this. How about this, Uncle Tong? For your sake, I won’t take the kid’s hands or feet. Just pay 500,000, and you can take him away!”


I was shocked.

Not to mention Li Dabiao’s hands.

Even his life wasn’t worth 500,000.

Anger flickered in Uncle Tong’s eyes.

“500,000? Boss Zheng, aren’t you asking for too much?”

“Ha ha ha, Uncle Tong. Who doesn’t know you’re Qi’s number one confidant? You’ve been with Qi for so many years. To you, isn’t 500,000 just a drop in the bucket?”


This was the first time I heard the name.

But I could sense.

That this Qi must also be a significant figure in Harbin North.

“Boss Zheng, don’t you think you’re being unreasonable?”

Uncle Tong said coldly.

Boss Zheng still wore a smile, leisurely saying:

“What are you talking about, Uncle Tong? How is this unreasonable? Do you remember, fourteen years ago, by the Liu Jin River. You and a dozen others chased me with knives, and you were the most enthusiastic. I checked; you stabbed me thirteen times. Up to now, I haven’t said you were unreasonable, have I?”

“And four years ago, you and Qi’s eldest son, Qi Chengqiao, got drunk. You smashed my brand-new car. I didn’t ask you for a penny, nor did I call you unreasonable, right?”

Saying this, Boss Zheng laughed heartily.

Swinging the bloody kitchen knife in his hand, he added:

“You see, I’m a simple man, broad-minded and easy-going. I don’t hold grudges; what’s past is past. But rules, we still have to follow…”

A smile that hides a knife.

And the knife, still bloody.

Uncle Tong’s face turned ashen.

At this point.

It was no longer about Li Dabiao’s cheating.

It was a direct issue between him and Boss Zheng.

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