Chapter 56 – Acting

After just a few hours of play, Tao Hua had lost over twenty thousand, no wonder she was seething with anger.

“Did you spot anything wrong with that fatso?”

Tao Hua asked directly, her face full of resentment.


I shook my head.

I didn’t tell Tao Hua the truth.

I knew very well that today’s cheater couldn’t be caught.

The reason was simple.

First, it was just the two of us trying to catch the cheater today.

And at the card table, there were three people cheating.

No matter who we caught, if the others turned against us, we would be helpless.

If it came to blows, we would be the ones at a disadvantage.

Second, I noticed they were all very polite to Brother Zhu.

His status in this circle must be quite high.

Moreover, Brother Zhu seemed to have a lot of gambling rounds.

Just in a short while, he had taken four or five calls, all for playing cards.

If I could get in touch with Brother Zhu.

Then I could join their games legitimately.

Tao Hua was so angry she was itching to bite something.

But she dared not raise her voice.

She could only lower her voice and swallow her anger as she complained:

“Su Mei, I asked her to find me an expert, and she just randomly picks someone to fool me. Fine, from now on, she can forget about me bringing her any clients…”

Although Tao Hua was also dissatisfied with me.

Her biggest anger was still directed at Su Mei.

I found it somewhat amusing.

Blaming others for her own lack of ability.

But still, I asked Tao Hua with a cold face.

“Do you want to catch the cheater or win money?”


Tao Hua answered crisply.

I sneered inwardly.

This woman, truly greedy.

“Forget about catching the cheater, but winning money, I still have a way…”

I couldn’t catch the cheater today.

But having accompanied them for so long, I wasn’t willing to just leave like this.

After all, I needed money now.

As long as I helped Tao Hua break even, she would have to pay me that fifty thousand.

Hearing what I said, Tao Hua’s eyes lit up, and she quickly said:

“You mean, you’ll go up there and win the money back for me?”

I shook my head again.

If I went up now.

Winning a small amount of money was possible.

But if I won too much, these three swindlers might become alert.

“So how do I win?”

“After we go back, pay attention to my actions. If I signal you to follow, you follow; if I signal you to fold, you fold. Don’t worry about winning or losing, just do as I say…”

I taught Tao Hua a few hand signals.

Since it was a last-minute decision.

I deliberately simplified the signals she used for playing Mahjong with the Nine-section whip.

This would make it easier for her to remember quickly.

Although Tao Hua understood the signals.

She was still confused.

She had many questions she wanted to ask me.

Like, how could I guarantee winning money without playing?

But it wasn’t good for us to spend too much time outside either.

So she nodded in agreement and whispered.

“Don’t worry, if Sister Hua wins, I definitely won’t shortchange you…”

The signals I gave her totaled five.

Play passively, follow, fold, raise, and reveal cards.

This method of passing signals, even without knowing any swindler techniques.

Just relying on the cooperation of two or three people, could significantly increase the winning odds at the card table.

Women are born actresses.

And Sister Hua even more so.

As soon as we returned.

Sister Hua’s face was stretched long.

Giving the impression to the others.

As if a woman had really called me.

And Sister Hua had caught me, and she was angry.

She played a few more rounds sullenly.

Suddenly, Sister Hua slammed down her cards.

“I’m done, this is pointless!”

The card game was in full swing.

But Sister Hua suddenly said she didn’t want to play.

The other four were stunned, looking at her.

The fat man even directly asked:

“What’s wrong, Sister Hua, really mad at your little boyfriend?”

Sister Hua glanced in my direction without a word.

“Come on, why be mad at him? Three-legged toads are hard to find, but there’s no shortage of two-legged men, right? If not, look at us, who do you fancy? We can make an effort to keep you company for a few days…”

The fat man’s words made everyone laugh.

Sister Hua rolled her eyes and said again:

“Raise the stakes, play big. I’m in a bad mood today, just want to lose money. Losing this money is better than spending it on an ungrateful person…”

As she spoke, Sister Hua deliberately glared in my direction.

Her performance was flawless.

The stakes of the card game were raised.

A base bet of five hundred, play passively for two thousand, capped at thirty thousand.

Some might wonder.

I’m not at the table, the cards have no marks.

And there are three swindlers at the table.

How could I ensure Sister Hua wins money?

Actually, it’s not difficult.

First of all, I had observed.

The way these five people shuffled the cards was almost the same.

They had a habit of revealing a corner of the poker cards.With this, I can clearly remember the order of the cards.

Moreover, the little flat-top’s cheating can only happen when it’s his turn to deal, and he can only peek at the cards through his ring.

And I’ve told Sister Hua about it.

As long as the little flat-top shuffles, you keep a close eye on him.

With the little flat-top’s mental fortitude, he wouldn’t dare to look too much.

As for Brother Zhu and the fatty’s way of playing.

It’s actually using six cards against someone else’s three.

The odds of winning are high.

But it’s impossible to switch cards every round.

At the same time, I also know what their cards are.

What’s the biggest hand they can make.

If Sister Hua can’t beat them, she should immediately discard.

This way, we can ensure that we don’t lose money unfairly.

The card game started again.

Sister Hua also gradually got into the groove.

Our cooperation became more and more tacit.

In just over two hours.

She won several full bets of thirty thousand.

By my estimation, she must have won back at least a hundred thousand by now.

Of course, I couldn’t let her follow without seeing until the end whenever she had a good hand.

I would have her look at her cards and actively compare with others.

Sometimes, even when she had the highest hand, I would choose to have her discard.

Sister Hua, having cheated in Mahjong before, understood my approach very well.

And she played her part brilliantly.

For instance, in one round, she had two Kings.

The highest hand on the table.

Three players called.

After three rounds of calling, I signaled her to discard.

The other two players compared cards, and it turned out that a pair of Queens won.

Sister Hua then beat her chest and stamped her feet, pretending to be full of regret.

She even deliberately took the pair of Kings out of the discard pile.

To show everyone that she had the highest hand.

And that she discarded because of a misjudgment.

Time at the card table flies the fastest.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past four in the morning.

Sister Hua had won a total of over two hundred thousand.

The most ridiculous thing.

And what I least expected.

The biggest losers turned out to be Brother Zhu and the fatty.

Together, they must have lost one hundred and fifty to sixty thousand.

You could feel that the fatty’s mentality had changed.

He kept slamming the table.

Or signaling to Brother Zhu to switch cards.

But the little flat-top hadn’t lost.

Instead, he had won ten to twenty thousand.

As the card game neared its end.

I noticed Brother Zhu kept glancing in my direction now and then.

Because the signal this time was prepared on the fly.

I only set this one.

Without cheating, just a careful old gambler observing us could easily spot something amiss.

I then signaled Tao Hua to prepare to leave.

Tao Hua understood my gesture.

She yawned several times in a row, putting on a tired look, and lazily said:

“That’s about it for today, I’ll play with you guys for the last three rounds, let’s see who has the skill to win! I have things to do tomorrow, I need to go back to sleep…”

Although the others had lost money.

But with Tao Hua saying so, even if they were unhappy, they couldn’t say anything else.

In the last few rounds, I no longer gave Tao Hua any signals.

I let her play as she wished based on the cards.

In the last round, it was the little flat-top’s turn to deal.

He dealt the cards as before.

But I noticed something was off.

Brother Zhu seemed to be staring at Tao Hua all the time.

I felt a bit strange.

And had a bad premonition.


There was a loud “bang.”

The fatty slammed the table hard.

Then, he stood up and shouted:

“You motherfucker are cheating!”

At this time, everyone was a bit sleepy.

The room had been quiet.

His sudden shout startled everyone.

Of course, except for Brother Zhu.

Tao Hua reacted quickly.

Upon hearing the fatty’s accusation, she immediately leaned over, grabbed the money on the table, and said:

“You’re the one farting, you motherfucker are the one cheating!”

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