Chapter 54 – I frowned slightly

Su Mei clearly didn’t expect to see me here.

She glanced at me and asked in surprise:

“Why are you here?”

Before I could speak,

Tao Hua giggled flirtatiously and asked:

“Hey, what’s wrong with him being here with me? Su Mei, are you so petty, worried that I’ll seduce a little virgin?”

Tao Hua kept referring to me as a little virgin.

It made me feel disgusted inside.

My tone became even harsher as I said with a cold face:

“Sister Hua, I don’t like this nickname!”

Tao Hua deliberately glanced at Su Mei and said with a mischievous smile:

“Alright, alright, if you don’t like it, I won’t call you that. You’re not a little virgin, okay?”


I’m not one to deal with women in the first place.

Facing such a wanton woman, I was even more at a loss for words.

“Let’s go upstairs to talk…”

Su Mei said.

But Tao Hua immediately shook her head.

“It’s too much trouble to go upstairs, let’s just talk here. I’ll leave after we’re done…”

With that, Tao Hua sent the technicians and waiters away.

In the hall, only the three of us remained.

I wanted to leave too.

But Tao Hua kept prattling on.

I could only wait for her to finish, greet them, and then leave.

“Su Mei, what kind of spotter did you find for me? I went to three gambling rounds with him, and he didn’t notice anything, causing me to lose over a hundred thousand. I think you’re just brushing me off. Let me tell you, if you can’t find an expert, don’t blame me for not bringing customers to your gambling den anymore…”

Tao Hua’s words cleared up a confusion for me.

No wonder Su Mei, knowing that Tao Hua was The Swindler, didn’t expose her and still accompanied her to play Mahjong.

It turns out Tao Hua was playing the role of a broker.

She could bring a lot of gambling customers to the casino.

Seeing Su Mei’s attitude towards her, I guessed that Tao Hua must have brought in quite a few high rollers.

Don’t underestimate the brokers.

They’re not just intermediaries who pull in gambling customers.

Their role is significant.

For a gambling den, especially a new one,

to thrive with business booming and high rollers filling the seats,

relying solely on regulars and individual players is not enough.

It’s essential to have these brokers with a large customer base to inject fresh blood into the gambling den.

The famous Macau Gambling King, Mr. He, once humbly said that he was not a Gambling King but a broker.

And of the income of all Macau casinos,

over twenty percent comes from this group of brokers.

Among The Swindler Sect’s Eight Generals, there’s also this role, called the Promoter, also known as “Pondside Crane.”

Hearing Tao Hua say this,

Su Mei immediately took Tao Hua’s hand with a coquettish tone and said:

“My Sister Hua, please don’t. How about this, I’ll find someone else for you today. I’ll definitely solve the problem for you…”

The back and forth dialogue between the two,

finally made me understand.

It turns out, Tao Hua had recently been involved in a gambling round.

She had lost tens of thousands before and after.

Although Tao Hua was not The Swindler, she was shrewd.

She felt something was off, so she found Su Mei.

She asked her to find a spotter to see if there was a problem with the round.

But after a few days, nothing was spotted.

Causing Tao Hua to lose some more money.

“Where is he? Where?”

Tao Hua asked immediately upon hearing this.

“Sister Hua, the person I’m going to find for you is not from our casino. But the twenty thousand you mentioned before as a reward is a bit low, he won’t agree. Can you add a bit more?”

“How much?”

“At least fifty thousand!”

“No problem, as long as he catches them, I’ll pay immediately! Where is he? Call him over…”

Su Mei glanced in my direction, unintentionally or not.

I knew she wanted me to go.

Although I didn’t have a good impression of Tao Hua,

I needed the money right now.

Fifty thousand, I could do it.

Seeing that I had no objections, Su Mei gestured towards me with a pout.

“See, here he is…”

Tao Hua looked at me, full of doubt.

“Are you kidding me?”

As soon as she finished speaking,

Tao Hua immediately realized.

She “whooshed” up from the sofa bed,

pointing at us, and said with a sudden realization:

“Ah, now I get it. No wonder you could score a Heavenly win that time and win over twenty thousand from me. You two were swindling together, weren’t you?”

Tao Hua never dreamed that I would be The Swindler.

Su Mei seemed to want to explain,

but it was impossible to clarify in a few words.

Su Mei could only smile and shake her head.

“It’s not what you think…”

“I don’t care, pay me back!”

“Alright, alright, Sister Hua. I’ll give you an extra half percent on this month’s rebate, okay?”

“That’s more like it!”

Tao Hua rolled her eyes, finally satisfied.

Knowing that I was going to help her catch The Swindler,

Tao Hua was still somewhat distrustful.

Although she didn’t say it,

I could still feel it.

On the way, chatting, Tao Hua told me what she actually did.

She said she was a broker.

But in reality, she was a pimp.

However, her kind of pimping was different from the usual madams.

She had a large group of girls.

College students, nurses, freelance models, flight attendants, and even some minor actresses, she had them all.

In modern terms, they’re called “outsourced.”

Expensive and high-quality.

She also got to know a bunch of high rollers through these girls.

She earned a broker’s fee from these high rollers first.

Then she introduced them to the casinos.

And she could get a substantial rebate.

This method is called “killing two birds with one stone.”

More accurately, “eating twice from the same plate.”

Seeing me listening intently, Tao Hua asked me with a smile:”Chu Liu, as long as you help Sister Hua catch The Swindler today, whatever type of girl you want, Sister Hua will arrange for you. If all else fails, Sister Hua can take the field herself, to show you what I’m capable of…”

I frowned slightly, smoking and looking out the car window.

I don’t like this kind of woman.

But Master Liu would definitely like her.

Seeing that I didn’t speak, Tao Hua teased me with a smile again.

“What, you look down on Sister Hua? Let me tell you, a famous poet once wrote a poem for me, praising your Sister Hua…”


I asked casually, trying to ease the awkwardness.

“Li Bai!”

I broke into a cold sweat.

Li Bai?

What’s that got to do with anything?

“The waters of Peach Blossom Pool are a thousand feet deep…”

With that, Tao Hua chuckled mischievously.

She gave me a meaningful glance.

I was speechless.

Tao Hua, peach blossoms.

Pool waters, fuck, a thousand feet deep.

Fuck it!

The card game Tao Hua was playing was at a private villa.

Before going there, Tao Hua took me to the supermarket.

She got me a new outfit.

Of course, her doing this wasn’t to give me a gift.

Nor did she have any other ideas about me.

It was just that my attire was too ordinary.

Bringing me to their game would obviously be inappropriate.

After dinner, we arrived at the villa.

The card game hadn’t started yet.

As soon as we entered the room dedicated to playing cards.

I saw four men drinking tea and chatting.

Clearly, they were waiting for Tao Hua to start the game.

A chubby man glanced at me.

Then he asked Tao Hua with a big laugh:

“Sister Hua, how often do you change the men by your side? How many days are you planning to keep this handsome guy?”

“It depends on the mood, depends on the skill! Whoever makes Tao Hua comfortable, I’ll keep them a few more days…”

Tao Hua said unabashedly.

And I, still with a cold face, remained silent.

These bastards.

They actually treated me as if I were one of Tao Hua’s playthings.

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