Chapter 51 – Nemesis has a way of meeting on a narrow road

Nemesis has a way of meeting on a narrow road.

I never expected to run into this relative who once treated me like a stray dog here.

He is my cousin, Li Dabiao.

Back in the day, he and his father, my uncle, used to beat me up, fists and sticks combined.

Those dark days of torment.

I will never forget.

For the two of them, father and son.

I only have hatred, deep hatred!

I tried hard to calm myself down.

Looking at him, I asked:

“Is my aunt doing well?”

I am still grateful to my aunt.

While shuffling the playing cards, Li Dabiao casually said:

“Don’t worry, she won’t die. With such a filial son like me, how could she not be well?”

Then, he glanced at me and asked:

“What are you doing now?”

“I’m a service worker at a bathhouse…”

Upon hearing that I was a service worker.

All the gambling customers at the table cast contemptuous glances at me.

“Why are you, a service worker, not working properly and running here?”

Li Dabiao still had that extremely contemptuous tone.

I remained silent and didn’t answer.

I could feel that Li Dabiao seemed to be doing quite well.

Dressed in designer clothes.

On his wrist, a Rolex Submariner.

Beside him was a girl.

Not particularly beautiful, but passable.

“Who is he?”

The girl next to Li Dabiao asked.

“My cousin, haven’t seen him for hundreds of years, I thought he was dead. But let me tell you, this kid is interesting. When he was a kid at my house, I beat him a lot. When I hit him, he was like a dead dog. Lying on the ground, not making a sound. This kid doesn’t have any other abilities, just fucking awesome at taking a beating, haha!”

Saying this, Li Dabiao burst into laughter.

The people at the card game also followed with a burst of laughter.

Li Dabiao seemed to enjoy this feeling.

He continued to speak proudly.

“Let me tell you, the things about his family, that’s really fun. His dad, seems to be a small-time swindler, hardly ever at home. Later, I don’t know what happened, someone chopped off his arms and legs. When he was sent back, his whole body was wrapped in white cloth, the white cloth was stained red with blood, like a big red meatball. Oh my, you didn’t see it, it was so miserable…”

Li Dabiao’s exaggerated actions and tone.

Provoked another round of laughter from the people around.

They all looked at me unanimously.

Their eyes were complex.

Curiosity, mockery, ridicule.

And I was ice cold all over.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably.

A surge of hatred enveloped me.

I wanted revenge.

I wanted to rush up and kill this bastard right now.

But I couldn’t.

I kept telling myself to calm down.

In my heart, I kept repeating the words Master Liu told me.

“Stay calm in the face of big events…”

I am a swindler.

Not a street thug, a gangster.

I will take revenge.

But not just simple fighting and killing.

I will use the swindler’s way.

Let him step by step into the abyss.

Until, he is beyond redemption.

Although Old Hei was far from me, he also noticed that something was wrong.

He came over with two loan sharks.

I immediately gave him a look, telling him not to move.

And I, deliberately acted like a fool.

Standing next to Li Dabiao’s table, watching the excitement.

Li Dabiao probably felt that provoking me was not interesting anymore.

He simply ignored me and focused on playing cards.

The game they were playing was called “Seam”.

This is the term used in Harbin North and the areas beyond.

In Zhejiang, Guangdong province, and Hong Kong, it’s called “Shooting the Dragon Gate”.

In some areas, it’s called “End of the Hot Pot”.

The rules are simple.

Everyone needs to place a bet, then two cards are dealt.

Take A and 6 for example.

If the third card dealt is a card between A and 6.

That is, 2345, it’s a win.

Anything other than the middle is a loss.

If the third card is A or 6, it’s called “hitting the pillar”.

You lose double.

If you get two adjacent cards without a gap, or a pair.

Then you lose as much as you bet, no cards are dealt.

As for how much you win, it depends on how much you bet.

For example, if there is a thousand in the pot.

You bet five hundred, if you win, you take five hundred.

If you lose, the five hundred is considered part of the pot.

I stood by and watched for a while.

And noticed something was wrong.

The cards on the table had been marked.

Marking, also known as “dropping solder”.

It refers to making marks on the playing cards.

There are many ways to mark cards.

You can use your fingernails, rings, etc.

To make subtle marks on the cards.

If you’re playing cards and encounter someone with sharp nails.

At this time, you must be careful.

There are also some more covert ones.

For example, using the hair wax rubbed on your head, or the oil next to your nose, to smear on the back of the playing cards.This method, however, required one to sit in a place with reflected light to see clearly.

And the technique of marking the cards on the table.

It was even more ingenious than the method mentioned above.

The marks on the cards were on the side.

Many people who play cards don’t pay attention to the side of the cards.

They think they can’t see it at all.

But in reality, if you tilt the card slightly, everything is clear as day.

After watching for a while longer.

I could confirm.

The one marking the cards was Li Dabiao.

I didn’t expect that after so many years of not seeing him.

He had actually learned this little trick.

Originally, I was thinking of finding an opportunity to join a game.

And wipe him out completely.

But now, I decided to change my strategy.

I was going to set a hook for Li Dabiao.

And slowly play him to death.

Anyone who fishes knows.

Once the bottom hook is bitten.

It’s definitely a big fish.

I gave Old Hei a look, and the two of us went downstairs.

After lighting a cigarette, Old Hei asked me:

“Who was that guy just now?”

“My cousin! But you don’t need to worry about that, you have a task later!”

“You mean…”

“Lose money!”

Old Hei laughed heartily.

“I’m good at that!”

Then, I laid out my plan.

In its entirety.

When we returned to the gambling den, Old Hei seemed even more arrogant.

And I, like a little follower, trailed behind him.

Our identities now.

He was the wealthy boss.

And I was his driver and follower.

Although many people in the gambling den recognized Old Hei.

But after all, they didn’t know what Old Hei was doing now.

Suddenly becoming rich, it was plausible.

Seeing me come back again.

Li Dabiao gave me a glance and mocked:

“I say, Chu Liu, you’re not playing even though you’re wandering around. What’s the matter, no money?”

I still pretended to be a fool.

Nodding at Li Dabiao.

“He’s out of money, am I out of money? What are you guys playing, count me in…”

Old Hei suddenly spoke up.

Li Dabiao was taken aback, he didn’t expect that I knew Old Hei.

Hearing Old Hei speak, he began to guess our relationship.

As Old Hei took out a cigarette, I immediately stepped forward to light it for him.

At the same time, I cautiously said:

“Brother Hei, he’s my cousin. They seem to be playing Seam…”

“Oh? Seam, how do you play that? If the stakes are too small, it’s not interesting…”

Old Hei’s acting was not bad.

He portrayed a pretentious fool perfectly.

Li Dabiao’s eyes lit up.

A fool was every gambler’s favorite prey.

“Bro, come sit here, I’ll explain the rules to you, it’s very simple…”

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