Chapter 48 – A towering one point

The entire VIP room was eerily quiet.

All eyes were focused on Nine Fingers’ dice cup.

As soon as Gao Zhiqiang finished speaking,

Nine Fingers lifted his hand, and the dice cup was already open.


Zou Xiaoxian, Su Mei, the dim light, the casino dealer, the waiter.

These people almost simultaneously let out a gasp of admiration.

The six dice in the cup.

They were stacked in a straight line, standing upright in the dice cup.

And the points on the top were a bright red one.

This technique is called “Pillar Holding up the Sky” in the Swindler Sect.

There are not a few people who can use the Pillar Holding up the Sky.

But at the same time, it is very difficult to control the points of the dice.

It must be admitted.

This Nine Fingers is an expert.

One point!

Nine Fingers won!

The casino dealer was about to take away the chips in front of Gao Zhiqiang.

Suddenly, Gao Zhiqiang shouted:

“Wait a minute!”

“What’s wrong? Not convinced?”

Nine Fingers asked indifferently.

Gao Zhiqiang, with a cold face, said angrily:

“You’re cheating, it’s against the rules…”

Nine Fingers sneered, looking at Gao Zhiqiang, and said leisurely:

“Against the rules? Whose rules? Who said before that the Pillar Holding up the Sky is not allowed? If the rules don’t say it, it’s tacit approval! You, you’re not trying to deny the debt, are you?”

The reason why Gao Zhiqiang said that Nine Fingers was cheating.

It’s because some dice games.

In order to prevent some people who can play fancy dice.

They specifically stipulate in advance that the dice cannot be shaken into a straight line.

Otherwise, it is considered cheating.

But this game, indeed, was not mentioned in advance.

Nine Fingers naturally can’t be considered as cheating.

But Gao Zhiqiang was still unconvinced, he pointed at the dice standing in front of Nine Fingers. He said somewhat angrily:

“You’re cheating! It’s just a Pillar Holding up the Sky, I can do this technique too…”

“Really? Then I’ll give you another chance, let you have another go…”

Nine Fingers said indifferently.

Gao Zhiqiang’s expression suddenly became tense.

In his serious eyes, there was a hint of fear.

After a moment of hesitation, he said forcefully:

“Fine, I’ll do it!”

He picked up the dice cup.

Gao Zhiqiang quickly collected the dice.

Unlike the previous technique.

This time, Gao Zhiqiang did not choose to shake the dice cup in the air.

Instead, he pulled it flat on the table, left and right.

Seeing this, I couldn’t help but frown.

Gao Zhiqiang’s path of the Swindler techniques had gone astray.

Because, this flat pulling technique belongs to the fancy dice technique.

It simply uses speed to make the dice move quickly in the dice cup.

When the dice hit the inside of the dice cup, they will stack together under the influence of speed and force.

As for how to judge whether the dice have been stacked into a straight line.

That’s even simpler.

It’s actually completely by sound.

When you start shaking, the sound in the dice cup will be chaotic.

And when the dice stack up, the sound becomes neat and orderly.

This technique, as a performance, is fine.

But to use it for gambling, it’s useless.

Because, it’s impossible to control the points.

Gao Zhiqiang is gambling.

At least, he still has a one in six chance.

What if he’s lucky and the dice on top is a one?

Gao Zhiqiang finished shaking.

But his forehead was already dripping with sweat.

“Open it!”

Nine Fingers said unhurriedly.

Gao Zhiqiang became even more nervous.

He slowly opened the dice cup.

Six dice, stacked in order.

The Pillar Holding up the Sky was formed.

But when he saw the points on the top dice.

Gao Zhiqiang’s face instantly turned gray.

He slumped in his chair.

Staring blankly at the dice.

Not knowing what he was thinking.

Five points.

Gao Zhiqiang lost.

The chips of five hundred thousand were taken away.

And the chips in front of Nine Fingers had already exceeded two million.

Nine Fingers looked at Gao Zhiqiang, whose face was ashen, and asked:

“Do you want to continue?”

Gao Zhiqiang remained silent.

To continue would be to give money to Nine Fingers.

Seeing that Gao Zhiqiang didn’t speak.

Nine Fingers looked at Su Mei and asked:

“Is there anyone else playing? If not, I’m going to leave…”

Su Mei immediately looked at me anxiously.

Before she could speak.

Zou Xiaoxian, who was sitting in the middle, suddenly said coldly:

“Chu Liu, go!”

Zou Xiaoxian’s words made me frown.

I didn’t like her tone.

This feeling was like calling a dog.

“Big Yellow, go!”

Su Mei was also worried that I would be unhappy, she shook her head slightly at me.

Signaling me not to mind Zou Xiaoxian’s attitude.

I sat down at the gambling table.

Under Su Mei’s instruction, the casino dealer gave me another million in chips.

After placing five golden chips of one hundred thousand, I looked at Nine Fingers.

And Nine Fingers was also looking at me.

“Young man, where are you from?”

Nine Fingers asked.


“Local? Then who’s your master?”

Nine Fingers asked again.

I didn’t like this kind of probing investigation.

Of course, I also didn’t know Master Liu’s real name.

I looked cold and slowly said:

“You could tell at a glance that Mr. Gao, who just played with you, is a disciple of the Gambling King of Shandong province. I wonder if you can tell who my master is from my technique?”


Nine Fingers sneered.

Clearly, my cold attitude displeased him.

“What are we playing? Big or small? Or some other game?”

“Up to you!”

I answered indifferently.

I gave him the choice.

“Good! Then let’s still play small! It’s convenient and simple, and it saves time!”

As soon as he finished speaking.

Nine Fingers flicked his wrist.

With a casual air, he gathered the dice still stacked together and put them directly into the dice cup.

His technique was the same, his expression was the same.

A dozen seconds later.

The dice cup hit the ground.

Upon opening the cup.

It was still a towering one point.

Nine fingers’ technique had reached a level of proficiency where he could control it at will.

“It’s your turn!”

Nine fingers didn’t beat around the bush, he said directly to me.

At this moment, I became the focus of the entire room.

Everyone’s gaze at me was different.

Zou Xiaoxian was curiously furrowing her brows.

Gao Zhiqiang was a cold observer.

Only Su Mei had a hopeful look on her face.

Unlike the previous people, who had a casual and flamboyant way of collecting the dice.

I picked up the dice and threw them one by one into the dice cup.

This action was like a novice just learning to play dice.

The shaking in the air was also very ordinary.

Just casually shaking, there was no pattern to speak of.

Nine fingers tilted his ear, his eyes fixed on my hand.

I knew he was trying to see through my technique.

To know who my master was.

But from his furrowed brow.

He couldn’t see anything.


The dice cup hit the table.

The VIP room was suddenly silent.

The people in the casino were all very nervous.

Because everyone knew.

After Gao Zhiqiang lost.

I was the last person the casino could send.

If I lose again, the casino will completely lose face.

As I was about to open the dice cup.

Suddenly, I heard Zou Xiaoxian say:

“Wait a minute…”

I was slightly taken aback and looked at Zou Xiaoxian.

But she didn’t look at me, she asked Nine fingers directly.

“You’re so good, can you tell where his technique comes from?”

This was the topic I had just finished discussing with Nine fingers.

Unexpectedly, Zou Xiaoxian brought it up again.

Nine fingers laughed.

He looked at the dice cup, then at me.

He said leisurely:

“His technique, either he figured it out himself, a wild fox Zen. Or, his master taught him…”

With that, the few dim lights in the room couldn’t help but laugh.

Of course, this included Gao Zhiqiang.

The so-called master’s teaching.

It was a derogatory term in the world.

It meant that this person was incompetent.

Everything he learned was from a master who didn’t understand the trade.

Zou Xiaoxian also laughed.

Looking at me, she said coldly:

“Alright, open the dice…”

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