Chapter 31 – Winner takes all

In the bathroom.

The sound of running water echoed.

Through the frosted glass.

One could vaguely see the silhouette of a beauty bathing.

Truth be told, I don’t understand women.

Nor do I want to.

I don’t know how to please women, and I certainly won’t be a sycophant.

Those I fancy, I either win over, pay for, or tell them to get lost.

In modern terms, I suppose I’m a straight shooter.

But there’s one thing I know.

That is, my woman.

Cannot be bullied.

And now, I’ve decided that Su Mei is my woman.

The bathroom door opened.

Su Mei walked out from the bathroom.

She had changed into a silk nightgown.

Her hair was still wrapped in a white towel.

She glanced at me and said coldly:

“Take a bath, I’ve left your pajamas in the bathroom…”

With that, she turned and went back to the bedroom.

After taking a bath and putting on the pajamas Su Mei bought.

I tiptoed into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, only the bedside lamp was on.

The light was somewhat yellowish.

This gave the entire bedroom a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere.

Su Mei was lying on her side on the bed, her back to me, covered with a summer quilt.

The only thing exposed was her fair and delicate shoulder.

I got into bed and lay down next to Su Mei.

Although I didn’t touch her.

I could still feel that she was very nervous.

So nervous that her breathing was somewhat hurried.

Why was Su Mei so nervous?

Could it be that she had never been with a man before?

I don’t believe it.

Having been through the wringer in the bathhouse and casino.

How could she have never been with a man?

I reached out and put my hand on Su Mei’s shoulder.

Her body was somewhat stiff due to nervousness.

“Turn around…”

I said softly.

Su Mei hesitated for a moment.

But she did as I said and turned around.

I gently held her in my arms.

“Turn off the light…”

Su Mei’s voice was very soft and gentle.

But it was also tinged with a hint of nervousness.

To me, this voice was a seductive charm.

The room was plunged into darkness.

I knew that Su Mei was not willing, let alone happy.

But she still curled up in my arms like a docile kitten.

Su Mei’s body was very soft.

It was the kind of boneless softness.

Her hair occasionally brushed against my face.

The ticklish feeling made me sniff her hair involuntarily.

It was a fragrance that belonged only to Su Mei.

Suddenly, I found myself feeling a bit sleepy.

This was a feeling I had never had in my decade-long insomnia.

It turns out that a woman you fancy can also cure insomnia.

At least for me, it worked.

That night, we didn’t do anything.

Of course, this was not because I was a gentleman who could control myself.

But because I don’t like to force.

The woman I want must willingly give herself to me.

Otherwise, I would find it tasteless.

But that night was the most solid sleep I had had in over a decade.

There was no insomnia, and no waking up in shock.

All there was, was the sound sleep with a beauty in my arms.

When I woke up in the morning.

Su Mei was already gone.

There was a note left on the bedside. It read:

“There’s breakfast on the table, thank you!”

Thank you?

Thank me for what?

Is it for not sleeping with her?

If that’s the case, then she’s thanking me a bit too early.

Because she will be mine sooner or later.


My days seem to be all the same.

Distributing supplies, idling around, waiting to get off work.

But today, it’s a bit different.

For some reason, I felt like going down to the casino.

Because I hadn’t seen Su Mei all day.

Although yesterday, she did as the Second Boss said.

She let Tang San, who was cheating with a detector watch, go.

But I was still a bit worried.

I was worried that the legendary Second Boss of the Zou Family would cause trouble for her.

I knew I shouldn’t have these thoughts.

As a swindler, I should know to stay out of it.

Self-preservation is the first principle of a swindler.

But I couldn’t control the thoughts in my mind.

As I was lost in thought.

The door to the supply room was suddenly pushed open.

I looked up.

The lobby manager, dressed in a suit and tie, was standing at the door.

He glanced at me, then turned back to the people outside the door and said politely:

“This is Chu Liu, you guys take a look, is he the one you’re looking for?”

As soon as his words fell.

Several burly men appeared at the door.

The one in the lead had a face full of horizontal meat, and a shaved head.

On top of his head, there was a terrifying scar.

Like a centipede, it lay there.


After winning fifty thousand from Centipede that night.

He and Old Hei had said that if I didn’t continue to gamble with him, he would come looking for me.

I thought he was just venting his anger after losing money.

But I didn’t expect him to actually come looking for me.

Looking at me, Centipede gave a sinister smile and said leisurely:

“Kid, didn’t expect me to find you so soon, did you? You think it’s easy to win Centipede’s money?”

I looked at Centipede coldly and asked in an icy tone:

“What do you want?”


Centipede gave a cold laugh.

“Don’t worry, and don’t be afraid. I, Centipede, am willing to admit defeat. Today, I won’t hit you or scold you. I’m here to continue gambling with you. I want to see how much more you can win from me.”

Even though Centipede had taken two zero points that day.But from his words, I could tell that he didn’t suspect me of cheating.

Even if he did, I wouldn’t care.

Because, he had no evidence.

But I still didn’t want to gamble with him.

Looking at his attitude and his card-playing style.

If I continued to win, I was afraid he wouldn’t let it go and would cause trouble.

Let me say a few more words here.

This is also why many swindlers prefer to be the hidden light in the casino.

Or, choose to cooperate with a powerful boss.

Because even if a person is alone, even if they are skilled in swindling techniques, they often encounter various problems.

If the other party is also a swindler, it’s not a big deal.

After all, most swindlers still abide by the rules of the Swindler Sect.

But if they encounter a rogue.

Lost money, not only do they not admit it.

They will also try every means to double it back.

The most common and effective way.

Is two words, force.

And when cooperating with a powerful boss.

The swindler only needs to be responsible for winning money.

The rest of the things, leave it to the boss to handle.

Now, I’m facing this problem.

“I’m working now, let’s talk about it after I get off work…”

I wanted to delay until after work and call Old Hei.

But to my surprise, Centipede immediately shook his index finger.

“No, right now!”

Saying this, Centipede turned back to the lobby manager and said:

“I want him to play cards with me now, you don’t mind, do you?”

The lobby manager glanced at me and immediately nodded and bowed to Centipede, saying:

“No problem, Brother Centipede. If you guys want to play, we have a gambling den downstairs. I’ll arrange a room for you right now…”

I couldn’t help but frown.

I didn’t expect this Centipede to be quite famous.

Even the lobby manager knew him.

It seems that I underestimated him.

Of course, even if they didn’t know each other.

Even if Centipede’s request was not in line with the rules of bathing.

The lobby manager wouldn’t offend Centipede because of a low-level nobody like me.

This is the world.

This is human nature.

Survival of the fittest, winner takes all.

But with the manager saying this, I felt relieved.

Going to the casino downstairs, if I won against Centipede, he wouldn’t dare to make a fuss.

But to my surprise, Centipede immediately shook his head.

“No, we’ll play here today! I want to win back everything I lost here!”

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