Chapter 100 – What’s the use of saying all this? Without evidence, everything is just talk!

The entire deck of cards was laid out on the table.

Huang Run lifted her right hand.

A poker dragon soared through the air, encircled by her hand, and then swiftly gathered back into her grasp.

Her movements were smooth and practiced.

Onlookers stared, dumbfounded.

Huang Run seemed to relish the attention she commanded.

She began to shuffle the cards with one hand.

After a few shuffles,

Her fingers twisted slightly.

With just that subtle motion,

The deck formed a perfect fan in her single hand.

Not just our people,

Even Zou Xiaoxian’s crew couldn’t help but silently applaud.

The fan closed.

Her left hand underneath, her right hand slightly bent the cards.

The right hand stretched out, and the cards flicked one by one into the left hand.

Then, her right hand moved swiftly upwards.

Between her two hands, the cards formed a beautiful rainbow arc.

This card spring was truly elegant.

This was the difference between The Swindler rounds and regular ones.

In The Swindler rounds, you could freely show off your skills.

But if you did this in a regular game,

You’d probably lose your audience before the cards were even shuffled.

“It’s your turn!”

Huang Run declared,

Placing the cards on the table.

With a forceful push in my direction,

The cards moved neatly, not a single one out of place, stopping perfectly in front of me.

I had to admit, Huang Run had some skills.

I slowly picked up the cards,

Casually flipping through them.

Neither graceful nor flashy.

With just a few flips, I handed the cards to Mad Kun.

He began to shuffle.

Mad Kun wasn’t a swindler, but he knew some basic swindler techniques.

Like the false shuffle.

What he was using now was a low-level technique of false shuffling.

It involved not shuffling six cards on one side, letting them fall directly.

After several shuffles, Mad Kun held the cards and gestured to me.

“Little mutt, come on, cut the cards…”

Mad Kun cursed at me again.

Eight sentences!

Seven teeth seemed not enough!

I shook my head slightly, saying indifferently:

“No need, let her cut…”

Huang Run sneered deliberately:

“Looks like we have an expert here, not even cutting the cards. Fine, I’ll cut…”

Saying so, Huang Run quickly cut the cards twice.

It seemed like she cut the cards.

But in reality, on the second cut,

She restored the order of the cards, effectively not cutting at all.

“Mad Bro, deal the cards!”

Mad Kun began dealing cards to the two of us.

Three cards each.

As per the rules we agreed on earlier,

Neither Huang Run nor I could touch the cards after they were dealt.

Huang Run looked at me with confidence and asked:

“We can’t touch the cards now, let’s find someone we both trust to reveal them for us!”

I nodded.

Mad Kun looked around and pointed at Tao Hua, who was hiding to the side.

“Sister Hua, come over, you reveal the cards!”

Tao Hua didn’t want to get involved in this.

But now, she had no choice.

She had to bite the bullet and come over.

“Whose cards should I reveal first?”

As she approached, Tao Hua asked cautiously.

“It doesn’t matter, reveal anyone’s!”

Mad Kun said nonchalantly.

I suddenly looked up at Mad Kun and asked:

“Shall we raise the stakes?”

Mad Kun and Huang Run were both startled. He immediately asked me:

“How do you want to raise it?”

“Seven teeth before, now add one more, eight teeth. How about that?”

Mad Kun laughed like a madman again.

He slammed his hands on the table, staring at me with gritted teeth:

“Eight teeth? Just eight? Too little, no fun. I want to go all-in, bet everything. Do you dare to follow?”


Truly a madman!

My sudden raise made both Su Mei and Zou Xiaoxian frown.

Especially Su Mei, she whispered a reminder to me:

“Chu Liu, forget it, don’t raise. Huang Run is a Six-fingered ghost hand, Ghost Uncle’s disciple. She’s not simple, better to be cautious…”

I remained silent.

My gaze fixed on Mad Kun.

But it was Huang Run who confidently interjected:

“What’s the matter? Weren’t you going to raise the stakes? All-in, why are you hesitating now?”

Bluffing strategy.

A very low-level bluffing strategy.

But it was Mad Kun who, with his mouth open, pointed to his own yellow teeth and shouted at me:

“Follow, will you follow? If you do, all these teeth are yours! Little mutt, do you dare?”

In that moment, I suddenly felt like laughing.

You can’t stop someone who’s courting death.

“Fine, I agree, let’s bet a full set of teeth!”

“Tao Hua, reveal the cards!”

Tao Hua walked up to me.

She glanced at me.

Her hands trembling slightly, she slowly flipped my cards.

The moment the cards were revealed,

Everyone gasped in surprise.

My hand was scattered cards.

K, 10, 6.

Such small cards.

Tao Hua was even more startled. She hurriedly whispered:

“Little Chu Liu, how can you dare to bet on any cards? These are too small. Really, you…”

Tao Hua sighed heavily.

She truly hoped I would win.

Su Mei and Zou Xiaoxian were even more pale with fright.

Especially Su Mei.

If I lost, it meant she would have to spend the night with Mad Kun.

Seeing Tao Hua dawdling and talking to me,

Mad Kun shouted:

“Tao Hua, stop dawdling, reveal Huang Run’s cards!”

Tao Hua then moved to Huang Run’s side.

Her hand slowly reached for Huang Run’s cards.

At this moment,

The room fell silent.

Su Mei clasped her hands over her chest.

I knew she was praying.

Praying that Huang Run’s cards were smaller than mine.

But the cards were already determined.

What use was there in praying?

Tao Hua was also very nervous.

Her hands began to tremble slightly.

Slowly, she flipped the first card.

The moment the card was revealed,

Su Mei beside me turned pale.

Her body swayed, nearly falling to the ground.

Ace, the Ace of Spades.

The other two cards, actually, didn’t need to be seen.

Even if she had scattered cards,

One Ace had already beaten me.

“Reveal them all!”

Huang Run drew out her words.

Instructing Tao Hua to flip over the remaining two cards.

At this time, Huang Run was purely showing off.

She wanted to tell everyone.

She was the expert.

The unparalleled expert in the room.

The other two cards were revealed, both Aces.

Triple Aces.

According to the rules of our game.

Tao Hua had the highest hand in the room.

“You lost!”

Tao Hua looked at me triumphantly, taunting me.

I had lost.

Lost completely.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Mad Kun pounded his fists on the table.

He spread his arms wide, ecstatic.

Looking at Su Mei, he laughed shrilly:

“Su Mei, oh Su Mei, where will you run tonight? Hahaha! My wish for years is finally coming true!!!”

Su Mei was already scared out of her wits.

Like a soulless puppet,

She stood there motionless.

As Mad Kun strode towards Su Mei,

He was ravenous.

He couldn’t wait to take Su Mei and leave immediately.

“Wait a minute!”

I suddenly spoke up.

Mad Kun turned to look at me, his eyes filled with confusion.

“According to the rules, what happens if someone cheats?”

“Cheating? Of course, cheating means losing. But who cheated?”

Huang Run laughed smugly.

Her chest was already large.

With that laugh, it shook even more uncontrollably.

“Tell me, who cheated?”


I said coldly.

“Bullshit! Where’s the proof?”

I lit a cigarette and took a drag.

Staring at Huang Run, I said:

“When you checked the cards just now, you deliberately stacked six cards, which were your three Aces and my K, 10, 6. When I checked the cards, I didn’t touch those six cards…”

I looked at Mad Kun and continued:

“Mad Kun may not be a swindler, but he knows a bit of low-level trickery. During the shuffle, he deliberately performed a false shuffle. Those six cards, he didn’t shuffle at all. When cutting the cards, you intentionally let me cut first. I didn’t cut, and then you cut those six cards to the top, right?”

As soon as I spoke,

Mad Kun scoffed.

Huang Run looked even more disdainful.

“What’s the use of saying all this? Without evidence, everything is just talk!”


Indeed, I had no evidence.

How could one possibly catch evidence of such card-stacking techniques?

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