Chapter 99 – Viewer?

The social gathering suddenly ended, and all the students were sent back to their dormitories. A white tower was built on the flat ground, and the surrounding area was designated as a military restricted zone.

The students didn’t know what the intruder meant, but they saw him turn into a pile of mashed potatoes and be packed up by the professors in jars. It was almost predictable that the mashed potatoes in the cafeteria would be unsold for the next few days.

Sonia and the other three stood on the balcony of their dormitory, looking at the towering tower in the distance that almost obscured the night sky. They were a little confused for a while. To be honest, although they knew and had witnessed the power of the sorcerers, because Garlean had always been calm and peaceful, the might of the sorcerers had already permeated their daily lives to the point where they were no longer surprised.

Controlling the weather, stopping earthquakes, regenerating limbs, and producing food… these miracles had even become the daily work of common professions in the “College Student Employment Survey”.

When you are bathed in the glory of miracles every minute and second, you naturally take it for granted.

As for the sorcerer wars and miraculous scenes in movies and dramas, although they were very satisfying to watch, they always gave people a sense of unreality.

Is it really that powerful?

Even if it is that powerful, what does it have to do with me?

However, at this moment, the sorcerer apprentices of Sword Flower University finally had a glimpse of the power of the sorcerers.

Just now, in just a few minutes, a towering white tower hundreds of meters high was built. They watched as the huge Starfall Hall was directly covered by the white tower, and the soil and rocks automatically piled up like building blocks. The top of the white tower touched the stars hanging in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not in a day, not in an hour, but in a few minutes!

It takes ordinary people several years or even more than a decade to build such a magnificent building, but the sorcerers completed it in the time it took to drink a cup of tea!

“Did a legendary sorcerer take action?” Lois murmured, “I don’t remember any legendary sorcerer specializing in earth magic…”

“But any legendary sorcerer in the Holy Domain can easily apply their own magic to other magic.” Yingu Lite commented, “For example, the ‘Wind Erosion Yardan’ of the Wind Magic System is a miracle that uses wind magic to exert the power of earth magic, carving huge buildings with storms.”

“Moreover, even if it is a legendary sorcerer who specializes in multiple magic systems, with the power of the four-winged sorcery and the four-winged sorcery spirit, they can exert unimaginable power. That intruder seems to be highly valued, and people from other schools and even the Noble Academy have come. For them, building a white tower with so many sorcerers gathered together might be just a piece of cake.”

“I noticed that the Virtual Realm was in chaos before!” Adair shouted, “If I had reported it in time, could I have received a reward from the school? Like exempting my assignments and graduation thesis?”

“The school will reward you by allowing you to retake the courses without paying.” Lois tapped Adair’s forehead, “You failed two courses last semester, and if you fail two more this semester, I’ll see how your schedule will be arranged next year.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve recently learned a wonderful cheating method. I won’t fail any more courses in the future!”

“Are you serious? Cheating in front of the professors? Are you a hidden gold sorcerer? Is the magic system you specialize in ‘binge-watching’?”

“Hmph, just wait and see.”

“Speaking of which…” Yingu Lite looked at Sonia, “Sonia, how did you suddenly unfold the Silver Wings? If you calculate the time, it hasn’t even been ten days since you entered the Virtual Realm!”

Lois and Adair also secretly looked at Sonia. They were curious about this, but their relationship with Sonia was not good enough to pry into this kind of information, so they waited for Yingu Lite to bring up the topic.

After all, it was really terrifying.

Everyone knew that Sonia only started training in swordsmanship on the evening of April 12th. In the battle with Felix in the training hall, she summoned the fluctuating sword sorcery spirit and was hailed as the “first sword genius of the Water Magic System”. The next day, she was taken in as a research apprentice by Professor Teluozan, who came after hearing the news.

Then she didn’t enter the Virtual Realm until the evening of the 13th, and today was the 21st.

Only eight days!

Sonia went from being an apprentice sorcerer without even a virtual wing to becoming a formal Silver Sorcerer with unfolded Silver Wings in just eight days!

This speed was terrifying—knowing that Lijing Carroll, who had just shown off on stage, was considered a genius of True University just because he had condensed more than half of the Silver Wings in his second year.

And Leonie, the “Orange Dancer,” who was Professor Nidara’s favorite apprentice, was considered to have the posture of a Sword Saint because she unfolded the Silver Wings in her third year!

Even for a talented young sorcerer, it takes one or two years to accumulate sorcery power by exploring the Sea of Knowledge, and Sonia completed this process in just eight days!If it weren’t for the boundary restrictions, where the magic faction must first advance to the Golden Realm before an Artificer could possibly advance to the Two-Winged stage, Lois would even suspect that Sonia could become a Golden Artificer before they became Silver Artificers.

Frankly speaking, if it weren’t for someone suddenly falling from the starry sky, the absolute protagonist of tonight would undoubtedly be Sonia; if it weren’t for the school declaring a campus-wide curfew, requiring all students to stay in their dormitories, their dormitory would definitely have been trampled by countless people by now.

How on earth did she manage to condense the Silver Wings in eight days and sail ten thousand miles across the Sea of Knowledge?

Sonia was also a bit scared at this point.

She actually didn’t want to reveal herself so quickly, but when the question ‘Do you have a feather of Artificing condensed?’ was asked, under the constraints of the summoning ceremony, she had to summon the Silver Wings to prove herself – Sonia absolutely wouldn’t admit that she had a show-off mentality at that time.

Her Artificing naturally came from the fact that she and the Observer had been using the ‘Secret of the Vortex’ to create vortices over the past two days.

Even though the vortices created in this way were short in distance and not easy to create, the Observer could find three or four Knowledge Creatures in one night, and after three nights, they had created several vortices and both unfolded their Silver Wings.

This was originally a good thing, but Sonia had been an Artificer for too short a time, and once exposed, it seemed too frightening. Moreover, she was not sure if the school would covet the ‘Secret of the Vortex’. If this thing was pure knowledge intelligence, she would contribute it, and the school would have to reward her with a candy.

But the ‘Secret of the Vortex’ is a secret poison, the more people who know about it, the deeper the poison in those who know about it. Now every time Sonia drinks water, it’s as uncomfortable as drinking stale water, she doesn’t want to share this secret and increase her difficulty in drinking water.

“Because I encountered a vortex.” Sonia controlled the amount of information she revealed by telling the truth.

Everyone suddenly realized and exclaimed, showing envy and jealousy on their faces, but they didn’t continue to ask. They probably thought that Sonia had encountered a super long-distance vortex and then condensed the Silver Wings all at once, and didn’t think that Sonia had encountered multiple vortices – who would guess that someone could win the first prize multiple times in a row?


Suddenly, a sound like a mirror shattering came from the starry sky, and everyone looked up to see a woman in a deep blue robe flying towards the white tower, and then there was a booming sound from the tower, even bursting out a circle of rainbow ripples, clearly a battle had occurred!

“The female Artificer who just flew to the tower is… the Saintess of the Church?” Adair was surprised: “I think I saw her when I attended the grand festival last year…”

Lois asked, “Adair, do you believe in the Church?”

“I don’t, but the nobles of Garlean definitely have to attend various holiday festivals.” Adair looked at the top of the tower emitting a rotten halo: “Nothing happened just now… Did the Saintess of the Church start a fight with other professors?”

The others couldn’t get a word in, they knew even less about the Church than Adair. In the Starry Kingdom, the Church is a very contradictory existence, on the one hand, it is undoubtedly the only national religion, there is no other belief, responsible for presiding over various ceremonies and activities, even the coronation of the queen must be approved by the Pope.

But at the same time, the Church is very low-key, almost no missionary activities, even the films, operas and other literary works about the Church are pitifully few, and there are almost no believers.

Even they, a few female college students, only know that the Church worships the Adeptus of the Stars, but they have forgotten the full name of the Church.

Is it the Starry Church or the Star Church?

“It’s time to take a bath.” Adair yawned.

Sonia suddenly remembered something, opened her Miracle Bracelet and saw that it was already 11:30!

In the past, she had to enter the Virtual Realm at 11 o’clock!

Without bothering to remove her makeup and take a bath, Sonia lay directly on the bed, seeking the Door of Truth in her Sorcery Spirit of Wave Sword – tonight the whole school was under curfew, she naturally couldn’t go to the Meditation Building, but she was now a formal Silver Artificer, even without the help of the Meditation Building, she could easily find the Door of Truth!

Close your eyes… the Door of Truth… sink into consciousness… enter the Virtual Realm!

The usual entry steps, but before Sonia opened her eyes, she felt the cold sea water surrounding her – it was disgusting, just like when she was learning at home as a child and was watched by others with mocking eyes.

When she opened her eyes, what came into view was not the familiar small boat and familiar strangers, but the eternal white fog and the deep black Sea of Knowledge.

Looking around, she was alone, and the surroundings were eerily quiet. Ignoring the nausea, Sonia swam around, but the scenery in her pupils remained unchanged.

A sense of indescribable panic swept over Sonia’s heart.


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