Chapter 94 – Danger!

“Three-winged Holy Domain Swordsman, Bloodthirsty Hunter Jielade…”

Asho hid in a corner of the restaurant, observing the spirited white-haired hunter in the crowd, feeling uncertain in his heart.

He was no longer a newcomer who had just crossed over to this world. Naturally, he knew that this white-haired hunter, who made his crossing experience so difficult, held a significant position in this city.

One-winged Silver, Two-winged Gold, Three-winged Holy Domain, Four-winged Legend.

Under the starry sky, the legendary sorcerers were at the pinnacle, the top of all forces, the limit of individual combat power. The Holy Domain sorcerers were the pillars in the middle, often responsible for important affairs while the legendary sorcerers were busy studying magic and exploring the virtual realm. They held the greatest secular power and were generally the highest level of conventional combat power.

From this, it could be seen that the Four Pillar God Heresy that Heath was involved in was not the ragtag group that Asho had imagined. The fact that Jielade, the top hunter of the hunting hall, was dispatched by Camon City indicated that Heath was a high-value monster that could be used as a “political achievement.”

Compared to his position, Jielade’s strength was even more despairing. Originally, the hypothetical enemy in Asho and the others’ plan was a Two-winged Swordsman-level Bloodthirsty Hunter. Now, with the sudden appearance of a Three-winged Holy Domain, Jielade alone was enough to wipe out Asho and the others.

If the plan originally had a thirty percent chance of success, now it was a certain death. The transport ship could not return to Camon City within ten minutes, and the prison would definitely discover their escape within ten minutes. Taking control of the transport ship was part of the plan, and they could not avoid a battle with the Bloodthirsty Hunter.

Asho sighed, “Since it’s him, giving up the plan is inevitable. We just have bad luck.”

“No, it’s not just because of luck.” Igura brought him to the Broken Lake Port. “Look.”

Asho looked at the ship with a bullet-shaped hull, “This ship’s appearance… it’s very consistent with fluid mechanics!”

“This is not an ordinary ship.” Igura said, “This is a mobile prison… coincidentally, it’s time for them to board the ship.”

In Asho’s astonished eyes, the death row inmates queuing near the port crossed the yellow line, leaving the Broken Lake Prison and boarding the transport ship under the gaze of the hunters.

The famous “Black Beast” Tuke in the prison suddenly turned his head before entering the transport ship and extended his fist towards the prison, laughing loudly, “Hahaha, I finally left this shithole!”

The nearby death row inmates looked at them with envy, but the yellow line drawn on the ground was like a moat. They could only watch others leave while they themselves were not allowed to approach.

“They are volunteers!” Asho finally remembered the volunteer recruitment a few days ago. “This ship is here to transport them!”

“This is the loophole in the plan!” Igura couldn’t help but bite his finger. “Because this kind of thing is so rare, I didn’t even consider it in my calculations! So the ship that came is not an ordinary transport ship, but a ‘pig pen’!”

“‘Pig pen’?” Asho heard this strange ship name for the first time.

“This ship will not return to Camon City, but will go straight down the Broken Lake to the eastern Lakeview war zone!” Igura’s face was full of regret. “I should have thought of it earlier. Even if the mayor persuaded the law and order organizations in the council with benefits, they would not allow the death row inmates to return to the city. The risk would be too great!”

“If the news leaked out and the citizens knew that the death row inmates had escaped judgment, it would definitely cause a widespread public opinion uproar. The entire council would suffer! The citizens would use their votes to reshuffle the council!”

“Therefore, the only destination for those volunteers is the Lakeview war zone responsible for suppressing the Abyss!”

Asho looked at the last volunteer entering the cabin and said, “So if we also board the ship, it means we are walking into a trap, running from the prison to the Lakeview war zone where there are strong individuals?”

Although Asho still didn’t have a full understanding of the Blood Moon Kingdom, the keywords “suppressing the Abyss” and “war zone” put together made it clear to Asho that it would not be a water park.

“No, we don’t even have a chance to board the ship.” Igura shook his head. “This ship also has processors inside that automatically detect any life forms boarding. If people like us without permission board the ship, the entire ship will sound an alarm and mark our location!”

Asho listened in a daze, “Wait, you mean your plan was impossible from the beginning! If every ship has this kind of security system, we wouldn’t be able to leave the Broken Lake Prison by boat—”

“No, only ‘pig pens’ like this ship have processors for special purposes. Most other means of transportation do not have security systems.”

“Ah? Why is that? Are these processors used for security checks very expensive?”

“One reason is that they are valuable. These processors are created by sorcerers and must be artificially manufactured by sorcerers. The other reason is that it is a serious crime to detect someone else’s chip without authorized permission.”

Asho blinked, his expression somewhat puzzled.

He touched the back of his neck and asked, “Outside, it’s a violation to check chips, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Igura looked at him strangely. “This kind of invasion of privacy is a very serious crime.”

Although Asho understood that there were definitely many differences between inside and outside the prison, when he heard “outside is a country that values privacy rights,” Asho still felt that Igura was teasing him.

Implanting control chips into the human body since childhood, being able to access people’s memories, abolishing the family system, completely socializing child-rearing, turning the death penalty into a variety show… would it really value privacy rights more than this prison where he had to wear shackles to defecate?

He gave up discussing this issue and asked, “So why can this ship named ‘pig pen’ detect the chip of any person boarding?”

“Because the ‘pig pen’ is a punishment device prepared for warriors.” Igura said, “The ‘Waterway Abyss’ suppressed by the Lakeview war zone must send people to explore the deep layers from time to time.”

“But the deeper they go into the Waterway Abyss, the easier it is for sorcerers to have mental disorders, such as losing their sanity, self-harm, and escape.”

“Because almost no one is willing to take on such a task, the war zone would send the punished soldiers into the ‘Pig Cage’, adding many rules to their chips, letting the ship’s processor control them to prevent self-harm, escape, or mutual killing. At the same time, the processor is also responsible for detecting life forms on the ship. Once a monster enters the cabin, it alerts the soldiers to clean up the monster.”

“When they complete the task and return, they can redeem themselves, and all their mistakes will be written off.”

“To escort the death row prisoners, even if the war zone thinks it’s overkill, Mayor Fenanche will definitely request them to send out the ‘Pig Cage’!”

Igura gritted his teeth and said, “I know exactly what kind of person Fenanche is… He will definitely get involved in anything that concerns his future… All the details will definitely be arranged according to the highest standards!”

Asho looked at him with respect, “You’ve even deceived the mayor?”

“I considered the plan, but the risk was too high and the success rate too low, so I gave up in the end.” Igura said quietly, “If I had known that I would end up in jail, I would have definitely tried it—I’ve only ever deceived a council member.”

You deceive people for money, do you deceive for achievements…

Although Asho didn’t quite understand what the mayor, war zone, and abyss were, he could hear the subtext in Igura’s words: “So, are you saying that we’ve encountered insurmountable problems at every stage of our plan?”

“It’s just not possible this time.” Igura said, “There’s a Blood Moon Trial on the 1st of next month. If we still want to carry out the plan, the time can only be set on the 11th of next month. But considering Professor Xilin’s energy, I suspect that the Blood Moon Trial on the 1st might also choose you—”


A light screen popped up in front of Asho!

“Good afternoon, everyone. This is the administrative office of the Broken Lake Prison, and I am the prison guard Nagu MacMillan.” Nagu said in the light screen, “Now I have two announcements.”

“First, there will be an additional Blood Moon Trial on the 27th of this month, and the trial list will be published on the morning of the 27th.”

“Second, in order to set up the trial scene for the 27th, the Bloodthirsty Hunter needs to stay in the prison for one night. We hope everyone will cooperate with the hunter’s work. Anyone who assists the hunter can receive varying amounts of contribution rewards.”

When the light screen automatically closed, Asho was still in shock.

An additional Blood Moon Trial?

The Bloodthirsty Hunter is staying overnight?

“Generally speaking, this additional Blood Moon Trial should be prepared for those newly imprisoned political prisoners.” Igura said quietly, “But if your name is selected for the trial list, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

Asho’s face turned pale, “They wouldn’t be that cruel, would they?”

“When you think things are going to get worse, they will definitely get worse than you think.” Igura said, “This is the only thing I’ve made my clients understand in all my years as a fraudster.”

“I know you often beat up the rich on behalf of society, you don’t have to keep emphasizing your achievements in front of me.” Asho said irritably, “At worst, I’ll just be on the trial list for the 25th. Can things get any worse?”

Just then, Asho suddenly felt the light around him dim, as if a tall figure was blocking the light behind him.

“Asho Heath, you’ve been staring at the ship leading to the outside world. Are you planning to escape?”

Igura quietly moved to one side.

Asho turned around, took a step back, and forced a smile at the newcomer, “Of course, which young man in prison doesn’t want to escape?”

“That’s not necessarily true. Even villains repent, and scum correct their mistakes. Giving you the right kind of despair, that’s the meaning of the Blood Moon Trial.”

Jielade looked down at Asho from above. He glanced at Igura and said lightly, “Made a new friend? You’re indeed a beloved follower of the Four Pillar Evil God. I wonder if you’ll turn the entire prison into a breeding ground for the evil god if you stay here long enough.”

“I’m going to take a nap, Captain Jielade. If you want to chat, you can talk to this Igura Bokin. He’s very good at investment and financial management, I’m sure you’ll gain something—”

“Hold on, Asho Heath.” Jielade stopped him, “The prison has ordered you to assist the hunters, right? I need your assistance.”

Asho had a bad feeling, “How can I assist? Look at me, I can’t lift my shoulder or my hand, I’m just a piece of titanium waste. If I’m not eating, I’m sleeping, I’m afraid I can’t meet your needs—”

“Great, you can meet my needs just fine.” Jielade snapped his fingers, “Here’s the thing—because there are too many prisoners in the prison, there are no extra bedrooms for us hunters who are here to help. As the captain, I will definitely give the single room to other team members and squeeze in with the prisoners.”

Asho took a deep breath, “I’m sorry, I don’t know any of the girls in the prison, I can’t help you with introductions. Why don’t you ask this Igura—”

“No need for that.”

The hunter put his hand on Asho’s shoulder, his crimson pupils full of teasing smiles, “Asho Heath, I don’t think you’d mind squeezing in with me for one night, would you?”

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