Chapter 93 – Jielade Weisiminsite

“Hey, isn’t this Edmund, the executive secretary of the Tax Bureau? I told you before, you would eventually come in and accompany me.”

“Brothers, this person has a grudge against me. Don’t fight with me. I’ll let you have the last five death matches, but let me enjoy the first five, alright?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, one big shot after another. So, the Immortal Wine Club of Andreier has been completely destroyed? The mayor is so ruthless, not letting anyone off.”

“Camon City is already Fenanche’s kingdom.”

In the central hall, the heads of the death row inmates crowded together, welcoming the arrival of their new cellmate with laughter and joy. Compared to the gloating seniors, the newcomers were much calmer. One by one, they followed the instructions of the prison guards and pressed their fingers on a copper name register.

“Weird, when I was imprisoned, there wasn’t such a grand welcoming ceremony.” Asho, who was observing from the side, couldn’t help but sigh.

“That’s because you’re special.”

Asho turned his head and found Harvey, the necromancer. He was still as talkative as ever, naturally picking up on his topic as if they were old friends. “The Four Pillar God Heresy has such a notorious reputation. You are the first leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy in a hundred years. Until your permissions are completely modified, the prison wouldn’t dare to let you get close to other prisoners.”

“Modify permissions?”

“Have you seen that ‘Catalog of Sinners’?” Harvey pointed to the copper name register. “When we are imprisoned, we need to press our fingers on it. After that, our permissions are taken over by the prison. The prison can fully control various permissions, such as attack permissions and artificing output permissions.”

“Ah?” Asho was surprised. “Aren’t these permissions prohibited when we are arrested?”

“They are, but our management permissions used to be in the hands of the Falconer Hall. After being imprisoned, they are transferred to the prison.”

“Why is it so troublesome?”

“It’s necessary. First, if our permissions are still with the Falconer Hall, they can remotely lift our restrictions. If we cause trouble here, won’t the prison be in trouble? Won’t the Falconer Hall be blamed? Therefore, the jurisdiction must be transferred, whether it’s the Falconer Hall or the prison.”

“Second, the processor of the Falconer Hall is too far from the prison. As time goes by, the restrictions may wear off.”

Asho was taken aback. “Restrictions can wear off?”

“All chains will eventually rust.” After Harvey finished speaking, he suddenly walked out of the crowd and grabbed the collar of a lizardman. “Hablon, where is Naerbeier?”

When the lizardman saw Harvey, the color of the scales on his body faded. “Aqiborde, how…how do you remember me? You shouldn’t remember me!”

Asho’s mind spun before he remembered that Harvey’s full name was Aqiborde Harvey. It’s just that the name was too long, so he only remembered the surname.

But what did the lizardman mean by “shouldn’t remember”?

“I am a necromancer. For me, adding a backdoor to a soul is not impossible… Memories, they can only be forgotten, not completely erased.” Harvey stared at the lizardman. “Where is Naerbeier? Why isn’t she here with you?”

For a moment, Asho thought that Harvey had a grudge against Naerbeier. This was a prison for death row inmates, and normal people would only hope for their enemies to come in, right?

But the lizardman’s answer made Asho smell the scent of a melodramatic plot. “Why do you remember her… Aren’t you asking for trouble?”

“Did she betray you? Did she escape? Or did she…”

“She’s dead. Andreier has fallen, and we were chased by hunters during our escape. She was shot in the head and couldn’t be saved.”

Harvey’s mouth twitched. “…You promised me, the boss also promised me, you…”

“The boss is dead too. I was the weakest, so I was caught first.” The lizardman said, “The Falconer Hall sent an entire enforcement team… Fenanche intentionally leaked the news to let us escape. They came to exterminate us. We were just ants that happened to be taken care of.”

“I don’t care about all that, I don’t care…!” Harvey’s face was full of anger, his teeth clenched, but his legs went weak, and he knelt down, his eyes turning red. “It’s impossible… That’s Naerbeier, how could she just…”

No one pulled them apart, not even the prison guards. With the chip restrictions, their most aggressive action was grabbing each other’s collars. They couldn’t fight.

This farce was soon forgotten, not even worth gossiping about. Although Asho was curious about Harvey’s melodramatic past, it was clear that if he asked now, Harvey would drag him into a death match. When the time was right, he went to the cafeteria to eat.

There were already a group of sailors and bloodthirsty hunters eating in the cafeteria. They sat on one side, while the prisoners sat on the other side. Ignoring the fact that there were no troublemakers left in the Shattered Lake Prison, even if there were, they couldn’t cause trouble or curse at people. Should they go over and greet the hunters?

Today’s recommended menu was Lalafell Red Bean Paste, Orc Cheese Lettuce, and Coconut Egg Tart. Asho had just sat down when a well-dressed young man sat in front of him.

Asho felt like he had seen this person in the name register earlier. “New here?”

“Yeah, hello, my name is Baraka.” The young man responded shyly.

“Hello, I’m Asho.”

But Asho had been here for so long that he had developed a sense of caution. As the saying goes, the more beautiful the outside, the darker the inside. This seemingly shy young man was probably a notorious criminal. “Why did you come to eat?”

“Because… it’s lunchtime?”

“Shouldn’t you be restricted to your own dormitory and wait for meals on your first day here?”

“No, after we were taken to our assigned dormitory, we were allowed to move freely without restrictions.”

Asho understood, so the first day of solitary confinement was a special treatment for the heresy leader.

“Did you also get in here because of political struggles? You’re so young to be a political prisoner, quite promising!”

“No, no, no, I’m actually… a writer.”

Speaking of his profession, Baraka became even more shy.

“…It’s so strict outside, even writing a book can get you sentenced to death? Political involvement? Pornographic content?”

“Actually, I haven’t written it yet.”


“I finished my last book a few months ago and came up with a brilliant idea. So I discussed it with my editor, and he told me that if I insisted on writing it, he would have to report it to the Falconer, and I should write it in prison, so as not to harm our publishing house.”

Asho blinked, “And then you came in?”

Baraka nodded, “After hearing the content of my topic, the Falconer sent a memory master to investigate my memory. After the court’s judgment, I was finally sentenced to redemption for ‘endangering public safety’, and my thoughts were purified in the Blood Moon trial.”

“Can’t you just not write it?”

“After the memory master investigated my memory, he found that I had no remorse at all. My memory was full of details of the new book. They believed that as long as I was alive, I would definitely try to write it out. In fact, it is true, because I am not a creator, I am just a narrator, I can’t let such a good story rot in my mind.”

Asho gave a thumbs up, “Keep it up, I’ll support you! By the way, is there any romantic content?”


“Then I’ll support you in spirit, I’m not really interested in books.”

During the chat, Asho finally saw Igura walk in the door, so he quickly put the tray in the recycling area and dumped the food into the slop bucket, and quickly went over to hook Igura’s shoulder, “Have you eaten? Those hunters have almost finished eating, the action signal will appear soon, where are Langna and Ronald——”

“They won’t come.”


“I told them, the plan is cancelled.”

Asho didn’t show surprise or hysteria, there was no confusion in his eyes, he just looked at Igura calmly, without saying a word.

“Asho, you know the effect of the contract, if it’s not absolutely necessary, I can’t go against your wishes.” Igura said, “And I don’t really resist in my heart——if I really resist, I wouldn’t have proposed this plan that has been conceived for many years.”

“For me, this plan is also a stage I have been looking forward to, and you have filled the last gap in this plan. To be honest, even if you don’t make this wish to me, maybe I can’t help but cooperate with you in planning this operation.”

“Believe me, I’m like you, I want to leave this shithole where even the air can suffocate.”

Igura put his hand on Asho’s shoulder, “But it really can’t be done today, the plan must be cancelled.”


“Because every important link in the plan is impossible to achieve now. Too many special events have happened this week, and I didn’t take the impact of these events into account in the plan, resulting in a huge gap between the actual situation and what I imagined.”

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise at the door, the first batch of hunters who had finished eating began to leave, and the second batch of hunters began to enter the restaurant.

Asho glanced at them and sighed, “The action signal is here.”

Igura shook his head slightly, “This is a danger signal… You will soon see the first unstable factor that destroys the plan.”

Suddenly, all the Bloodthirsty Hunters stood up and bowed their heads to the newcomer at the door, “Hello, Captain!”

“Everyone, good afternoon.”

The white-haired hunter in a black short-sleeved shirt glanced at the convicts and laughed, “Scums, good afternoon.”

A convict raised his head discontentedly, “I will complain to the Falconer——”

“It’s rare to be able to scold so many scums at once, I’m willing to accept the punishment, isn’t it just a month’s salary deduction for one scolding. Well, now I’ve scolded twice, and two months’ salary is gone.”

The white-haired hunter snapped his fingers and showed a disdainful smile, “But I prefer the number three, so let’s add one more——Scums, how does it feel to be scolded by me but can’t scold me back? Isn’t it very annoying haha! I just love to see the aggrieved expressions of you scums who are angry but can’t do anything to me!”

Another convict with a gloomy face said, “I will remember you, you’d better——”

“You should indeed remember me, because many of you were caught by me!”

His eyes glowed with blood, and he gently swept over the convicts in the restaurant. His gaze was like a sharp sword, making everyone shudder under his stare, and Asho even recalled the scene of their last meeting——

The fear of being pierced through the chest by a sword spread throughout his body again.

“I am Jielade Weisiminsite, the Bloodthirsty Hunter of the Falconer, hunter number 307791.” Jielade joked, “When you see the Blood Moon Lord, don’t forget to say hello for me.”

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