Chapter 92 – This is my lifelong request

The atmosphere in the treatment room became serious.

“You survived the Blood Moon Trial, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but my suffering is not over yet.” Asho said seriously, “My enemies are still watching me, and they will do everything they can to kill me while I’m in prison.”

The therapist shook her head. “This is the Broken Lake Prison, where the law is practiced like the truth. No one can violate the law here.”

“But he can legally send me to my doom.”

“That can only mean that you should be executed legally.” The therapist shrugged. “I’m not saying I don’t believe you’re innocent, and I sympathize with your plight. That’s why I will pray for you, pray that you find redemption in the Blood Moon Supreme Lord’s divine kingdom.”

“But there’s only so much I can do for you. Anything more would be beyond my duties.” She warned, indicating that Asho should not make any illegal requests.

Asho waved his hand. “I’m not asking you for anything. I know I don’t have much time left, and the execution is approaching… So, I just wanted to thank you.”


“Therapist [222], it was you who showed me human care, allowing me to feel a little warmth in this cold and heartless prison.” Asho said emotionally, “To meet you before I die, I have no regrets and can accept my fate peacefully.”

“I, I’m not as good as you say…” The therapist was a little embarrassed and replied softly.

“But there is great terror between life and death. In the quiet of the night, I can’t help but curl up, gripped by unspeakable fear, unable to sleep, lose my appetite, and live in constant torment every day.”

“I have a solution for that,” the therapist took out a shimmering silver syringe, “I have a highly effective sedative that guarantees to free you completely from your worries with just one injection. But all such potions have the same side effect, which is to slow down your thinking, in simple terms, it makes you a bit mentally disabled…”

“So!” Asho quickly interrupted her, “In order to spend some peaceful days before my death, I hope you, therapist, can accompany me.”

“Accompany you? How do I accompany you?”

“Just like eating, sleeping, bathing, and so on…”

“No, it’s not allowed! Absolutely not!” The therapist stood up nervously and waved her hands, “I, um, I didn’t mean… Yes, there are regulations! We therapists are not allowed to enter the prisoner activity area, we cannot have close contact with prisoners! Um! It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just really not possible!”

Asho sighed softly – this sigh was genuine. Although this answer was within Asho’s plan, the therapist’s quick and strong response without giving him any chance made Asho a little sad.

It would be nice to consider it a little bit! Even if you act a little more convincingly!

Even the crow mask can’t hide your unwillingness!

“I understand your difficulties, and I don’t want to trouble you, but I really need your care and warmth.” Asho blinked, “I have come up with a good idea.”

“What good idea?”

“It’s for you to give me your clothes, so I can treat them as you and feel warmth every night.”

The therapist fell silent for a moment, took a step back, and her voice trembled, “You… want to… hold my underwear while sleeping…?”

“It doesn’t have to be that intimate!” Asho quickly explained, “And I haven’t seen your underwear, so I can’t consider them as your incarnation!”

The therapist finally understood, “You want my crow uniform, don’t you?”

“Yes, yes, yes, do you have an extra set?”

“Well, I do have one, since I need to have two sets for changing. But according to the regulations, I can’t give this uniform to anyone… and it sounds a bit…”

Asho suddenly sighed, his face gloomy, “You’re right, I made an unreasonable request. Therapist, you have helped me so much, and it’s not right for me to trouble you…”

“A person like me doesn’t deserve to meet his demise in peace…”

“It was my unwarranted hope, my unwarranted luck…”

“I’m sorry, just forget about it. Thank you, [222], I won’t forget you…”

Although he said that, Asho didn’t stand up, but looked at the therapist with anticipation. The therapist had no choice but to click her tongue, “Alright, alright, I’ll give you my crow uniform. Is that okay?”

Plan successful!

Asho was secretly delighted. He had set up so many steps just to make the therapist willingly give him the crow uniform.

After all, when he escaped later, he would have to snatch a crow uniform, but he didn’t want to hurt the therapist.

Based on his moral upbringing from his past life, he still had some respect for the medical profession, even though he couldn’t afford to consider it for survival. But if he could resolve things peacefully, he would try to avoid conflicts.

Fortunately, his relationship with the therapist [222] was still good, and it would be meaningless if he didn’t use the favor when it was needed. So Asho acted pitiful and pathetic, first proposing an unreasonable request for companionship, and when the therapist rejected it, he asked for her clothes. One layer of scheme after another, finally prying open the therapist’s heart and luring her step by step into the abyss of crime.

“Um, it seems like it won’t work.”

Asho became nervous, “What’s wrong?”

“I just took off the other uniform and haven’t washed it yet.”

“I don’t mind!”

“But I do mind! No, wait until I wash the uniform and then give it to you!”

Asho became anxious, “How long will it take for you to wash the clothes?”

“Not long, there’s a dryer in the laundry room, it can be done in as little as an hour.”

“Then go wash the clothes quickly, and I’ll come back to pick them up at noon.”

Asho pushed the therapist away, and the therapist was dumbfounded, “Weren’t you here to chat with me? Didn’t you want me to accompany you more?”

“Clothes can also chat with me, clothes can also accompany me more, besides, clothes have many other uses! Anyway, hurry up!”The healer returned to his dormitory to wash clothes with a bewildered look on his face.


Inside the Sea-viewing Terrace, Igura was staring at the gradually enlarging black dot on the lake surface, his heart pounding wildly, goosebumps all over his body. He could feel his face heating up, his legs weakening, and his thoughts racing.

This was nervousness.

This was fear.

But also excitement.

This was the reason why he didn’t stop even after making so much money. The unease before taking action was like a drug that he couldn’t quit. Next, he was going to deceive the entire prison and escape under broad daylight.

The thought of countless people being surprised, angry, admiring, and fearful of his daring act excited Igura. Nothing pleased him more than fooling others!

In Igura’s expectant and nervous gaze, a ship belching thick smoke appeared before his eyes, braving the wind and waves towards the Shattered Lake Prison.

However, Igura’s face was getting worse and paler.

The hull of this ship was no different from other ordinary military vessels. The only strange thing was that the ship was covered with a layer of high-strength steel wall that could envelop the entire ship, making it look like a solid bullet warship.

In other words, there was no deck exposed to the sun on this ship, no place was ‘outside’, all areas belonged to the interior of the ship!

Just as Igura was taken aback, the transport ship had already reached the Shattered Lake and anchored in the harbor. The first to step off the transport ship was a white-haired man in a dark red hunter’s uniform, wearing a hood, and a black half-sleeve on his right shoulder.

Seemingly noticing Igura’s gaze, he looked up at Igura, his expression unchanged, and the blood-red pupils under his hood pierced Igura with a sharp gaze!

Igura’s pupils shrank abruptly.

A Falconer half-sleeve!

The characteristic of the head of the Falconer Hall is a black Falconer coat, while the captain of the law enforcement team who fights on the front line of Falconer and represents the face of the Falconer Hall, wears a Falconer half-sleeve to show honor!

There are only two law enforcement teams in Camon City, and the captains of these two teams are, without exception…

Three-winged Sorcerers!

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