Chapter 87 – Weak healers

“To be honest, I’m the type who can’t pee when someone is watching. Can you turn around?”

“Is that so?” Igura glanced over and smirked slightly, chuckling softly. “I see, no wonder.”

Asho grumbled as he entered the cubicle.

Ronald looked around and had a puzzled expression on his face. “What’s so special about this restroom that it attracts the attention of fraudsters?”

“This restroom is the same as any other restroom, with nothing special about it.” Igura moistened his fingers with water and gently cleaned his eyes. “The special thing about it is that the restroom can be used as a medium to deceive the chips.”

“Perhaps you know that before I was imprisoned, I was an insurance contract agent – of course, I was not only responsible for signing contracts, but also for sales. When I was selling, I didn’t just sell insurance. I had various sources of goods. Anyway, it was all just work. I just happened to have multiple jobs at the same time.”

Asho curiously asked, “Sounds inspiring. So why were you arrested?”

Igura sighed. “Well, speaking of that, I also feel very wronged. I only helped customers buy the products they desired, but I was accused of committing serious fraud.”

Ronald suddenly said, “If I remember correctly, your most glorious achievement was making a millionaire bankrupt by selling him a glass of water.”

“A glass of water? Just an ordinary glass of water?”

“It’s not ordinary water. It’s the elixir of life, the origin of all life, the medium of miracles, the mother of the sky and the earth…”

Asho already understood completely. Igura was the type of person who could pass interview questions like “Sell me this pen for 1000 yuan” with a perfect score.

“Alright, your target customers are not here. Tone down your rhetoric and tell us how to deceive the chips using the restroom.”

Igura said, “Among the products I used to represent, there was a life monitoring device. It can receive life signals emitted by miracle chips and analyze the user’s current physical condition based on various vital signs. The device itself is not the key. The key is that when I was studying the device’s functions, I discovered that the miracle chips do not continuously send life signals. There is a certain interval, with the default frequency being 600 seconds per transmission, which is 10 minutes.”

“The frequency can be adjusted, but the higher the frequency, the more demanding it is for the receiving device. For example, the highest specification of the device I was selling was to receive signals every 5 seconds. Even without any additional markup, the price of the device itself is extremely high.”

“The chip processors in Shuihu Prison, which are responsible for collecting and analyzing our vital signs, are undoubtedly military-grade. However, even so, the prison would not be extravagant enough to allow our chips to continuously send life signals. Under the restrictions of the chips, we cannot escape from Shuihu Prison. Even if the signal transmission interval is maximized, the only impact is that our sudden death will be discovered a little later.”

“The only place in the prison where our life signals are continuously sent should be the arena of the Deathmatch Society. Because when we emit life signals of unconsciousness or death, the attack restrictions on us in the Deathmatch arena will be immediately lifted. From this, it can be seen that the life signals are monitored in real-time.”

Asho vaguely felt that this was important information, but still didn’t understand how to use it. “It’s indeed an interesting piece of trivia, but what does it have to do with escaping from prison?”

Igura glanced at him. “If you remove the chip and it no longer emits life signals, how do you think the information processor will judge your situation? Remember, even a corpse emits signals.”

Asho suddenly understood. “It will determine that I have removed the chip and immediately notify the prison that there is an escaped prisoner!”

“That’s right. But in order to escape, we must remove the chip. Otherwise, we won’t even be able to step off this island.”

Asho nodded. When they were observing the harbor earlier, they noticed a circle of yellow lines on the shore with the words “Please do not cross the yellow line.”

Although there was a “please” on it, for the prisoners, this was the limit they couldn’t cross. The moment their toes touched the yellow line, their bodies would completely freeze and become unable to move.

“So, the time from ‘removing the chip’ to ‘the processor discovering our escape’ is the safest time for us to act. During this period, we not only remove all restrictions, but the prison also hasn’t detected our abnormality.” Igura looked around. “This is the time difference we must seize!”

“It’s already impressive to have reached this point. As much as I thought you were just fooling around, Igura, your performance truly makes me have hope.” Lanar nodded repeatedly, and a glimmer of rationality awakened in Ronald due to his survival instinct.

“Not bad for the man I chose. My judgment is indeed good.” Asho praised himself first, then asked, “But what’s the use of the men’s restroom?”

Igura shrugged. “The purpose of the restroom is, of course, for excretion. Can it be used for eating? If you have such a hobby, please demonstrate it.”Discussing his research achievements over the years, Igura was somewhat proud: “Now we know to use the time difference in sending signals with the chip, but there’s another problem to solve – how do we know when the last signal was sent?”

“Death row inmates definitely don’t send signals at the same time, that would overload the processor instantly. Therefore, our signal sending times are likely evenly distributed within 10 minutes. If the processor determines that we’re in a special situation, it will temporarily adjust the signal sending frequency, and then reset all inmates’ signal sending frequencies back to the initial state after midnight.”

“And the so-called special situation is actually the processor trying to revoke some of our permissions, so it needs to get our life signals immediately!”

“In the prison, there are only three places where ‘special situations’ occur.”

Igura raised two fingers, “The first one is the Deathmatch Club. The reason is that the chip lifts the attack limit at the start of the deathmatch; when the deathmatch ends, the chip restores the attack limit.”

“These two points in time are when the processor connects with the chip, the chip needs to send life signals to the processor immediately! And after the deathmatch ends, the chip naturally returns to the default signal frequency, and will send the life signal of the deathmatch participant again after 10 minutes.”

“In other words, we can actively enter a special situation through special places like the Deathmatch Club, thereby changing the signal frequency of the chip, and completely mastering the time difference!”

At this point, even Asho completely understood.

He looked around and glanced at the urinal: “So the bathroom is the second place?”

Igura smiled and said: “In theory, we can also change the signal frequency through deathmatches, but deathmatches are do-or-die, compared to that, the bathroom is more convenient.”

“As for why the bathroom can have the same effect as the deathmatch arena, that’s naturally because… the prison doesn’t allow us to urinate and defecate anywhere, haha!”

Ronald was slightly taken aback, but couldn’t help but chuckle.

Because the prison requires inmates to excrete only in the bathroom, every time an inmate enters the bathroom, the prison processor will actively revoke their ‘excretion permissions’!

Just like the deathmatch arena, this is also a special state!

If you don’t have this permission, even if you’re constipated to the point of bursting, the chip will forcibly control your sphincter to keep your back door closed, not a drop of soup will leak out. If you’re really full, you can only vomit it out from your mouth.

For the inmates, this is undoubtedly an unspeakable humiliation, so Igura and Ronald, these two old prison buddies, couldn’t help but burst into laughter – this strict rule set by the prison actually became their accomplice in escaping, such a wonderful contrast of cause and effect, how could it not make them laugh.

But how much of this laughter is self-mockery, no one knows.

“Where’s the third place?” Asho asked.

Igura paused his laughter and looked at Ronald.

Ronald thought for a moment, “Is it the couple’s room?”

Like the bathroom, the couple’s room also temporarily revokes certain restrictions on death row inmates, and even relaxes the attack limit of death row inmates, after all, sexual preferences are free.

But like the deathmatch arena, the couple’s room requires an application to enter, so it’s certainly not as convenient as the bathroom.

Moreover, the couple’s room requires at least two people to apply, Ronald and Ronald are fine, but does Asho have to apply to enter the couple’s room with Igura!?

Igura leaned against the wall and said: “You now know all the secrets you should know, so let me formally explain the escape plan.”

“Aren’t we looking for a fifth team member?” Asho asked: “We still lack a logistics support responsible for rapid movement and healing.”

Ronald is a Moonshadow Werewolf who excels at frontal combat and can serve as a vanguard; Ronald excels at gunplay and trap setting and can serve as a ranged output. As for the logistics support responsible for healing and leading them to move quickly, Asho and Igura have been looking for them for the past two days, but they haven’t found them.

What, you ask what Asho and Igura are responsible for? Igura is in charge of manpower management, Asho controls the core technology, they certainly won’t be responsible for fighting!

“We’ve looked for everyone we could, we can’t delay any longer, not everything can be done after sufficient preparation, rushing into battle is the common situation, after all, criminal opportunities are fleeting.” Igura glanced at him: “And, even if we can wait, can you?”

Indeed, Asho didn’t think that Professor Xilin outside would just let him go and let him spend his twilight years in Shattered Lake Prison.

The sooner he could leave Shattered Lake, the sooner he could escape from Professor Xilin’s plot.

“The escape plan is simple: sneak into the transport ship, and then leave.”

Igura dipped his hand in water and drew a small boat on the mirror, “But if we want to safely enter the transport ship, we not only need to remove the Miracle Chip, but also need a legal identity.”

“Interestingly, in Shattered Lake Prison, there happens to be a group of people who can directly board the transport ship and leave without applying, and they are the ones we can disguise as without arousing anyone’s suspicion—”

Igura drew a crow mask on the mirror.

“That’s the weak medics.”

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