Chapter 86 – Prison Break Research Institute

“This is the port where the transport ship stops. The transport ship comes to the Broken Lake Prison on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of every month to replenish supplies and transport death row inmates. The transport ship is a medium-sized cargo ship, and there is at least one team of Bloodthirsty Hunters accompanying the prisoners. The average strength of the Bloodthirsty Hunters is around the First or Second Wing level. Unless it is a particularly important prisoner, a Third Wing level hunter captain will not appear…”

Asho looked at the prison guard not far away, who was smoking and blowing smoke rings, and couldn’t help but say, “Shouldn’t we stand further away to talk?”

Igura glanced at him. “No one will suspect you. This is my business.”


“When you first met, didn’t Igura invite you to escape together?” Ronald stood outside the yellow line on the shore, looking out at the calm lake, with the clear blue sky reflected in it. Occasionally, shimmering silver light would leap across the lake, creating a picturesque scene – if you didn’t know that those ‘silver lights’ were sharks that could eat bones like potato chips.

“I did, but wasn’t that just an excuse to lure you in?”

“Although I appreciate your accurate assessment of yourself, don’t insult my professional integrity.” Igura glanced at Asho. “I never lie. If you go to the library and look at the ‘Club Directory,’ you will see on the second page, thirteenth line, the club I formed – the Escape Research Society.”

Many questions arose in young Asho’s mind. “How could the prison allow… and there’s actually a club in the prison… why did you form such a club?”

“Skilled hunters often appear as prey.” Igura said lightly, “When I first met you, didn’t I appear very enthusiastic, like a friendly friend eager to recruit a new companion?”

“Even new death row inmates, even if they are wary, will be attracted by the information I reveal. And I don’t just talk, I have really studied how to escape and will take them to scout around.”

“When they discover in our conversations that I am just a fool obsessed with escaping, they will gradually let down their guard and unknowingly be lured into a situation from which there is no escape.”

“I am the trap, and this club is my bait.”

Asho said, “It sounds like a girl who looks innocent on the outside but is actually scheming to seduce older men…”

“I am starting to doubt the speech control ability of the chip. Your words seem to have reached the threshold of spreading obscene information.” Igura said calmly, “In short, you don’t have to worry about the prison guard’s gaze – I have done this scouting more than a dozen times in the past.”

Asho blinked. “Is this your plan? Pretend to think about escaping every day, use escape as bait to trap new cellmates, and when you really want to escape, no one will suspect that you are actually escaping.”

Igura looked at Asho with surprise, then smiled. “Asho, you think of me as so complex and sinister, it’s really heartbreaking.”


After investigating the port of Broken Lake Prison, the four of them returned to the prison. It is worth mentioning that although they reached the outskirts of Broken Lake Prison, they never went ‘outside’ – Broken Lake Prison is a prison that covers the entire small island. Except for a few glass skylights that allow sunlight to shine through occasionally, at any other time, death row inmates can only see the ceiling when they look up, and even the observation deck overlooking the sea has a sunshade dome.

Not an inch of land on the island belongs to the ‘outside’ of the prison.

Although it cannot be verified, the strong control power of the chip on the death row inmates is probably related to this ubiquitous ceiling.

“The next place we are going to is the biggest achievement of my investigation of Broken Lake Prison. I have never taken anyone there before, and you are the lucky ones to share this secret.”

Before Asho could feel moved, Ronald said calmly, “Have you said this to every victim? Are you going to say next, ‘So you must swear to keep all my secrets’?”

Igura was somewhat surprised. “How did you know that phrase? According to the contract spirit, anyone who has said that phrase will be bound and must keep my secrets and not speak about them. You couldn’t have known.”

“Walls have ears, Igura. Unfortunately, I am a Sorcerer with particularly acute hearing.”

“Understood, I will be more careful and discreet when doing dirty work next time – if I can still continue to live in this prison.”

Asho glanced at Ronald next to Lana. Ronald was very silent today, being led by Lana and not saying a word.

After their conversation ended yesterday, Ronald and Lana had another deadly battle. The specific situation can be referred to as how a chicken is torn apart, and the consequences were very obvious – if Ronald yesterday could be considered a servant locked by Lana, with a somewhat reluctant expression, then today Ronald had almost become a pendant of Lana’s, although not joyful, but there was no resistance.

The part that belonged to ‘himself’ on his body was getting smaller and smaller, and the part that belonged to ‘Lana’ was increasing.

One day, when he came out of the treatment room, the newly regenerated parts on his body would all be engraved with the name ‘Lana’.

Perhaps, as Igura said, Ronald was already deeply trapped. He thought that using love to command Lana was his victory, but he didn’t know that it was also Lana’s fatal counterattack.

Love is a terrifying power. You can use it, but you will also be used by it; you gaze at it, and it gazes back at you; you think you can be its master, but soon you will become its slave.

When the seed of love sprouts, everything will eventually be parasitized by it.However, Ronald still retained his survival instinct in private, insisting on escaping from prison. Fortunately, Langna’s ceremony could not be held frequently, otherwise Ronald would have been reduced to debris in a few days.

According to Igura’s investigation, the shortest term of Langna’s ‘friend’ was also a month, which meant that Ronald should be able to hold on until the second Blood Moon Trial arrived – this was already enough, after all, Asho only needed a temporary teammate. As for whether Ronald could resist Langna after escaping from prison, it depended on his luck.

“But, I never lie.” Igura laughed, “This place is indeed the key to our prison break. I can even say that it is as important as Asho’s purification miracle… We have arrived, it’s here.”

As important as my slashing miracle?

Could it be the secret passage of the Broken Lake Prison? The armory? Or perhaps…

Asho raised his head in anticipation, only to see a clear green sign above the room in front of him –

“Men’s Restroom”


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