Chapter 85 – I’m too lazy to write.

“Ah! I forgot to wash my clothes!”

Adair hurriedly opened the wardrobe, with a mournful expression on her face: “I forgot to wash my clothes a few days ago, and I don’t have any clean clothes to wear anymore, Lois—”

“Don’t look for me, it’s your own laziness.” Lois pulled at the corners of her mouth. “My clothes are all tailor-made. They get deformed after you wear them once, especially the fabric around the chest that you stretched out… You should ask Sonia.”

Yingu Lite, who had just finished bathing, wiped her hair while saying, “I do have some loose-fitting clothes, but I’m taller than you, so the sleeves might not fit well.”

Adair looked at Sonia with pleading eyes, “Sonia…”

Indeed, Sonia was the only one in the dormitory with a similar body shape to Adair’s. Sonia couldn’t avoid it and had to come up with an excuse to refuse—she didn’t want to lend her clothes to others.

“No, I won’t lend it. I don’t like wearing other people’s clothes, and I don’t want others to wear mine.”

Lois and Yingu Lite glanced at Sonia, their eyes filled with curiosity.

Adair blinked her eyes and could only borrow clothes from Yingu Lite. However, Yingu Lite was a head taller than her, and the top worn by this swordswoman turned into a dress on Adair.

Today was a public lecture, and all four of them had to attend, so they went to the cafeteria together.

Halfway there, a male voice suddenly came from behind, “Sonia!”

They looked over and saw a handsome blond young man walking towards them. Lois’s face immediately darkened.

This male student was Melo Wei. He had pursued Lois before, and because Lois found him good-looking and from a noble background, she gave him a chance to pursue her. But Sonia just had to throw a few flirtatious glances, and he switched sides, causing Lois to lose face in front of her friends.

“Good morning, Melo Wei.”

“Good morning, Sonia.” Melo Wei said enthusiastically, “I rarely get to see you after you transferred to the Swordsmanship Department. It’s such a coincidence today. Shall we have dinner together tonight? It’s the season for seafood. Do you want to go to the Golden Coast or Eel Fishery?”

Lois sneered inwardly. Now that Sonia didn’t even look at Felix, she naturally wouldn’t care about Melo Wei. His sudden enthusiasm was probably due to his family’s hint. After all, Sonia was Professor Teluozan’s apprentice and had defeated Leonie. She was almost a revered Holy Domain Sword Saint.

For small and medium-sized nobles, the joining of a three-winged sorcerer could be of great help. If Melo Wei had only been attracted by her appearance before, now he was definitely attracted by the benefits.

Lois knew that Sonia would definitely refuse, but how she would refuse was hard to say. After all, their relationship was not good, and she might take the opportunity to say something sarcastic…

“No, I need to train, I don’t have time.”

“You’re really diligent, but relaxation is for better cultivation. If you’re not interested in seafood, we can—”

“I don’t think having a meal with you would be relaxing.”

Melo Wei’s face stiffened, and he said ‘excuse me’ before quickly leaving. Sonia took a few steps and found that the other three hadn’t caught up, but were exchanging glances behind her. She asked curiously, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Lois restrained her strange expression.

The four of them arrived at the lecture hall, and the classmates they passed by greeted them proactively. Regardless of Sonia’s recent actions, even before that, she and Lois were considered a beautiful scenery in the school. Wherever they went, they were surrounded by people.

Lois responded very warmly to the greetings from her classmates, while Sonia just nodded calmly without saying a word. The other three saw this scene and felt an increasingly strange feeling in their hearts.

As soon as they sat down, Adair’s face turned pale. “Oh no, I forgot to write the essay! This class is going to collect them!”

Yingu Lite couldn’t help but gloat, “Then you’re done for.”

This class was “Modern History of the Stars,” and the professor, Wesly, was over sixty years old and known for being strict and old-fashioned. Random spot checks and calling out names were routine. If the essay was not completed, the student would have to retake the class next year.

Sure enough, as soon as the white-haired and straight-backed old professor entered the classroom, he shouted the command that made the students tremble in fear, “Put your essays on the podium for on-site inspection.”

With that, the professor flicked his hand, and a single-winged scholar sorcery spirit floated onto the podium. Although it was only a one-winged sorcery spirit, it was the nightmare of countless students—the “Search” sorcery spirit!

As long as the sorcerer sets detailed parameters, the inspection sorcery spirit can quickly determine whether the article meets the requirements. The sorcerer can even perform miracles and connect it to the “Library of Literature” within the school’s curtain, conducting an on-the-spot plagiarism check to determine if the student has copied any literature!

One by one, the students handed in their essays, and the inspection sorcery spirit lightly touched the manuscripts. The manuscripts showed green for passing, yellow for a high plagiarism rate, and red for significant suspicion of plagiarism.

The old professor didn’t say a word, just sat there watching everyone turn in their assignments. Only when a student didn’t hand in their assignment did he coldly snort and jot down their information.

When it was Adair’s turn, she walked up with empty hands, her bright eyes filled with sincerity. “Professor Wesly, I accidentally fell asleep while writing the essay last night, so I haven’t finished it yet. Can I hand it in next week?”

Wesly glanced at her. “If the plagiarism rate of the essay you hand in next week exceeds 10%, your regular grade will be a fail.”

“Okay!” Adair happily bounced back, not taking this pressure to heart at all.

When it was Sonia’s turn, she also walked up with empty hands, but Wesly’s expression softened a lot. “You didn’t write it?”


“Why didn’t you write it? Is it because the training tasks are too heavy? I heard that Teluozan often gives you extra lessons. Although the cultivation of the sorcery faction is important, you can’t neglect your humanities and rest.”

The other students were filled with envy, jealousy, and resentment – it was a case of comparing oneself to others to the point of death. They were all certain to lose points for not having written their papers, but Sonia had the backing of Professor Teluozan, and even Wesley had prepared a good excuse for her!

All Sonia had to do was to go along with it, say a few nice words, and the old professor might even let her off the hook for this assignment—

“I can’t be bothered to write.”

The classroom fell into silence.

After a moment, Wesley showed a ‘did I hear that wrong?’ expression: “What did you just say?”

Sonia felt that everyone was acting strange, and subconsciously wanted to repeat herself.

But then she suddenly came to her senses—wait, wasn’t she supposed to be praising Wesley in the name of Professor Teluozan, so that he would excuse her from this paper assignment?

“I…” Sonia opened her mouth: “I can’t be bothered to write such a time-wasting and pointless assignment.”

Looking at Wesley’s face, which was on the verge of erupting with anger, and the admiring expressions of the surrounding classmates who wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to, Sonia finally understood what a ‘sincere’ summoning ceremony was!

To the spectators, meeting you is the misfortune of my life!


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