Chapter 80 – Shifrin

On the sea surface shrouded in white mist, a small bat was leisurely flying.

There were two drops of solid colorless liquid on its bat back, continuously absorbing knowledge from the white mist and transforming it into its own sorcery power.

“The absorption rate is still too slow…” Shifrin sighed in her heart, still very dissatisfied with the growth rate of her sorcery power.

Two drops of colorless source blood = six drops of rainbow source blood = eighteen drops of golden source blood = fifty-four drops of silver source blood. In the absorption rate of sorcery power in the Knowledge Sea, it was 560% of an ordinary sorcerer’s.

It seemed quite impressive, a sorcery power growth rate that was 5.5 times that of an ordinary sorcerer, fully demonstrating the strength of the Blood Saint Clan.

However, the Blood Saint Clan only had an advantage in the Knowledge Sea. If they advanced to the Second Wing Golden level and entered the Time Continent, then the silver source blood would lose its effect, and only the golden source blood could absorb sorcery power.

Based on the two drops of colorless source blood that Shifrin currently possessed, they could only be divided into eighteen drops of golden source blood, reducing the absorption rate of sorcery power to 200%, only twice that of an ordinary sorcerer.

If they advanced to the Third Wing Holy Domain, only the six drops of rainbow source blood could absorb sorcery power, reducing the absorption rate to 80%, which was already inferior to sorcerers of the same level!

By the time they reached the Fourth Wing Legend, Shifrin could only rely on the two drops of colorless source blood, and the efficiency of sorcery power absorption would be a pitiful 40%, not even half of a Fourth Wing sorcerer!

Therefore, despite the Blood Saint Clan being ageless and immortal, they were actually the most time-constrained group: they had to quickly cross the Knowledge Sea and the Time Continent, unfold their golden and silver wings while they were young, and enter the Third Wing Holy Domain. Because only the Blood Saint Clan who entered the Third Wing Holy Domain could receive the blessing of the Blood Moon Supreme Lord and undergo the blood purification ritual.

The later the blood purification ritual was conducted, the less ideal the results would be, unable to refine higher-level source blood and rejuvenate.

Shifrin had seen many old Blood Saint sorcerers in the research institute. They often stayed in the Third Wing Holy Domain or the Second Wing Golden level for their entire lives. Even though their lifespan was long, because the absorption rate of sorcery power was too slow, they often couldn’t condense complete rainbow wings or golden wings before their souls extinguished.

Therefore, the strength differentiation within the Blood Saint Clan was extremely severe: some Blood Saint Clan members unfolded their silver wings in just a few years, but they remained silver sorcerers for their entire lives; some Blood Saint Clan members took a hundred years to enter the Third Wing Holy Domain, but they couldn’t completely unfold their rainbow wings in the next four hundred years.

Although the Blood Saint Clan had freed themselves from the shackles of time, they would eventually welcome eternal silence.


The small bat hovered in the air, emitting ultrasonic waves that normal people couldn’t hear, detecting the detailed terrain nearby.

Miracle – Blood Bat Form, this was one of the racial advantages of the Blood Saint Clan. Almost every Blood Saint Clan member could easily master this miracle and transform into a flying bat in the virtual realm. This way, they didn’t have to swim in the Knowledge Sea like other sorcerers, and if they encountered danger, they could quickly escape, greatly improving their exploration efficiency and survival rate.

The ultrasonic wave detection was an advanced miracle in the Blood Bat Form, continuously effective, allowing Blood Saint sorcerers to roughly detect the surrounding terrain.

Although the effective range of this miracle was very short due to the high-intensity obstruction of sound and vision by the white mist, it was still better than nothing.

Just now, the ultrasonic wave detection indicated that there seemed to be something other than the sea surface on the right side, with the presence of foreign signals. But when it stopped to detect, the ultrasonic wave feedback changed, and the foreign object disappeared.

Is it a knowledge creature?

Shifrin had no fear of knowledge creatures. On the contrary, she was a bit excited. She had recently learned a new miracle and was eager to find a victim to test its power.

However, the location where the foreign signal came from was a flat sea surface with nothing around.

She was a bit puzzled, but there were too many secrets in the virtual realm. If she investigated every abnormal situation, a few hundred years would not be enough for her to study a Knowledge Sea.

“Sigh, I really want to encounter a knowledge creature. I have a few sorcery spirits I want to exchange…”

Just as Shifrin was about to leave, she clearly heard a “plop” sound from the front right.

The small bat froze in mid-air, unable to react for a moment.

This was the first time she had heard such a strange sound in the Knowledge Sea. It sounded like… someone throwing stones into the sea?

Could it be that she encountered another sorcerer?

Shifrin hesitated for a moment, but still flew towards the direction of the sound – she had confidence in herself. Even if she encountered an unfamiliar sorcerer, she could at least escape if she couldn’t defeat them.

Moreover, this was the first time she had encountered another sorcerer in the virtual realm. Even if it was to satisfy her curiosity, it was enough for her to take the risk of entering dangerous territory.

Who is the other person?

Could it be a sorcerer from the Blood Moon Kingdom?

How old are they and what kind of sorcery faction are they proficient in?

If they are sorcerers from other kingdoms, is it possible for us to communicate?

With a nervous and expectant mood, Shifrin quickly flapped her wings and flew over until the white mist broke, revealing a small island in front of her –

It was a growing electric white dragon, with a body entirely made of pearl-colored soft skin, no eyes, and a head with only a mouth on its thick neck.

Because electric white dragons often accompanied many rare lightning sorcery spirits, they were considered valuable knowledge creatures in the Knowledge Sea. Even if Shifrin didn’t need it, taking it to the research institute could still earn her a large number of research points.

In the past, Shifrin would definitely have been happy to encounter such a good prey, but now she was a bit disappointed – she really wanted to try chatting with someone in the virtual realm! Even if it was just exchanging trash talk!

What if the other person was a good sorcerer? Then they might even temporarily team up and explore the virtual realm together!

But the result was a rather ugly electric white dragon…

The electric white dragon noticed the small bat and let out a mournful roar, its strong sound waves enough to temporarily deafen sorcerers.But Shifrin took advantage of this moment to deactivate her miracle and revert to human form. During the 0.1-second transformation, Shifrin almost merged with the Virtual Realm, immune to all influences, naturally avoiding the roar of the Electric White Dragon.

As she transformed, a cloud of blood mist suddenly exploded, enveloping the Electric White Dragon. When Shifrin landed, the Electric White Dragon was covered in a faint blue electric arc, and with a roar, it lunged straight at her!

This kind of reckless attack without any technical content was the hardest to deal with. Firstly, the island was not large, and the Artificer had little room to dodge. Secondly, the Electric White Dragon’s body was wrapped in a strong electric arc, even a slight touch could cause severe damage or even temporary dizziness to the Artificer.

However, Shifrin did not dodge or avoid it. She stretched out her palm towards the Electric White Dragon and softly called out:

“Miracle·Blood Thorns!”

The blood mist suddenly condensed into ropes full of barbs, tightly wrapped around the body of the Electric White Dragon. As the Electric White Dragon charged forward, its pearl-colored skin was immediately cut by the blood thorns, as if it was being skinned alive!

A few days ago, she had some difficulty using ‘Blood Thorns’, but these days, through practicing techniques such as eyelid opening, oral orthodontics, and nasal bone shaving, her proficiency in this miracle has skyrocketed, and she can now use it in actual combat!

Suddenly subjected to such a brutal attack, the Electric White Dragon’s charge was naturally stopped abruptly. It violently flapped its wings, the arc light on its body flickered, tearing all the blood thorns apart, and flew away to escape the blood mist area.

The learning ability of knowledge creatures is no worse than that of Artificers. The Electric White Dragon had already realized that the blood mist was very dangerous, so it wanted to attack this annoying foreign Artificer from the air!

Shifrin remained calm, her hands making strange gestures: “This is the first time I’m using this move in actual combat, it shouldn’t go wrong…”


The Electric White Dragon suddenly spun and crashed down, thick plasma completely enveloping it, making it look like a terrifying plasma sphere!

Even a defense-oriented Artificer, if hit directly by this, would surely be instantly soul-damaged and exit the Virtual Realm!

However, Shifrin clapped her hands, a strange glow in her bloody pupils: “Miracle·Blood Backflow!”


With a scream, the Electric White Dragon lost control of its body, like a kite with a broken string, it was thrown out, struggling on the ground. The blood vessels in its body were bursting continuously, all its muscles were convulsing, and the backflowing blood even broke through the skin, blooming like blood flowers!

When the Electric White Dragon was injured by the Blood Thorns, Shifrin’s ‘Blood Seed’ had already been planted in its body.

With the assistance of the Blood Seed to lock on, Shifrin could freely control the blood in the target’s body with her Blood Sorcery Spirit, accelerating bleeding, blood backflow are common miracles, high-level blood Artificers could even make the blood in the target’s body freeze or even boil!

In the kingdom of the Blood Moon, there is a saying among the Artificers: ‘When you fight with a blood Artificer, when you shed the first drop of blood, you know it’s time to kill yourself.’

“Wow! ——”

The Electric White Dragon suddenly let out a cry like a baby, its body once again bursting with intense electric arcs, then it turned around with a tail swing, and threw out three Sorcery Spirits in the opposite direction!

When Shifrin went to catch the three Sorcery Spirits, the Electric White Dragon crashed into the white fog, and in a short while, its traces and sounds were covered by layers of white fog, and it was unknown where it had escaped.

Shifrin was not surprised by this. Despite the Electric White Dragon’s apparent severe injuries, as long as it burst out with all its strength, Shifrin’s Blood Sorcery miracle could not stop it.

This is precisely the cunning of knowledge creatures — even when hunting, they always reserve some strength, allowing the enemy to misjudge their strength. Once they realize they have a low chance of winning, they will throw out bait and decisively flee, never engaging in a fight to the death with the enemy.

Plus, with the cover of the white fog, unless they have the right time and place or the right attributes, it is basically impossible for a winged Artificer to kill a knowledge creature alone. After exploring the Virtual Realm for more than half a year, Shifrin has not killed a single knowledge creature, which is a true reflection of most Artificers.

When Shifrin put away the three Sorcery Spirits, her ears twitched, feeling as if she faintly heard the scream of the Electric White Dragon in the distance.

But the heavy obstruction of the white fog made it hard for Shifrin to be sure of her judgment. Listening carefully, it seemed like she couldn’t hear it anymore.

But as always, there are too many strange things in the Virtual Realm, there’s no need to waste time on these things. Time is the most precious resource for the Blood Saint clan, she needs to make the most of every minute and second of her time exploring the Virtual Realm.

Shifrin once again cast a miracle to turn into a bat, just about to pick a direction to continue forward, when she suddenly heard a ‘plop’ sound from the right front.

The little bat hovered in mid-air in confusion.



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