Chapter 77 – Ceremony

“Bring six bottles of Fuding over here, my treat!”

“Bring a plate of lobster Lalafell, I want the extra-large portion, I’ll pay with my contribution points!”

“Give everyone a glass of beer, this round is on me, ‘Black Beast’ Tuke will pay!”

At noon, the registration point had been removed, and the recruitment of volunteers had ended.

The restaurant was bustling, and the selected death row inmates quickly consumed their contribution points by indulging in food and drink. These villains, who had done all sorts of evil deeds, even took the initiative to treat others and share their joy. After all, as volunteers, they either leave prison alive or die without a trace. In any case, their contribution points would be useless, so they had to spend them quickly.

The most miserable thing in life is when a person dies, but their money is not spent.

If there is something even more miserable, it is when a person’s money is not spent, but they desperately want to die.

Ronald Wade was exactly in the latter situation.

He looked at the abundant food in front of him. His stomach was empty, but he couldn’t muster any appetite.

The restaurant waiter brought the chilled beer that ‘Black Beast’ Tuke was treating everyone to. Ronald hadn’t touched any alcohol for many days, even though he used to drink it like water before he was imprisoned. He should have been thirsty, but after taking a sip of beer, he only felt that it was slightly bitter water.


Everything was boring.

Being in prison was boring, being alive was boring, self-indulgence was boring. Now, the only thing that could make Ronald’s pituitary gland send strong signals and make him feel that he was still alive was–


Ronald suddenly plunged his head into the food, stuffing it into his mouth with his hands, chewing vigorously, his teeth grinding the tendons in the meat slices back and forth, as if only this could temporarily make him forget that nauseating and insatiable instinctual desire!

“You have a good appetite, but you look quite thin. Do you have a habit of exercising?”

Ronald looked up and found two famous inmates in the prison – ‘Beautiful Beast’ Igura, who was skilled at devouring newcomers through a contract with a Sorcery Spirit, and also a dealer of information in the prison.

On the first day, Ronald was warned by Lang not to take any of Igura’s words lightly. You never knew when you would sign an unequal treaty with Igura.

However, Ronald had been in prison for a short time and had not witnessed Igura’s ferocious side, so he was not very wary of him. The other famous inmate, ‘Evil Demon’ Asho, left a deeper impression on him – he defeated Igura first, then Wakas, and survived the Blood Moon Trial, which was almost certain death.

In Ronald’s eyes, Asho was almost always destined to lose, but he didn’t know why he always won.

From not knowing how to fight to knocking Igura down with one punch, from not knowing how to use a sword to piercing Wakas’ throat with one sword strike, Wakas clearly wanted to take him to meet the Blood Moon Supreme Lord during the Blood Moon Trial, but he just didn’t cut off his head…

If this was happening outside, Ronald would definitely feel that he was witnessing the birth of a new legend.

Unfortunately, this was the Broken Lake Prison.

No matter how many miracles there were, they were just bubbles that emerged from the Broken Lake and would burst as soon as they reached the surface, never able to exist under the sunlight.


“Then why are you so thin?” Asho picked up a sandwich and took a big bite. “Did your flesh run away on its own?”

Ronald raised an eyebrow, his face expressionless. “Honestly, if you want to cause trouble for Lang, go find him directly. I’m not interested in getting involved in your grievances.”

“No, we came to find you.” Asho said, “Are you still discouraged because you couldn’t become a volunteer? Don’t worry, there are other ways to leave the prison besides becoming a volunteer.”

Ronald’s spirit shook. “What method!?”

“Escape!” Asho said mysteriously, “We have a big plan now, and the success rate of escape is very high. We just need a few more people. Are you interested?”

Ronald paused for a moment and sighed. “Honestly, can you guys stop bothering me? I beg you, please spare me. How about this, I’ll treat you to a meal, one contribution point each. Can you let me off?”

Asho and Igura exchanged a helpless glance, and Igura sighed. “If the leaders of the heresy outside were as persuasive as you, it’s no wonder the Four Pillar God has disappeared for so long.”

Igura looked at Ronald. “You also know that you can’t continue to stay here, right? You must leave Broken Lake, you must escape from Lang. Even if it means becoming a volunteer with a one in ten chance of survival, it’s worth it. Because if you continue to stay by Lang’s side, the outcome will be worse than death, more painful than death.”

Ronald’s eyes flickered. “I don’t understand what you mean. All I know is that if it weren’t for Lang, I would have to be a regular customer of the Blood Moon Trial until the executioner turned me into minced meat.””It is indeed very tempting,” Igura laughed. “As long as you agree to maintain an intimate relationship with him, he is willing to lose to you in the death matches and let you gain a large amount of contribution points, thus temporarily escaping the Blood Moon Judgment. Especially after you lost five consecutive death matches, Ronald became your only lifeline.”

Like most death row inmates, Ronald’s means of making money were basically written in the criminal law. After coming to prison, he could hardly contribute any social value, so naturally his attention turned to the Death Match Society – surviving by plundering others’ resources. This had been Ronald’s way of survival for over twenty years.

Unfortunately, there were too many plunderers and too few producers in the prison.

Ronald came to the Death Match Society and chose an old man who looked weak to fight to the death. As a result, he was beaten to the point where his bones shattered. ‘Diamond’ Tager successfully snatched 1 contribution point from the newcomer’s hands.

The results of the next four death matches were similar. Ronald had already collected as much information as possible and tried his best, but almost everyone who was willing to fight him could easily crush him.

After losing 15 contribution points, Ronald became the bottom of the prison food chain. He dared not accept any more death matches. His confidence was shattered after the first five death matches. He felt that everyone here was stronger than him.

If he couldn’t find a way to earn contribution points, he would appear in every subsequent Blood Moon Judgment until one day the citizens had a change of heart and let the Blood Moon Supreme Lord take away this desperate woodpecker killer seeking redemption.

It was at this moment that Ronald met Igura.

He was willing to intentionally lose to Ronald in the death matches and let Ronald gain contribution points. And this was a long-term agreement. Igura had a way to earn contribution points, and as long as he was willing, both he and Ronald could maintain high contribution points and live comfortably in the prison for several years.

He only had two requirements. The first was for Ronald to maintain an intimate relationship with him. Although Ronald was not very willing, he was not very repulsed either. After all, he had seen a lot outside, so sacrificing a little bit of his appearance to survive was acceptable.

And his second requirement…

“Igura will regularly ‘taste’ you, right?” Igura said. “He applied to fight you in the death matches, and naturally you have to accept it in order to gain contribution points. During the death matches, all restrictions are lifted, so he can do whatever he wants to you… When you are about to die, Igura will end it himself and let you win… That’s probably the process of your transaction, right?”

Ronald fell silent for a moment and nodded slightly. “As long as I don’t die, my body can recover. Although it will reduce my lifespan in the long run, if I don’t have contribution points, I don’t even know if I can survive the next Blood Moon Judgment.”

Igura laughed. “Yes, if the ‘transaction’ is only like this, it is indeed a very profitable deal. Even I would be tempted.”

“What do you mean?”

“Actually, you should be clearer than me, after all, I only vaguely guessed his true purpose by collecting information about Igura’s previous partners. But you are the sacrificial victim in the ritual, so you should feel the essence of this transaction, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so eager to become a volunteer and want to escape from Igura.”

Ronald’s pupils dilated. “Ritual? What ritual?”

Igura’s mouth curled up slightly. Revealing the truth to the victim like this was one of his favorite crime show programs. If conditions allowed, he would tell every stupid person he cheated about his scam plan – the most joyful tragedy in the world was to make fools realize their own foolishness.

“You don’t think that Igura made such a request just because he has a big appetite, do you? And you should feel that Igura doesn’t treat you as an object, a tool, or a stranger. He really loves you… wholeheartedly, without reservation.”

Ronald’s expression became even paler, and his hand holding the meat trembled slightly.

It sounded ridiculous. Igura took advantage of the situation to threaten Ronald and make him agree to his demands. He even treated him like a spare rib in every death match. No matter how you thought about it, Igura only saw him as a slave who could be used at will.

If that was the case, Ronald would feel relieved, because this was a relationship he could understand.

However, he felt that Igura truly loved him!

Whenever he had a request, Igura would try his best to fulfill it. Even in the death matches, Igura would hold him carefully, crying and slapping himself while scolding himself for the harm he caused to Ronald. He could even deliberately faint himself to lose the death match.

Ronald was not a lonely killer. He had also had lovers before, so he knew what love felt like.

That was why he was so terrified – every look and every action from Igura revealed genuine love!

Even when Igura was eating, his eyes were full of love!Deep love and consumption, Ronald could perfectly unify the two, as if loving someone and eating someone could coexist!

Ronald had always been afraid to delve deeper, but now that Igura had made it clear, he was forced to face this cruel reality!

He swallowed hard, struggling to ask, “What… what kind of ritual is this?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I only know the outcome of the ritual sacrifice.” Igura said, “All of Ronald’s previous partners died in their own bedrooms without exception.”

Ronald turned pale, “How is that possible!? How could they die in their bedrooms?”

Asho also realized—unless it was within the deathmatch arena, the chip would prohibit death row inmates from self-harm or suicide!

If a death row inmate starved himself, when the body was hungry to a certain extent, the prison would notify the guards to feed the inmate! Therefore, it was impossible for a death row inmate to die in his cell, unless he died of old age!

But it was clear that Ronald was not a fan of twilight love.

“It is said that there was nothing unusual about the body, it looked very normal, but all organ tissues stopped functioning.” Igura forked a strawberry from the strawberry cake, “It’s as if… the soul suddenly disappeared, so the body collapsed immediately after.”

Ronald’s face was as white as paper, his lips trembling non-stop.

Igura delivered the final blow.

“You should be uninterested in everything now, but you are full of anticipation for Ronald’s ritual, aren’t you? Even though your contribution is already enough, you will still accept Ronald’s deathmatch invitation… do you know why?”


“Because only in the ritual can your soul achieve temporary completeness—your incomplete soul can’t wait to escape from your body.”


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