Chapter 61 – Greatly shocked

Asho picked up the towel covering his face and sat up, supporting himself with his hands.

His first reaction was to touch his neck, but he didn’t feel any injuries.

“Weird, you didn’t use me as an experimental subject for surgery.”

“I’m done.”

The medical practitioner sitting at the end of the bed didn’t even lift his head, he looked down at the book in his hand, his crow-like beak trembling.

“It’s done, the surgery was very successful, and now you’re handsome.”


Asho quickly looked for a mirror, but there were no mirrors around. The medical practitioner chuckled, “Just kidding, actually, repairing your throat was too simple, it didn’t take much time, so I also did a few small surgeries for you. It wasn’t a major overhaul, so you didn’t wake up after it was done.”

Asho breathed a sigh of relief.

“So, what surgeries did you do for me?”

“I performed the Daphne technique for double eyelid surgery, the Ivo technique for adjusting the brow bone, the Loxa technique for adjusting the chin, the Eilas technique for naturally curled eyelashes, and…”

The more Asho listened, the more confused he became.

“So, do I still look similar to my previous self?”

“You should look quite similar, after all, you still have two eyes, one mouth, and one nose.”

“And you call that ‘not a major overhaul’? Does a major overhaul mean changing my entire head?”

“Not necessarily, changing the head is quite dangerous.” The medical practitioner gestured, “Among the sorcerers, the most popular major surgeries would be changing all your facial features. For example, changing your eyes to the eyes of a swift hawk, your teeth to the teeth of a shape-shifting shark, your nose to the nose of a fanged wolf, your ears to the ears of a bat demon… Changing limbs and internal organs is also quite common. Recently, mechanical prosthetics have become a very popular direction for modifications.”

Wow, it turns out that the sorcerers have already unlocked the technology tree for biological prosthetic modifications?

No wonder Asho saw a composite creature with rabbit ears and boar tusks in the prison. At that time, he wondered how rabbits and boars could cross the species barrier and hybridize.

It turns out it wasn’t wild animals playing around, it was the sorcerers.

Asho curiously looked at the medical practitioner, “Have you undergone such major surgeries?”

The medical practitioner hesitated for a moment, “I have, to some extent.”

“Oh~” Asho stared at the medical practitioner’s crow mask, “I see…”

How could the medical practitioner not know what Asho was thinking? He stood with his hands on his hips and said, “I don’t look as ugly as you. My face has always been perfect, so I don’t need any changes.”

“Oh, you didn’t change your face.” Asho scanned the medical practitioner’s body, but unfortunately, the medical practitioner was wearing loose robes, so he couldn’t see any contour marks.

“What are you looking at?”

“I’m checking if your fingers can extend into a cross-shaped screwdriver.”

“No screwdriver, but I have an ear spoon. Do you want to try?”


“Forget it, here.”

The medical practitioner took out ten silver coins from his money pouch and placed them on the bedside, waving his hand.

Asho pointed to the pile of silver coins, “Why?”

“Didn’t we agree? You asked me to perform the surgery, and I give you money. I practiced ten techniques, so I’m giving you ten silver coins. It’s reasonable.”

“No, what I want to ask is, didn’t we use gold coins for payment before?”

“I asked other medical practitioners, and they don’t give money when they practice techniques. At most, they give silver coins. No one gives gold coins!”

“You’re just indecisive. A person should have their own opinions. Otherwise, if someone eats shit, would you eat shit too?”

“You make a good point. Actually, I didn’t want to give you money in the first place. I can’t be influenced by you anymore—”

“But occasionally listening to other people’s advice is also a good quality.” Asho quickly put away the silver coins.

The medical practitioner looked like he wanted to laugh, but quickly suppressed his amusement. “You are now famous. You are the only criminal in the history of Camon City who survived the Blood Moon Judgment with injuries.”

“The only one? Haven’t there been other death row inmates who were mistakenly injured during the judgment?”

“There have been, but they couldn’t be saved and were torn apart by the executioners. In your case, being killed by other death row inmates but having shallow wounds that couldn’t be saved is equivalent to violating the ‘Life Assistance Act.’ It can be said that you are unique.”

Asho still couldn’t get used to how wounds were classified in this world. His injuries, which almost caused his head to fall off, were considered minor wounds that could be healed with a band-aid.

“When you go out, remember to find ways to earn more contribution points and avoid being selected for the next Blood Moon Judgment. There won’t be any elves standing in front of you next time.”

Asho curiously looked at the medical practitioner, “Why do you care about me? Have you developed feelings for me during the treatment?”

“You come to the treatment room almost every day. If there were a few more model prisoners like you in the prison, I might be able to leave this place in another month or two.”

The medical practitioner shrugged, “Thanks to you, I have become quite proficient in many techniques.”

“Can you take me with you when you leave? I promise to be your experimental subject for three years. Isn’t that a good deal?”



“If you don’t mind being packed in three different boxes and taken away by me, I have no problem with it. The prison is also willing to let you go.”

Asho smacked his lips, “Can you put me back together after taking me out?”

“If I were a legendary sorcerer, I should be able to do it. I could even add some plugins for you.”

“Are you one?”

“If I were, I wouldn’t have time to chat with you about this nonsense.”

The medical practitioner crossed his arms, “And you’re still thinking about escaping. Tsk tsk, after experiencing the Blood Moon Judgment, you still haven’t given up on such childish thoughts?”

“Young man, who doesn’t think about escaping every night? And after witnessing the Blood Moon Judgment, who can stay here?” Asho clenched his fist, “I’m determined to escape from this prison!”

“Good luck, but remember to be safe during the escape. It’s best to keep the corpse intact.”

Asho leaned closer to the medical practitioner, “Do you have any good ideas for escaping?”

The medical practitioner glared at him with his beak, “Don’t think that I won’t report you just because I made you look a little handsome.”

“Don’t be so nervous. Since you’ve made me like this, let’s just consider it as a post-procedure chat.” Asho seemed indifferent, “Let’s treat it as a decryption game. If you were falsely accused and imprisoned in this Broken Lake Prison as the leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy, and the Falconer’s Hall didn’t dare to search your memories, how would you plan your escape?”

“But I won’t be falsely accused.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“Because we have memory readers. If they check my memories, they will know that I am innocent.”

Asho also remembered this, and couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you think it’s… not good?”

The medical practitioner found it strange, “What’s not good?”

“Having your memories searched, don’t you think memories are important privacy that shouldn’t be searched by others?”

“You still claim to be innocent. Isn’t this just advocating for freedom terrorism?”


“Only those with evil intentions and ulterior motives would hope to abolish the memory inspection system. They even have more outrageous demands, such as lifting the binding of the Miracle Chip, granting pregnant women the right to autonomous abortion, or even making the records of reproductive pairing public… Why do you seem so nervous?”

Asho swallowed a mouthful of saliva, “Pregnant women can’t have abortions?”

“Of course not. If any congenital or hereditary diseases are detected in the fetus, abortion is necessary.”



“What if the fetus is healthy?”

“Then it must be born.”

“No need to ask the opinion of the pregnant woman?”

“Why should we ask?” The medical practitioner found it strange, “Would pregnant women refuse? The childbirth subsidy for each birth is almost equivalent to three years’ salary for an average profession, with variations depending on the race. If you’re a sorcerer, you’ll receive even more. The first birth comes with a 100% bonus, and an additional 50% bonus for giving birth within the recommended age range.”

“Unless it’s a talented female sorcerer who doesn’t want to waste any time, most women will have their first birth within the recommended age range. As for whether there will be a second or third birth, it depends on the richness of their nightlife. Anyway, it’s only troublesome during pregnancy. After giving birth, the baby will be sent to a foster home, and the pregnant woman can receive the deserved childbirth fund on the same day.”

Asho was greatly shocked. He suddenly looked at the medical practitioner with strange eyes, “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Do you… receive the childbirth fund?”

The medical practitioner hesitated for a moment, “I can’t give birth.”

Asho quickly apologized, “I’m sorry.”

The medical practitioner waved his hand, “There’s no need to apologize. I don’t lack that money anyway. But, are you really in favor of pregnant women having the right to autonomous abortion? In that case, you are considered one of the more radical types among freedom terrorists.”

Asho wiped the sweat from his forehead, “Is that considered radical?”

The medical practitioner said naturally, “Of course, supporting autonomous abortion means reducing the birth rate. It’s fine for humans and orcs, but the races with consistently low birth rates like elves and veelas hate this kind of discourse the most. One of the parliament members who proposed this bill was exposed with various scandals and resigned within a few days.”

“Supporting the abolition of memory inspection means increasing the difficulty of criminal investigation and creating a favorable environment for criminals. Only those who want to commit crimes would support such discourse. Even the parliament members wouldn’t propose such populist discourse.”

“Similarly, supporting the lifting of the Miracle Chip binding is equivalent to supporting the removal of shackles from criminals, increasing the difficulty of capturing them, and increasing the possibility of them continuing to commit crimes…”

Asho asked, “But you all have the Miracle Chip, so aren’t you all wearing shackles? Aren’t you afraid?”

“You speak as if we are the same.”

The medical practitioner gave Asho a strange look.

“And we are not criminals, so why should we be afraid? Only criminals who disrupt social order would be afraid.”

It made sense, and Asho couldn’t refute it at all.

He realized that in the Blood Moon Kingdom, this was the general perception shared by the public. Since they all accepted this system of social regulation, it meant that this approach was relatively correct. The ones who were incorrect were the death row inmates in the prison, including Asho himself.

I never thought that in my previous life, I was a law-abiding taxpayer who supported regulation, but after crossing over here, I became a freedom terrorist…

“Let’s not digress. Let’s just say that you, like me, were falsely accused as the leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy and were imprisoned in Broken Lake Prison without the Falconer’s Hall searching your memories. How would you plan your escape?”

“Are you really falsely accused…”

“Let’s treat it as a thought game! But I heard that medical practitioners’ logical thinking abilities are not that great, so maybe this game is too difficult for you?”

“Do you think I would fall for such childish rhetoric? Do you think I’m a child!” The medical practitioner turned his head away and snorted, “But the path to escape is quite obvious, which is why you didn’t realize it.”

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