Chapter 236 – Officially joined the team

Diya was squatting in the lumberyard looking for usable materials.

The lumberyard was connected to the outside of the nest, and the huge, unattractive machine, driven by the artificer, was like a fishing rod that plunged into the dense forest outside. The environmentally friendly trees that grew rapidly in the outside world would be turned into square wooden blocks by the machine and fall into the nest.

In theory, the ferocious wolf dragon would not use wood, and the wood would take up a large area, so the nest should be quickly crowded and burst. But in reality, there was not much wood in the lumberyard.

As Diya searched for materials, she received guidance from her sisters:

White Queen: “Princess, you can’t just hand things over so directly.”

Diya: “Do you want me to throw it over?”

White Queen: “That’s not what I meant… you’ll make the audience feel awkward.”

Diya: “( ̄△ ̄;) I don’t understand.”

Black Butler: “Please let the White Queen do it, I can’t bear to watch.”

Diya: “I think I’m doing fine. Sword Girl likes me, and the audience will like me soon too!”

Black Butler: “Who gave you the courage? Little Red, say something to her too!”

Redeemed: “A few words.”

At this moment, Diya heard footsteps and turned to see the audience pulling Sword Girl over.

“Witch, why is your personality so different from yesterday?”

“Huh? That’s because yesterday was the White Queen, and today is Diya.”

Diya didn’t hide it and said it very straightforwardly.

Black Butler: “I knew she would sell us all out.”

“The audience has long known about the existence of the little witch and the secret princess. We couldn’t hide it.” The White Queen tried very hard to find a reason for Diya.

“Huh?” Diya blinked suddenly, as if she had been pricked with a needle. “You didn’t know? Did I say something wrong? Audience, didn’t you tell her?”

“I don’t know the details very well either, so I came to ask you together.” Asho shrugged. “Witch, do you want to share your secret with us? If you don’t want to, you can refuse, just like I never asked Sword Girl what the little horn means.”

Diya adjusted her glasses and quickly received advice from the sisterhood meeting: “It’s not a big deal, actually…”

Just like Sonia can freely complain to the audience about her roommate college and society, the witch sisters also believe that it’s okay to expose the secrets of Sword Girl and the audience—first, the audience already knows their secrets, so hiding them is meaningless, and second, Sword Girl and the audience do not intersect in reality, which can be seen from their excitement when they met in the virtual realm last night. The White Queen believes that they may be in two different countries.

In addition, since the audience has always appeared in a virtual image in front of them, the White Queen believes that the audience and herself may also be in different countries, and she doesn’t know how he is bound to herself by some miracle.

In other words, they, the audience, and Sword Girl are all strangers in different countries.

No matter what the audience and Sword Girl know, it cannot affect the lives of the sisters.

So not only Diya, except for the more stable White Queen, the other sisters are very willing to show their existence to strangers.

“I am the White Queen, please take care of the princess.” The White Queen, who appeared last night in a white suit, short skirt, and absolute domain, is a gentle and stable elder sister.

“I am Redeemed.” With red hair and red clothes, her eyes were fierce and alert, like a brown bear living in the wild.

“I am the Black Butler, mainly responsible for helping the sisters come up with insults.” Dressed in a proper butler’s uniform, her hair tied up and placed at the back of her neck, her neutral dress was very handsome, and her delicate and heroic eyes made people doubt whether her mouth could only spit out ivory.

“And then there’s me, the Secret Princess!” Diya resumed her original appearance, proudly putting her hands on her hips. “But the audience gave me the code name Witch, so you can call me Witch. In the future, most of the activities in the virtual realm will be led by me, so I am the Witch!”

Not only Sonia, even Asho was amazed—switching personalities could automatically change clothes and hair color faster than the Sailor Moon. Was she born with several sets of skin?

“Witch, do you have other sisters?” Sonia asked curiously.

“There are…” Diya paused. “But they all have other things to do and won’t appear for the time being.”

Can you collaborate in multiple threads at the same time?

Asho suddenly felt the urge to split personalities—first, split one to work and practice in reality, then split one to fight and adventure in the virtual realm, and then he would be responsible for resting and entertainment. Perfect division of labor.

But he just thought about it. Not to mention that he didn’t have this ability, even if he did, the most likely result would be one Asho having water to drink, two Ashos fetching water to drink, three Ashos having no water to drink… after all, they were all Asho, why should you be lazy and I have to work?

His current goal is still to explore the potential of the surrogate sorcery spirit. One day, Asho will be able to live the life of a sorcerer capitalist exploiting the sorcery spirit.

“Why are you in charge of exploring the virtual realm?” Asho suddenly realized a problem. “According to common sense, shouldn’t Redeemed, who is responsible for combat, be in charge?”

“Because I know a little bit of what the other sisters know, which makes it easier to deal with various emergencies, and if necessary, I can switch to someone else.” Diya picked up a piece of material from the woodpile. “And exploring the virtual realm is very tiring, and I’m the only one among the sisters who is interested in it… Hmm? Oh, okay.”

Diya suddenly looked at Asho and asked, “Audience, what do you think of the White Queen, Redeemed, and the Black Butler?”

Sonia listened in astonishment—such a strange way of asking, just like when a classmate in the class wanted to introduce a male aristocrat to her, using the tone of selling fruit.

“Hmm?” Asho thought for a moment. “The White Queen is dignified and elegant, Redeemed is sharp and fierce, and the Black Butler is suave and handsome… Witch, you have three very good sisters.”

“What about Sword Girl, what do you think?” Diya turned to Sonia again.”It’s basically the same as the Watchers,” Sonia said with her undeniable social talent, clapping her hands, “But each of you is so beautiful. I adore the White Queen’s charm as much as the Redeemed’s coolness, and the Black Butler hits right in my sweet spot. And you, Witch, you’re so cute yourself… Can I have you all?”

Diya’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she suddenly leaped to hug Asho and Sonia, making happy humming noises through her nose. Asho and Sonia were caught off guard by her sudden bear hug and were pressed to the ground, watching the Witch rub against them like a little bear in their arms.

“Witch, this is so sudden—”

“We’re so happy!” The Witch lifted her head, her pretty face beaming with an infectious smile, “The White Queen and the others rarely show themselves in public, almost no one knows they exist. You two are the only ones… They’ve always wanted to know how others would perceive them, and your approval makes them, makes us all so happy! If you don’t believe me, let them speak for themselves—”

Diya adjusted her glasses, instantly transforming into the Black Butler.

The Black Butler solemnly declared, “That’s not true, she’s talking nonsense!”

“I am not!” Diya transformed back, snorting coldly, “Black Butler, you were clearly blushing with joy just now! We all saw it!”

“I knew she would sell us out!” cursed the Black Butler.

“I have nothing to say,” the White Queen gave up struggling.

The Witch sat up, suddenly remembering something, “Right, in the picture book ‘The House of the North Wind,’ the protagonists became friends after sharing secrets… So, are we friends now?”

“You shared a secret with us, but we haven’t shared one with you,” Asho said.

Diya blinked, her socially awkward self momentarily crashing.

Ah, is this a rejection? What should I do next? I really want to find a hole to crawl into. Maybe I should switch to someone else, White Queen save me—

“But we still have a long, long future ahead of us in the Virtual Realm,” Asho stood up and dusted off his pants, “Let’s talk about our stories when we have time.”

Sonia sat up and gently rubbed Diya’s stubborn cowlick, letting out a helpless sigh.

“I’m just an ordinary college girl, I don’t have any explosive secrets to share with you.”

The Black and White Witch, Lisdiya, officially joined the team.

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