Chapter 226

It’s so fast!

Asho took a deep breath as Harvey’s action of flicking the cigarette butt was very sudden. The time it took for the cigarette butt to fall was less than a second, but Pancake not only reacted quickly, but also shot out ice thorns at a speed that was almost invisible, and the accuracy was also extremely amazing – that was a burnt-out cigarette butt that was falling! It’s smaller than a finger!

If Pancake used this move for a close-range assault, Asho would definitely not be able to react and could only rely on his “wild intuition” to dodge.

At this point, he also vaguely guessed Harvey’s thoughts. Harvey’s outburst early in the morning was naturally not just for the corpse – at least not only that. After all, he had been in Shattered Lake for more than a year and had not indulged in meat and fish. He had only been in the Gospel Kingdom for a few days, so how could he not hold back? He’s just a pervert, not Meiwa. His desires are not that strong.

Harvey’s real purpose was to tear off Annan’s hypocritical face.

Annan said she respected them and took care of them, but in actual action, she imprisoned them, cut off all their communication, and blocked all their outings. Asho and the others saw this and could understand it, but that didn’t mean they accepted it.

The fraudster didn’t explode, he just wanted to collect more information. In daily life, he would even maintain a surface relationship with Annan, and then make plans after lulling Annan; and the leader of the heresy didn’t explode, he just hadn’t gotten tired of the food here. But after having the same breakfast for two consecutive meals, this former death row inmate who had been in Shattered Lake for half a month began to have some objections.

Harvey directly put their contradictions on the table, which was equivalent to forcing Annan into a corner. Annan only had two options. The first option was to directly tear off her “good boss” mask and reveal the true face of a slave owner.

“I’m done pretending. Let’s lay our cards on the table. All three of you will become my dogs!”

And the second option…

“Mr. Harvey wants to choose fresh body materials, what about you? Do you have any demands?” Igura was not polite at all. “This country also has a curtain for exchanging knowledge. I want the right to log in to the curtain, preferably with a large-screen multimedia curtain login device.”

“I want money,” Asho was even more impolite. “I found out yesterday when playing a virtual game that without recharging, there’s no experience acceleration, increased drop rate, newbie set, daily sign-in rewards, and various other benefits. At least I have to recharge a little to have a good gaming experience.”

“I want lots of clothes, dolls, candies, and, and, and…” Lis counted her wishes on her fingers.

“I’ve heard all your requests,” Annan said. “Although some are reasonable and some are outrageous, as your boss, I can satisfy all of them—”

“As long as you can beat me in the game.”

“Game? What game?” Igura didn’t hesitate to guess Annan’s conspiracy with the greatest malice. “Is it a complex game unique to the Gospel Kingdom?”

“No, no, no, this game is not complicated at all, and it’s very advantageous for the side with more people.”

The purple moth gently flicked the earring, making a crisp sound.

“As long as you know your companions well.”

That’s it, everyone thought.

Camon University Affiliated Hospital.

As the operating room light changed from red to green, a slender raven medical practitioner came out from inside. The assistant who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately greeted her. “Dr. Shifrin, how was the surgery?”

“The surgery was very successful.” Shifrin took off her raven mask and hood, and let her long hair out from inside her coat. “His failed life has come to an end.”

“I’ve preserved the important organs with miracles. You notify the body processing department to come and take the body. Speaking of which, there are really a lot of people without social value alive. I’ve only been here for a few days and I’ve already performed three ‘life restart’ surgeries.”

“Dr. Shifrin, you’re still young, so you’re surprised.” The assistant smiled. “There are too many people like this, who are unwilling to undergo biological transformation to work, and unwilling to take risks to make money. They don’t even have a familiar person to borrow money from, and they spend their days wandering around the Tianqiao Park, wasting time. Only a small part of them have the chance to be sent to the hospital. These wanderers are very cunning, and the volunteers can’t keep up with them.”

After the “Fenanche incident,” Shifrin decided to end her blood oath ceremony and leave Shattered Lake Prison. However, she did not intend to return to the research institute immediately, but instead found an internship at a hospital, wanting to elevate the water and blood sects to the gold level before returning.

This time, she did not conceal her identity and openly took out the scholar’s certificate from the four major research institutes. The hospital naturally agreed to accompany the princess to study and arranged her in the most popular position in the hospital – the fourth emergency medical department.

Every hospital has four emergency departments, classified according to the type of patients. Let’s not mention the first three for now. The fourth emergency medical department is specifically for social outcasts with poor social reputations, criminal records, and who cannot afford low emergency fees deducted from the bank.

Like the body processing department, the fourth emergency department is also a “privileged department” that only blood saint medical practitioners can enter. The work of the fourth emergency department is very simple – to judge whether the patient has any value to be saved. If they do, they are saved; if not, they are sent to the body processing department.

How to judge the value of a patient? It’s very simple – by retrieving memories.

You probably already figured it out – the fourth emergency department is not only a place for blood saint medical practitioners to train their medical skills, but also a self-study room for them to quickly train in the soul sect.

This is why there are no training methods for the soul sect in the Blood Moon Kingdom, because blood saint practitioners don’t need those slow learning methods. They directly use the artisan to forcibly retrieve the memories of others. Even if they damage the patient, they can gain a large amount of soul experience, and the soul sect naturally makes rapid progress.Just as you can become a professional road killer without learning any driving knowledge and simply getting behind the wheel, crashing dozens of cars, Shifrin had only performed memory retrieval three times, and her mind faction had already taken a big step into the silver tier, showcasing her impressive learning efficiency.

However, don’t get it wrong, the Fourth Emergency Department isn’t about killing people; most of the time, it’s about normal emergency care that doesn’t involve killing.

Because Blood Saint Artificers need to browse and analyze the memories they retrieve from patients, such as whether the patient has the ability to work, whether they can become a burden to others thereby increasing others’ work efficiency, or whether they can become an object of disdain to others thereby enhancing others’ sense of superiority in life… There are quite a few dimensions to analyze. Sometimes, even if the patient is a waste of space, as long as they can enhance the gaming experience of others, the Fourth Emergency Department will let them live.

Only when a person’s social relationships are a complete mess and they hold no value to others or society, will the Fourth Emergency Department perform a ‘life restart’ surgery on them.

There are no risks involved in doing so.

People who are not cared about by anyone naturally won’t have anyone concerned about their life or death.

Clearly, Shifrin was lucky, having encountered such ‘rare commodities’ three times in a row, which is why she could use memory retrieval without any reservations.

Because of various benefits, Blood Saint Artificers flock to the Fourth Emergency Department. However, there is a loophole in this efficient waste disposal mechanism—homeless people don’t just wander into hospitals. Who is responsible for picking up the trash?

The ‘volunteers’ Shifrin mentioned earlier are those environmentally conscious individuals who willingly take to the streets to pick up trash.

Perhaps the Blood Saints have enticed them, or perhaps not, but there will always be a group of people in society who choose to roam at night, specifically looking for homeless people who refuse to take out loans and work, to vent their violence on. Unfortunately, they often can’t get past their own psychological barriers and stop short of killing, which is why the Fourth Emergency Department came into existence.

Because of the existence of these volunteers, the city environment has become much cleaner. However, the savvy homeless have also learned to strategically relocate, and thus the sewer rats have suffered a dimensional strike.

But the city hall will soon add iron fences and a series of restrictive measures to the sewers. The battlefield of the city does not allow for deserters.

“Dr. Shifrin, there is a patient waiting in your office for a biological prosthesis transformation appointment.”

“Biological prosthesis transformation?” Shifrin was a bit puzzled: “Aren’t there better bio-modification doctors in the hospital than me… Oh, I see.”

Of course, there were bio-modification doctors in the hospital with better skills than hers, so this patient must be a ‘gift’ from the hospital for the vampire princess to practice on—if patients were really arranged according to skill level, wouldn’t Shifrin be left out in the cold for a year?

If the hospital dared to leave Shifrin out in the cold, her senior brothers and sisters would soon have the hospital’s higher-ups hanging from the ceiling.

However, when Shifrin entered her office, she immediately overturned her previous guess—far from being a gift, the hospital had clearly thrown a big problem her way!

Inside the office were two people: a tall man wearing a hunter’s coat, with a Falconer’s half-sleeve on his right hand, white hair, blood-red eyes, and a look of weathered indifference; and a cute girl in a wheelchair wearing a gorgeous dress, with no hands or feet, looking like an unfinished doll.

“Hello, I am Jielade Weisiminsite, hunter number 307791,” the white-haired man said. “This is Serena Brait.”

“I’m Shifrin Gwen.” Shifrin squatted down, looking at Serena: “May I ask why a Bloodthirsty Hunter is bringing a minor to see a doctor? Or are you, Mr. Hunter, also a guardian at a foster care facility?”

Serena spoke timidly, “Hello, sister.”

“Hello, Serena,” Shifrin said, patting Serena’s head, her eyes filled with pity for the beautiful: “Your name is as pretty as mine.”

This woman has no shame, Serena thought to herself.

“She’s not a child from the foster care.”

“Then whose child is she?”

“My child.”

Shifrin turned her head, staring at Jielade in disbelief, then took two steps back to close the office door, leaning against it with her hand on her forehead, her face full of confusion.

“(☉_☉) Wait, so you’re saying… you were originally a woman?”

Jielade stood up: “Can I request a different doctor?”

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