Chapter 224 – Reverse Sun

“As for my current situation,” Asho said, “I have already escaped from the Blood Moon Kingdom, and then—”

He paused here.

From the moment he arrived in the Gospel Kingdom, Annan became a key figure, as she had picked him up from the wilderness talent market according to their contract. Asho was prohibited from disclosing any information about Annan, even unintentionally, as it was all confidential. His current situation, new residence, and new job were all closely tied to Annan, and even the clothes he wore were bought with Annan’s money.

He had a lot to complain to the Sword Girl about, but all of it would ultimately lead back to Annan, so he couldn’t say anything. Any information would reveal the secret of him being supported by Annan.

“And then?” Sonia blinked.

“I can’t tell you,” Asho said helplessly. “I signed a contract that prohibits me from disclosing any information. I can only say that I am currently very safe, preparing for a plan to blaspheme the main god, and I also have a daughter…”

“A daughter!?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be more concerned about the plan to blaspheme the main god?”

“Anyway, you won’t tell me…”

Sonia’s lips moved, suddenly remembering that the Observer was a powerful being who had been revived. He must have had some karmic entanglements, and with his level of experience, he might have had a dozen partners in the past. She lowered her head and said, “Well, according to your age, you must have a child…”

What do you mean by my age?

I’m only in my twenties, do I look like someone with a child? Although many of my middle school classmates have already had a second child…

“In fact, it’s just a poor little ghost who insists on calling me dad. I didn’t agree, but taking care of her is part of the job, so I had to accept it. Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not married yet.”

“What am I misunderstanding? I don’t care if you’re married or not.”

Sonia snorted, thinking to herself that the Observer had become a teacher after crossing into the new kingdom. And he was actually taking care of a child?

How was he taking care of her? He couldn’t possibly use his abilities to force the child to study, could he?

“Anyway, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m safe for now.”

Asho said, “What about you? Are you still happy at the academy?”

“It’s okay, just have a lot of admirers. I have to sign a lot of autographs every time I go out, and I was recently interviewed by a journalist. It seems that many people say I’m the first sword genius of Garlean, and I’ve received many banquet invitations. The pressure is so great, I feel like I’m losing weight…”

“Do you think I would say I’m envious? I really am envious.” Asho was almost sour. The Sword Girl’s college life was so fulfilling, making this outdated college student who only played games in the dormitory feel very envious.

“All of this is because of you. Just over twenty days ago, I was still an unknown, pure, pretty, and cute female college student.” Sonia shrugged. “So… thank you.”

“I said we don’t need to say these things between us, right? And what does it have to do with me? Clearly, you developed the plot on your own, and I just helped you train.” Asho shook his head, sitting next to the seat, feeling a little annoyed. “And this kind of thank you without any benefits is like praise without a raise. It doesn’t affect me at all, and I’m even a little tired—”

A pair of fair arms gently wrapped around his neck from behind.

It wasn’t the kind of strength that felt like he was being strangled, but rather a gentle, cautious strength that seemed to want to pull him into her body, like the ambiguous sunlight after a nap.

These hands were very elastic. The body in the Virtual Realm was a reflection of the real body. In reality, the Sword Girl diligently practiced swordsmanship, so even without deliberate exercise, her hands were bound to be full of strength. Her biceps were probably much stronger than Asho’s, and he liked the healthy lines.

The warm breath passed through his hair and tickled his earlobes, making him feel a little itchy. He had just turned his head when Sonia immediately let go and stepped back, staring at the golden rain outside as if she couldn’t get enough of it. “I’m giving this to you.”


Asho was taken aback, only then did he realize that the Sword Girl had slipped an Artisan into his arms when she hugged him just now.

It was the highly efficient healing Artisan ‘Reverse Sun,’ which even a fool of a Sorcerer could use.


“You don’t need it, just take it back for recycling. Don’t give it back to me, and don’t give it to the Witch.”


“I think about it carefully, and I don’t seem to need this Artisan very much, so I gave it to you, no other meaning.”

Asho looked at her askew. “If you want me to accept ‘Reverse Sun,’ you could have just said so earlier. The Witch originally wanted to give it to me.”

“But if she gives it to you, won’t you owe her a favor?”

“This is just normal resource allocation. How is it considered a favor—”

“If it’s normal resource allocation, then why did you refuse ‘Reverse Sun’? Because you also know that the Artisans you picked up a few moments ago can’t compare to ‘Reverse Sun,’ so you felt embarrassed to accept it. If the Witch insists on giving it to you, you will definitely remember this favor!”

“Well, what’s the use of a favor? I’m fair, and I won’t be bought by bribes once or twice.”

“Not once or twice, but ten or a hundred times? The Witch has been trying to please you since the first day. When she accumulates favors in the future, you will eventually lean towards her!”

“Well, what you said makes sense…” Asho had to admit that the Sword Girl was right. “But if you accept ‘Reverse Sun,’ won’t you owe her a favor too?””I will repay the favor I owe her; my relationship with her is purely professional, and such favors won’t cause any other influence,” Sonia said. “What’s more, even if I don’t repay her, I won’t feel any burden in my heart, unlike you who could be easily swayed by such sugar-coated bullets.”

“I can’t believe I actually feel like your spirit of taking money without doing the work seems very righteous…” Asho retorted. “Actually, you don’t need to be so wary of the witch. Although she’s not very familiar with us now, sooner or later, we will become partners with a close bond.”

“We’ll talk about that when the time comes,” Sonia replied noncommittally, her gaze fixed on the ‘Sun Reversal’ in Asho’s hand. “Are you going to take it or not?”

Even though Asho felt he really didn’t need the ‘Sun Reversal’ to save his life, how could he refuse after Sword Girl had gone to such lengths?

He feared that if he refused one second, the next second Sword Girl would chop him up so badly he’d need the ‘Sun Reversal’ to save his life.

Controlling the ‘Sun Reversal’ with Artificing, Asho suddenly said, “Wait, according to what you’re saying, you deliberately took the ‘Sun Reversal’ from the witch and then handed it over to me, so you want me to owe you a favor?”

“Yes, you should remember this favor well, and remember it for a lifetime.”

“But if I owe you a favor, won’t I be biased towards you?”

“Aren’t you already biased towards me?”

Oh right, now the resources are indeed prioritized for Sword Girl, so no problem there.

“Although I’m very happy that you are all trying to please me, and I’m even a bit flattered, your real competitiveness is your own strength, not my attitude towards you. It’s okay to do this once or twice, but please don’t focus your thoughts on this,” Asho said, scratching his head. “We’re only three people; infighting is simply self-destructive.”

“I’m not trying to please you…”

“You’re not trying to please me?”

“I am.”

Sonia averted her gaze from Asho and said softly, “But not entirely.”

Not far from the sports car, on the grass, Diya was rolling around. When she got tired, she lay on the grass like the character ‘大’, completely lacking her usual grace and elegance.

“I finally have some time to come out and play.” She stretched lazily and said, “Rolling around on the grass is an unmissable part of the experience on the Time Continent!”

The White Queen suddenly said, “It’s time to send out Sword Girl.”

“Send what?”

‘The Sun Reversal Sorcery Spirit, of course. She took the Sun Reversal to give it to the Observer.’

“What?” Diya sat up in shock. “She actually took our stuff to give to the Observer? How despicable, the adult world is so disgusting, no wonder she wanted us to leave, she didn’t want us to disturb her while she was trying to please the Observer!”

‘Actually, it’s not that despicable or disgusting. She’s not doing it purely to please the Observer.’

“Then what else is she doing it for?”

‘Princess, the Sun Reversal is a highly efficient Sorcery Spirit for healing. We wanted to exchange it with the Observer, but after the Observer refused, Sword Girl took the initiative to leave. Although the Observer believes he doesn’t need something like the Sun Reversal at his side, Sword Girl might not agree with the Observer’s thoughts.’

‘She might just be worried about the Observer’s safety.’

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