Chapter 222 – Greedy Sword Girl

“Speaking of which, when I was reading the information, I saw that some artificers referred to the River of Flowing Gold as the ‘River of Ambition.’ At the time, I couldn’t understand it.”

Sonia suddenly laughed and said, “Now I finally understand.”

“Fear can overwhelm courage, but it can also foster ambition,” the White Queen agreed. “Artificers who can traverse the Virtual Realm are the freest beings in the world. After facing aging and death, artificers will find that the chains called ‘rules,’ ‘reason,’ and ‘common sense’ in reality are nothing but insignificant illusions.”

“There were never any chains. Artificers are beings born to conquer everything.”


Suddenly, there was another explosion in the distant sky, followed by the roars of countless monsters. It was clear that someone was flying up to search for the Rainbow Tail again.

The three of them looked in the direction of the sound for a while, and then Asho suddenly said, “You guys need to work hard. As long as one of you advances to the Holy Domain level of your faction, the other two can also climb to the Faraway Sky Domain together, even without the Rainbow Tail, you can sneak into a higher level of the Virtual Realm.”

It really is a kind of benefit… Diya vaguely realized this team approach of “one person progresses, the whole team benefits” when she was brought into the Virtual Realm without opening the Gate of Truth. If the observer could directly open the Gate to the fourth level of the Virtual Realm, wouldn’t they become legendary artificers in one leap?

However, the observer’s strength was only at the Two-Winged level, and according to Sword Girl, she had lost her memory, so everything had to start from scratch… However, the observer they encountered in reality didn’t seem like someone who had lost their memory and strength. Instead, they seemed more eccentric and wild than a legendary artificer.

As for the Virtual Realm, although they were somewhat detached, they were generally more amiable and easygoing, like a cake at afternoon tea.

If it weren’t for the fact that their overall personality hadn’t changed much, the White Queen would almost think that the observer, like herself, had siblings.

So, is the observer the type to intimidate newcomers in order to command them? From a management perspective, what he did wasn’t wrong…

Or perhaps… the White Queen glanced at Sword Girl.

Could it be that the observer didn’t dare to be arrogant because of Sword Girl’s presence?

“Aren’t you planning to look for the Rainbow Tail?” Sonia asked.

“I am, but you two can’t slack off. If I can’t find it, then I can only rely on the two of you,” Asho stood up and patted his butt. “The existence of the Divine Master is still too far away, but the Faraway Sky Domain is worth considering.”

“After all, the Time Continent is so exciting. What kind of scenery is waiting for us in the Faraway Sky Domain?”

Seeing them completely energized, Diya felt and said, “We probably only used up about a third of our soul energy to enter the River of Flowing Gold this time. We should be able to go again. What do you think—”

“Tomorrow night.”

“Let’s talk about it next time.”

Asho and Sonia instantly hesitated, and the White Queen couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Entering the River of Flowing Gold doesn’t require the consumption of soul energy, but restoring their aging and decaying souls to their normal state does require energy.

If they were willing, an artificer could enter and exit the River of Flowing Gold multiple times. In fact, many artificers did so. After all, artificers like Asho, who could guarantee a harvest every night with the Virtual Realm map, were few. Most artificers just wandered around the Time Continent, and even if they occasionally encountered resource points, they might not be able to defeat the ferocious group creatures.

Therefore, for most artificers, as long as they didn’t die of old age, a round trip to the River of Flowing Gold was a pure profit.

Asho and the others only spent a third of their energy because they were not proficient the first time. If they were skilled scavengers, they could even suppress the consumption to a fifth or a sixth.

The three of them began to check their scavenging results. Asho’s hands were the darkest, picking up five artificers that were not only low-value, but also not part of the year-month-day series, but the cheapest hour-minute-second series. These artificers could not be used individually and could only be used as spellcasting materials for miracles.

Sonia’s luck was slightly better, picking up four artificers, one of which was “Day Fixation,” which could fix the body’s state for a day.

But the luckiest was Diya.

She only picked up three artificers: “Day Reversal,” “Ten Years,” and “Listening to the Moon”!

“Day Reversal” doesn’t need much explanation; it can be directly used as a healing artificer to return the body’s state to one day ago. “Ten Years” is a Two-Winged artificer and is valuable. At least, Sonia wouldn’t dare to use it as a consumable. And “Listening to the Moon” is even more powerful, with a value just slightly lower than “Listening to the Day.”

Facing the envious eyes of the other two, Diya said, “Observer, can you give me all the artificers you picked up? In exchange, I can give you ‘Day Reversal.’ Sword Girl, don’t you need ‘Ten Years’ for your sword sharpening miracle? Here, take it.”

Sonia instinctively refused, “This is your spoils—”

Diya laughed and said, “But we are a team now. I haven’t used ‘Ten Years’ anywhere, and keeping this artificer would just be a waste. However, I need hour-minute-second artificers to consume for my ‘Fast Forward’ artificer. I currently have no way to purchase time artificers and can only rely on scavenging in the Virtual Realm.”

Asho readily handed over the five artificers he picked up but refused “Day Reversal.” “I won’t be in any battles in reality for the time being, and there shouldn’t be any danger. Witch, you keep it for yourself.”Sonia watched the scene unfold and suddenly said, “Since he doesn’t want it, give me ‘Sun Reversal’ as well. Witch, consider it a favor I owe you.”

Diya looked at Sonia with some surprise, but since Asho had no objections, she handed over both ‘Sun Reversal’ and ‘Decade’ to Sword Girl, saying, “There’s no need to put it that way. It’s only right for the team to take what they need. Just prioritize giving me the resources I need in the future.”

But Sonia was adamant: “I will repay this favor later.”

Asho asked curiously, “Sword Girl, are you planning to engage in battle soon? Is that why you need to prepare the healing Sorcery Spirit in advance?”

“Mind your own business,” Sonia muttered. “I didn’t say I needed the Sorcery Spirit for myself.”

“This woman is too much, wanting this and that. I detest such greedy people the most,” the White Queen thought to herself as she watched Sword Girl tuck the ‘Sun Reversal’ Sorcery Spirit into her bosom, then said in her mind, “Princess, there’s something I’m not sure if I should say.”

“What is it?”

“Although you’re mostly adorably foolish, sometimes you can be annoyingly so.”

“You shouldn’t say that!”

“Too late.”

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