Chapter 217 – The chariot evolves!

Watching the observer pick up an unremarkable piece of ore, Sonia and Diya both cast urging glances at him.

Not all the resources produced at the resource point can be used by the artificers. Only about one in ten finished products contains virtual realm energy, evolving into essential materials that can feed the artisan spirits.

This is why only knowledge creatures can manage resource points – the production cycle is too long. Before the artificers can drive the artisan spirits to dig out suitable materials for themselves, their soul energy is almost exhausted, forcing them to exit the virtual realm.

Only knowledge creatures that have no time limit and can even survive in the static domain can manage resource points for a long time. And knowledge creatures are not just idle, they also like to eat these essential materials. There is evidence that the larger the resource point, the more creatures there are. Perhaps the creatures can multiply by absorbing the materials.

Sometimes large creatures will also plunder resource points, but just as artificers cannot defeat the creatures, large creatures are not necessarily able to defeat them either. In most cases, the creatures will voluntarily give up some materials for protection.

This is why the White Speed Dragon Mine has so many stone materials. In addition to the White Speed Dragon’s hoarding habits, it also needs to keep some materials in case of emergency, waiting for large creatures to come and pay protection fees.

However, both artificers and knowledge creatures only need essential materials filled with virtual realm energy. Ordinary stones that do not glow and have no special features are only suitable for the White Speed Dragon to grind its teeth and play dodgeball with.

Then, in the next second, the Sword Girl and the Witch saw the stone in the observer’s hand suddenly turn into powder and slip through his fingers.

So, he wanted to show off that he had learned a miraculous way to instantly crush stones?

Clap! Clap!

Sonia and Diya both clapped in admiration, and then they saw the observer frantically outputting energy towards the stones, clearing a large pile of stones in one go, then turning to another pile of stones and starting to absorb them like a storm.

It seems that the observer is under a lot of pressure in reality… Sonia felt a bit sorry for him and said, “Alright, alright, Observer, we all know how capable you are. Don’t waste your energy like this.”

But Diya realized something, “Could it be that the observer can use these useless materials?”

“Yeah!” Asho looked at the stone in his hand turning into powder, and a gray light flowed into the palm of his hand, excitedly saying, “These are the greatest assets of this resource point!”

“You have disassembled the Virtual Realm Stone (Extra Large) and obtained 6 points of ore essence.”

“You have disassembled the Virtual Realm Stone (Medium) and obtained 3 points of ore essence.”

“Do you confirm that you want to disassemble the Molten Stone (Special)? You have disassembled the Molten Stone and obtained 15 points of ore essence.”

All the piled-up ordinary stones in the resource point can be disassembled by the game system into ore essence. The essence materials can also be disassembled, and the amount of essence is ten times that of the same volume of ore.

However, it seems that the game defaults to the player not disassembling essence materials, so Asho didn’t react when he picked up the Sword Heart Stone.

By the time Asho emptied this resource point, he had obtained a total of 950 points of ore essence! The mine, which was originally piled up with a large number of stones, suddenly became empty. There was only a layer of stone powder on the ground, and the mine became spacious. The White Speed Dragon looked at it and shed tears.

Soon, Sonia and Diya learned what Asho’s purpose was in crushing these stones – they saw him return to the car outside the mine and say to the front of the car, “Upgrade, Evil Blade!”


The car roared violently, and the front bumper began to deform and cover, forming an extremely sharp front bumper a few seconds later, making it hard to doubt that this monster could easily cut through all obstacles when driven!

While the two companions were stunned by this change, Asho looked eagerly at the automatic car enhancement blueprint on the light screen in front of him.

“Evil Blade Level 4: Impact causes 400% tearing damage, energy consumption reduced by 60%. Next level requires 600 ore essence.”

Just by scavenging this resource point, the car’s blade modification was upgraded to level 4!

In addition to “Evil Blade,” there is also “Vanguard Stone Shield” in the same position, which is obviously for defensive purposes. Only one modification can be made in the same position, and if you want to replace the accessory, you have to remove the existing one first, and 50% of the essence will be returned after the accessory is removed.

Asho felt that in the exploration journey ahead, there would be no shortage of reckless driving, so he naturally prioritized lighting up the “Evil Blade” accessory.

Of course, more importantly, the essence he currently has is only enough to light up the “Evil Blade.”

The car’s headlight exclusive accessory “Petrifying Gaze,” the front windshield exclusive accessory “Refractive Screen,” the exhaust vent exclusive accessory “Toxic Mist Surge,” the two side chassis exclusive accessory “Boiling Buzzsaw,” and even the car seat accessory “Alchemical Throne” that can accelerate the absorption of gold artificing energy, each one made Asho drool.

However, the bad news is that these accessories all require a large amount of essence to light up, and it is not a single essence.

For example, the level 1 “Alchemical Throne” requires 200 gem essence, 200 crystal essence, 200 mercury essence, 200 wood essence, 200 ore essence, and 200 gold essence. It is clear that you have to scavenge seven different resource points to collect them all.

The good news is that throughout the entire Time Continent, it seems that only Asho has the ability to disassemble these useless materials to obtain essence, so no one is competing with him!

Given time, Asho will definitely be able to upgrade this automatic car from the standard version to the top version, and then he will be able to rampage on the Time Continent, killing people, crushing knowledge creatures!

Asho is now full of motivation to pick up trash, and he urged, “Get in the car quickly, let’s try to conquer another resource point tonight!”

Sonia and Diya quickly adapted to this change. After all, the observer had previously shown too many strange abilities. Compared to teaming up in the virtual realm, enjoying Pure Light Special Drinks, and forcing agents to train for entertainment, he was now just using ordinary materials to enhance the car, which was really not worth making a fuss about.This time, Asho unconsciously took a seat at the front, while Sonia hesitated for a moment, then decided not to waver any longer and directly pulled Diya to sit in the back row.

The White Queen looked at the suddenly intimate Sword Girl with surprise and whispered with a laugh, “Sword Girl, you’re so cute.”

“Ah?” Sonia’s face turned red, and she turned her head away with feigned pride, “Of course, I’m very cute.”

But with just that light remark, Sonia’s resentment towards the new team member dissipated by more than half.

Although she was still upset about the sudden addition of a stranger to the team, the witch’s performance in the recent battle had proven she wouldn’t be a drag, and Sonia grudgingly accepted the presence of the new team member.

Sonia was just more emotional when she first entered the Virtual Realm; after all, they had been separated for six or seven days, and just upon reunion, the Observer brought someone into the team. Anyone would be upset by this—couldn’t they have waited one more day to join the team, to let us have a proper chat in private? Couldn’t they have informed me first? Did they really have to act first and report later?

Even if Sonia truly didn’t mind, she had to show her annoyance to make the Observer realize her dissatisfaction. After all, the honest ones are always the easiest to bully, and she hoped everyone else would be the honest ones, except for herself.

What annoyed her wasn’t that the new team member would encroach on her interests, but that this behavior subtly reflected the Observer’s lack of trust in her—did they really think she would adamantly oppose? As long as you assure me that the new team member can be of help, then of course I’d be happy to accept.

But could you not choose someone with such an ordinary appearance? Based on my experience, most beautiful women are bad news…

However, after calming down, the red-haired Sword Girl also realized the value of the new team member. She was a realist at heart; as long as it didn’t involve her bottom line, emotions could give way to interests. She understood early on that sulking brought no value other than making oneself look worse.


Sonia gently pushed Diya away and took the seat at the far left of the back row, leaning against the car door, her arms crossed over her chest, looking out at the reverse flow of golden rain with an attitude of “I’m aggrieved but I won’t say it.”

Look at me, I’m still angry, and I don’t want to interact with the new team member!

Look at me [○?`Д′?○]!

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