Chapter 215 – Materials for Sorcery Spirit Evolution


When the witch twisted the neck of the fourth white speed dragon, she turned around and saw that there were no living knowledge creatures left in the mine.

Personality split – mask switch – mode · Redeemed off, mode · White Queen loaded!

“Is this the end?”

Diya looked at the light spots of the white speed dragon’s body sinking into the soil and still couldn’t believe it – can virtual realm battles be so easy?

This resource point is a stone mine, with a total of eight white speed dragons stationed there. In the past, Diya would definitely have turned and left. The last resource point she attacked only had four dog-headed dragons. She had a hard time killing two of them, and she was so badly injured that she had used up most of her artificing power. If it weren’t for the time artisan “Fast Forward,” she might not have been able to retreat.

And now, having defeated the eight white speed dragons guarding the resource point, Diya was completely unscathed. Although the three of them had occupied the advantageous terrain of the mine, blocking the narrowest passage and launching a counterattack, the result was still surprisingly good.

The observer was responsible for long-range attacks and support, the sword girl continuously protected Diya from the white speed dragons’ assaults with her sword barrier; and she was responsible for supplementing the damage behind the sword girl, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Once she saw a weakness in the white speed dragon, she would unleash the miracles “Aqua Line” and “Entangle,” entwining the vital points of the white speed dragon with the death line, and then fiercely twisting it to complete the harvest.

Although it was only a superficial cooperation, Diya underestimated the killing power of the three artificers working together and overestimated the combat power of group creatures. In fact, compared to large creatures, the individual combat power of group creatures can be considered quite weak, and the difference in combat power between the two is like that between a full-bodied mature woman and a group of flat-chested lolis.

But the strength of group creatures does not lie in the strength of the individual, but in the powerful execution of group attack tactics.

When group creatures attack artificers, there will inevitably be bait positions, assault positions, and restraining positions, and these positions will change at any time. When an artificer tries to target a monster for an attack, that monster will definitely retreat to lure, while the other monsters will take the opportunity to attack. Even though the monsters’ damage is not high, artificers of non-durable factions almost never have the protection of “Dominance,” and are easily knocked down and balanced by attacks. If they are knocked down, they will be bitten to death by the group.

Diya was almost worn out by a few dog-headed dragons last time, and the intelligence of group creatures made her suspect whether the virtual realm was manipulating them to tease the artificers.

The battle strategies for artificers against large creatures and group creatures are completely different, and the risks they face are also completely different. Many artificers who have killed many in the Sea of Knowledge are easily defeated several times by group creatures when they come to the Time Continent.

But when the three artificers teamed up, the situation was completely reversed.

Because they covered each other, Diya only needed to deal with the monsters in front of her; with the observer’s support, Diya didn’t need to reserve any strength for retreat when attacking and could unleash her full power; by occupying the advantageous terrain, they could even gang up on a monster in a small area.

In this situation, the weaknesses of group creatures, such as low defense, low health, weak damage, and monotonous attack methods, were fully exposed, and they were quickly taken advantage of by the three of them, killing one after another.

This easy and pleasant battle was like a scene from a fairy tale.

As Diya marveled at the horror of her past battles, the other two were secretly evaluating the new member’s combat power.



Sly and cunning!

After entering the battle state, the witch suddenly changed her outfit, her entire clothing turned into a tight-fitting blood-red battle dress, and her hair became red and white. She pulled out three transparent threads with her hands.

Asho realized – the witch must have activated her inherent talent and switched to a personality more suitable for battle.

When she slashed the white speed dragon fiercely, the threads whipped the white speed dragon’s body, leaving clear blood marks. And she seemed to have attached the “Aqua Therapy” artisan to the threads. Aqua Therapy is usually used for healing, but when used to treat serious injuries in battle, it often needs to be combined with anesthetic or sleep artisan, because the regeneration of flesh and blood is very itchy and painful.

In the Broken Lake Prison, Asho never felt a hint of pain after each treatment, which was not without reason.

When Aqua Therapy was applied in battle, it became an intensification of sensory damage. The white speed dragons whipped by the witch often made strange noises and even jumped, greatly slowing down the white speed dragons’ combat rhythm.

In addition, the witch also had another miracle, “Entangle,” which could suddenly bind the threads to the target, and then the witch would suddenly tighten and pull the threads with her hands. Asho could see her biceps bulging. With a mournful cry, the white speed dragon’s neck was torn directly by the witch with the threads.

The witch’s time artisan “Fast Forward” also made several contributions, disrupting the white speed dragons’ desperate counterattacks, and even causing one white speed dragon to crash into the sword girl’s “Killing Intent Rupture Wave.”

And the witch actually kept up with the sword girl’s rhythm. Not only did she not lag behind, but she also formed an excellent tactical complement with the sword girl. Throughout the battle, Asho felt like he was just clinging to their coattails.

“Group creatures won’t explode with artisan?” Asho looked around, “Isn’t that a bit of a loss?”

“Group creatures basically use artisans to drive the production of resource points. Unless a dominant creature appears among the group creatures, artisans are rarely left on them,” Sonia explained, looking into the mine: “After the group creatures die, the artisans will definitely take the opportunity to escape, so we basically can’t harvest the artisans.”

“The only gain from attacking resource points is the resources that have already been produced inside,” Diya also seemed eager: “I hope there’s some Fist Stones inside.”

Asho still didn’t understand the value of resource points, but when he picked up the sparkling deep blue stones in the mine, he understood the significance of resource points to artificers -“Weak Water Stone: When consumed by a water sorcery spirit, it can catalyze the spirit’s autonomous evolution.”

“Fist Stone: When consumed by a fist and claw sorcery spirit, it can catalyze the spirit’s autonomous evolution.”

Sorcery Spirit Evolution!

Asho had never imagined that sorcery spirits could evolve with the aid of external objects. He had naturally researched at Meiwa’s place about ways to obtain higher-tier sorcery spirits besides monster hunting and looting equipment, and he found two answers: summon a new one or enhance an old one.

Summoning a new one is self-explanatory, akin to finding a new girlfriend, with steps like dating, dining, watching movies, and holding hands being indispensable; whereas enhancing an old one is like transforming and dressing up your wife into a more advanced and beautiful version, which is simpler, but the problem is you need to have a wife.

Generally speaking, a common artificer will certainly have a primary sorcery spirit—the first one they summoned.

After an artificer elevates their faction realm to the gold level, most of the time they step into the Time Continent by upgrading their primary sorcery spirit to two wings.

It is evident that most of the sorcery spirits eligible for enhancement are primary ones. In a sense, a sorcery spirit is like a daughter married off by the Virtual Realm; when the parental home sees the daughter’s life getting better and better with the artificer, they add more dowry to upgrade the daughter from a level 1 loli to a level 2 girl.

Other sorcery spirits not personally summoned by the artificer, no matter how skillfully cultivated, are only equivalent to a mistress without a marriage certificate, unrecognized by the Virtual Realm’s parental home.

But if they can consume higher-level Virtual Realm resources, such as the faction-specific ores at this resource point, then even a mistress can continue to upgrade.

“So as long as you fully master the sorcery spirit and then let it consume the corresponding faction’s ore, there’s a high probability of catalyzing the spirit’s autonomous evolution,” Sonia said. “Actually, consuming ores from other factions is also useful, but the conversion efficiency is only 3% of the corresponding faction.”

That is to say, feeding a well-developed sorcery spirit could completely evolve it into a more special form… Asho nodded, looking at the pile of shiny ores in the cart, and after thinking, he said, “Let’s sort them by faction first, time and fist and claw for the witch, swordsmanship and water sorcery for Sword Girl.”

“What about you?” Sonia asked. “Aren’t you also a swordsmanship faction like me?”

“I’m not in a hurry. I’m not particularly attached to any sorcery spirit. If I get a more useful two-winged sorcery spirit later, I’ll just switch. You all have a major faction and need to grow with your sorcery spirit…”

“But what about the Heart Sword?” Sonia shook her head. “That’s the unparalleled secret sword of the five spirits, and it’s also the relic left to you by that elf… I might be able to get an item to exchange sorcery spirits in the Virtual Realm in the future. Until then, you need to properly cultivate the Heart Sword!”

Sonia directly stuffed several ‘Heart Sword Stones’ into Asho’s arms. Asho blinked and said with relief, “Sword Girl, you’ve grown up…”

“Don’t talk with that tone as if you’re seeing a dutiful daughter!” Sonia was so annoyed she didn’t know where to begin.

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