Chapter 213 – Take advantage of a favorable situation and press one’s advantage

“Actually, we don’t need to use transportation on land, right? It’s not like we’re in the sea. It would be better to get out and walk in case of emergencies,” Sonia said as the sports car buzzed to life, making her feel like the car was unnecessary.

When they were in the Sea of Knowledge, a boat was essential. Swimming was too much trouble, and since they weren’t aquatic creatures, being in the ocean didn’t offer any advantages. But when they arrived at the Time Continent, it was the opposite. They were all land creatures, and most battles required them to be on the ground. The car would only hinder their ability to charge forward.

“Do you have transportation in the Sea of Knowledge?” Diya asked, sensing a clue.

“We do, a small boat,” Sonia complained. “A very small boat that can barely fit two people. If you move too much, it capsizes. Fortunately, the viewers control it, so we don’t have to row…”

“I wish I could ride a boat in the Sea of Knowledge,” Diya sighed. “I wish I had met the viewers earlier. Fortunately, it’s not too late now.”

Sonia smirked. “Yes, I’m glad I was chosen by the viewers—”

“Hey, the person involved is right here,” Asho’s gaze moved away from the virtual realm map. “Sword Girl, you were clearly very disdainful of me from the beginning and often complained to me about reducing your training intensity!”

“You’re mistaken!” the red-haired Sword Girl said loudly. “I’m a genius female swordsman. Training is as natural to me as breathing. I itch all over if I don’t train for a day. How could I possibly complain to you?”

“Are you practicing the Fate faction? You’re so casual about changing the past. Unbelievable,” Asho said.

“So the viewers arranged your training? That’s great,” Diya sighed. “He insists on arranging entertainment for me, and I can’t even study. I understand that the viewers’ intentions are good, but it’s too dictatorial…”

Sonia turned her head instantly, staring straight at Asho, silent, with a look that said, “Why is she getting preferential treatment?” Her expression was terrifying, like the sky before a storm.

Asho felt like he was being watched by a Titan Executioner. He explained helplessly, “The witch is in a special state, and her training efficiency has dropped by 75%. Fortunately, I recently obtained a new treasure that allows people to gain training effects during entertainment and avoid negative states…”

“Why don’t I have—”

“Didn’t you say you’re a genius female swordsman, and training is as natural to you as breathing? The best effect of entertainment is only equivalent to the worst result of training. You don’t have a negative state like the witch, so training is the most cost-effective choice for you.”

Sonia realized she had dug a hole for herself just now. In the past, she would have retracted her statement on the spot, and if the viewers wanted to reason with her, she would have accused him of shouting at her.

But now the witch was right there, and she wanted to maintain her image as an excellent senior, so she couldn’t act spoiled.

But she didn’t want only the witch to receive preferential treatment.

So she looked at Asho with a wronged expression, pouting and glaring at him. Asho clicked his tongue. “This week’s plan is already arranged. I’ll arrange an entertainment activity for you next week.”

Sonia’s look of triumph flashed by, then she turned back with disdain. “Hmph, I think training is more suitable for me. But you insist on disturbing my tight training schedule. It’s not my fault you’re a viewer.”

Asho was so angry that he kicked her chair.


Suddenly, the sports car directly broke two large trees in front of it, arrogantly crossing onto the grassy path ahead, continuing to buzz forward. The impact had no effect on the car, and Asho and the others felt like they had hit tofu. The car had become much more transparent, indicating that this kind of impact couldn’t be used frequently.

“Well, it turns out that riding in a car is meaningful,” Diya suddenly said. “It’s different from walking with me in the Time Continent. Sitting in the car not only allows me to absorb the Artificing of the reverse-flowing golden rain but also consumes almost no soul energy.”

Sonia asked, “Does walking consume energy?”

“The consumption is almost the same as swimming in the Sea of Knowledge,” Diya pointed to the grass on the ground. “The Time Continent has no roads. All places are covered with grass and shrubs, as well as mud, water grass, mountains, forests, and various terrains. Every step takes a lot of effort. I don’t know about others, but in the month I explored the Time Continent, almost half of my soul energy was consumed by walking.”

Asho and Sonia understood immediately—having a car as a means of transportation meant they had almost no loss in walking. Although absorbing Artificing also consumed soul energy, their exploration efficiency every night would be at least 50% higher than that of ordinary Artificers.And it’s not just about the efficiency of exploration. Other artificers are like commuters from out of town who have to spend two hours commuting every day, while Asho and the others are like locals living near the company, with an extra two hours of free time every day. Even if it’s not used for anything productive, just not wasting energy is already great!

“Observer, do you know which direction to move in?” Diya asked.

“Yeah.” Asho looked up and saw a light column moving slowly forward in the distance. “We need to keep up with the pace of the White Bull, right?”

“Yes, we should be in the front area of the White Bull’s location now. As long as we keep moving, we don’t have to worry about falling into the static zone.” Diya looked at Asho with a tilt of her head. “Observer, do you know what I’m thinking?”

Asho scratched his head. “How would I know what you’re thinking?”

It turns out that the observer cannot hear my thoughts in the virtual realm… Diya showed a warm smile. “This is the first time I’ve felt at ease in the virtual realm. I’m thinking that it’s great to explore the virtual realm with the observer. Thank you for inviting me.”

Sonia felt like her teeth were about to shatter.

Damn… this witch is really good!

Why am I so slow? I’m clearly a female artificer who is good at making men fall for me with just three sentences. How come…

And the observer just brought a sports car…


Sonia had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Although from the beginning, the observer treated her with a mocking attitude, forcing training, forcing battles, and forcing the summoning of the artificer spirit, but in terms of results, Sonia has benefited greatly every time, with almost no loss to herself.

A month ago, she was just a poor female college student with a reputation in water artistry, and now she is one of the top talents in the Sword Flower Academy, a seed of the sword saint that shakes the world of Garlean, and a formidable opponent that True University needs to be prepared for… and all these changes are due to her pulling out the long sword stuck in the observer’s chest in her dreams.

Although the observer has always said that they have a sacred bond, and as long as she becomes stronger, the observer will also benefit. After experiencing the wonders of the artificer world, Sonia feels that the observer may be telling the truth. Her own strength improvement may really be able to bring great help to the observer, but that doesn’t mean she can accept this gift with a clear conscience.

She knows in her heart who she should be thankful to, but the observer’s mocking attitude makes it difficult for her to express her gratitude, and over time, she has become accustomed to it, and even feels it is only natural.

Perhaps this sense of gratitude can only be shown in a crisis. For example, in a life-threatening moment, Sonia cannot guarantee that she is willing to sacrifice her life for the observer, but she can at least guarantee that she will hesitate for a second or two before running away.

Just as one should loudly proclaim their achievements when they have made a contribution, gratitude should also be expressed loudly, so that others know that they are a kind and grateful girl… she clearly knew this principle a long time ago, and she can adhere to this social rule with anyone, so why did she forget it when she was with the observer?

She is always kind to those she doesn’t care about, so why does she show the most unreasonable and petulant side in front of the observer?

If it weren’t for the appearance of the witch, Sonia would hardly have noticed this problem. Perhaps this problem is not a problem now, but the bond is like a sword, initially sharp, tough, and invincible, but if not carefully maintained, the sword will rust, become fragile, and eventually shatter under a seemingly not strong impact.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the question she encountered in the fate quiz: “What is the root cause of the rift between the Sword Girl and the observer?”

Sonia took a deep breath and turned to look at Asho. “Observer.”


“Thank you for the Pure Light Special Drink.” Sonia said seriously. “If it weren’t for the potion you gave me, my soul injury wouldn’t have recovered so quickly, and I wouldn’t be able to explore the virtual realm with you tonight… thank you.”

A potion to heal soul injuries? Diya’s eyes lit up with excitement.

The leader of the heresy fixed his gaze on the red-haired Sword Girl, then kicked her chair.

“What are you doing!” Sonia was so angry that she was about to draw her sword. “I thank you and you kick me?”

“It’s precisely because you thank me that I want to kick you.” Asho said. “I’m not being good to you in order to receive your thanks. You becoming stronger is the best reward for me.”

“And you’re thanking me so formally, should I thank you in the future for fighting the most in the virtual realm? Should I thank you for protecting me? Should I thank you for making brilliant moves?”

Asho looked at the virtual realm map and muttered, “And what’s the point of this kind of trouble-free verbal thanks? We’re not strangers.”

Sonia stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly chuckled. “Then I’ll accept your gifts with a clear conscience from now on!”

“Don’t be so complacent, remember to use more force in training.” Asho looked at Diya. “Witch, you too, there’s no need to thank me like this. Everything I do is for future rewards, not because I’m a good person.””But I truly am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart,” the White Queen said lazily, stretching and smiling, “What’s everyday to you is a miracle to me. Other than words of thanks, I don’t know how else to express my gratitude.”

“Hmm, Witch, you do have a point,” Asho pondered, “If you really must thank me… then you could…”


“You could…” Asho turned his head to look at the continuous golden rain beside him, pretending to speak casually, “…hold me and praise me a bit, and if you insist on kissing me, I wouldn’t mind. After all, thanks should come with some tangible benefits, right?”

Both blinked, then the red-haired Sword Girl stared sharply at the White Witch, while the White Queen gently shook her head, and the Sword Girl nodded in agreement.

No words were needed, as they reached a consensus through eye contact—they must not indulge the spectator’s wishes, at most they would offer verbal praise, and they must not step into the vortex of competitive escalation!

Today he dares to ask for hugs and kisses, who knows what he would dare to ask for tomorrow!

This trend must not continue!

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