Chapter 210 – Who is she?

Looking at them arguing, Sonia raised her glass to Yingu Lite: “Congratulations on entering the world of artificers.”

“My honor.” Yingu Lite clinked her glass with Sonia’s and took a sip, saying, “Actually, I’m a little scared.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“I’m afraid of exploring the virtual realm alone.” Yingu Lite said, “It is said in books that when artificers first enter the virtual realm, they will experience panic due to the unfamiliar environment, omnipresent dangers, and lack of communication.”

“Being alone in the sea, without anyone to rely on, without any goals to pursue, vicious knowledge creatures could appear at any time in the white mist, and there are secrets hidden in the deep sea that cannot be explored… just thinking about it is terrifying.”

“It is said that some artificers cannot bear this fear and would rather stay in one place than enter the virtual realm.”

“Don’t look at me like this, actually I don’t have much experience living alone. Besides killing a brown bear that broke into the yard when I was sixteen, I don’t have any remarkable achievements. I estimate that it will take me a lot of time to adapt to the rhythm of combat in the virtual realm.” Yingu Lite looked at Sonia, “Speaking of which, Sonia, it seems that you are completely unaffected. You enter the virtual realm every night with great enthusiasm, and your mood is always very good.”

Adair secretly commented, “It feels like Yingu Lite secretly increased the average combat power of sixteen-year-old girls…”

“If no one saw you coming out of the meditation tower, we would have thought you went on a date.” Lois also commented.

“Is there any secret you can share?” Yingu Lite blinked her eyes, “Or can Lady Sonia give some advice to newcomers who are about to enter the virtual realm?”

Lois and Adair also perked up their ears, hoping that Sonia could give them a cheat code that was not recorded in the books but could still be used.

Sonia was slightly startled and suddenly fell into a long silence.

Yingu Lite glanced at the others and cautiously said, “Sonia, I was just joking…”

“Ah, I’m sorry.” Sonia shook her glass, “I just suddenly remembered something… um, the reason why I adapted to the virtual realm so quickly is because…”

She could just tell a lie here, or even make a joke, like “I went to the virtual realm so I don’t have to listen to Adair snoring in the dormitory” or something. But perhaps it was the slightly tipsy feeling, or perhaps it was the inexplicable resentment in her heart, Sonia couldn’t help but tell the truth, “It’s because I went on a date in the virtual realm.”

Everyone blinked their eyes.

Went on a date in the virtual realm?

Sonia regretted saying it as soon as it came out. She wanted to explain a few words, but suddenly stood up.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I…” Sonia clenched her fist, “My soul is healed.”

“What?” Lois quickly realized, “Are you saying your soul has recovered? But it’s only been seven days…”

“What time is it now?” Sonia suddenly interrupted her.

Adair glanced at the clock in the hall, “10:45.”

“Then there’s still time, goodbye, I’m going to the virtual realm!”

Before the three could react, Sonia had already hurriedly left the secret garden, moving so fast that it made people suspect she was using sorcery.

“Is the virtual realm really that interesting…” Adair was shocked, “I wasn’t this excited when I went on my first date at fifteen.”

“What does she mean by ‘going on a date’?” Lois looked confused, “A date requires at least two people, who is she going on a date with?”

“I understand.”

“You understand?”

Lois and Adair looked at Yingu Lite, who had a sudden realization expression.

“What Sonia means is that she has a date with the swordfish dragon, mudfish dragon, and umbrella bird dragon, which means she wants to kill these knowledge creatures.” Yingu Lite said seriously, “What drives her to adapt to the virtual realm and keep moving forward is her indomitable spirit! She truly deserves to be the pride of Sword Flower University, her spiritual cultivation has surpassed that of ordinary swordsmen!”

Lois felt that Yingu Lite’s explanation was not quite right, but she couldn’t come up with a better explanation—Sonia’s statement of going on a date couldn’t possibly be taken literally, right?

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap—

At first, she was walking quickly, but soon she started jogging, and finally started running on the campus road.

The night view of the campus flew by on both sides, the starry sky guided her way, Sonia didn’t care about her image at all, running recklessly, the cool breeze caressed her face, and her shadow urged her to run faster.

Sometimes, walking is just too slow.

Her soul had recovered, and the souls of the observers must have recovered as well.

Because they died in the virtual realm in the same way, the amount of soul loss must be the same.

Yesterday morning, when Sonia got up and combed her hair, she found a bottle of what looked like sparkling water on the table, with a note underneath saying “Pure Soul Light Special Drink,” and it introduced that this drink could restore the soul and accelerate the absorption of sorcery power.Sonia knew at a glance that the observer had sent it. She grumbled in her heart about why the observer didn’t show his face, while gulping down the drink.

As for whether the observer had taken the potion first and his soul had already recovered, Sonia had never thought about it – after all, the observer didn’t have the ability to enter the Virtual Realm alone. Even if he had recovered his soul, it would be meaningless. He would still have to wait for Sonia to open the Gate of Truth to explore the Virtual Realm.

Moreover, she had a strong confidence: if the observer found something good, his first reaction would definitely be to give it to her, not to keep it for himself!

So Sonia was actually worried about whether there was only one bottle of “Pure Spirit Special Drink”, and whether the observer’s soul had not yet recovered. And whether the observer had successfully escaped from prison, what his current situation was, whether he had a safe place to enter the Virtual Realm, whether he was eating well, whether he was injured…

Why won’t he come to see me?

He used to bother me all the time…

Could it be because his current situation is really dangerous, and he can’t even squeeze out a little time to visit me?

But no matter what, she had to keep her promise.

Even if the observer didn’t come, she would wait for him in the Virtual Realm.

Meanwhile, Felix, who felt that the atmosphere at home was not as good as the Meditation Tower, chose to drive to the Meditation Tower to clock in for work tonight.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw a redhead running into the Meditation Tower at a fast speed, which made the young nobleman stunned.

Wasn’t her soul damaged… She is a Silver Full Wing, dying once would require at least half a month of rest, it’s been less than seven days… Even if her soul has recovered, there’s no need to rush into the Virtual Realm, right?

But Felix quickly remembered her experience of being beaten up by Sonia a few days ago, and a thought suddenly popped into her mind – could it be that Sonia was rushing to enter the Virtual Realm to kill Knowledge Creatures?

With her personality, she might be able to win the favor of the Lord of Billion Lights…

Maybe I should…

While Felix was considering whether to recommend the farm woman in the sect, Sonia had already entered the meditation room, sat cross-legged, summoned the Wave Sword Sorcery Spirit, captured the Gate of Truth, and connected to the Virtual Realm!


When Sonia opened her eyes, she felt herself standing on solid ground, surrounded by lush forests. Plants exuded drops of brilliant golden droplets, flowing upwards into the golden sky, turning into dazzling rain curtains, bathing everyone fortunate enough to step into the Time Continent in the reverse golden rain.

But Sonia had no interest in the unique wonders of the Time Continent. The redhead Sword Girl’s gaze was all locked on the man in a deep red gradient coat not far away.

The observer squinted his eyes at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his hands spread out, as if he wanted to hug her.

Her lips parted slightly, but she didn’t speak, and all the doubts and dissatisfaction in her heart just now vanished.

She couldn’t help but walk over and reach out to the observer –

And grabbed his throat.

Sonia glanced at the black and white witch Diya, who was as beautiful as her, and then stared straight at Asho.

“Who is she?”

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