Chapter 209 – Our dormitory is really amazing!


In the secret garden, the four members of the Sword Flower Dormitory raised their glasses to celebrate.

Today, all the private rooms were full, so they chose a small table in the hall. The surrounding students secretly glanced at them, but they could accept the attention calmly. If someone wanted to approach them, they only needed to sweep their gaze, and the person would wisely turn to the restroom to look at their own appearance in the mirror.

Four days ago, in front of everyone, Sonia once again challenged Leonie.

This time, Leonie did not make any concessions and gladly accepted the challenge, considering Sonia as a strong opponent. Both of them put on their star robes, held their sharp long swords, and used all their abilities, giving it their all!

Four medical artificers were arranged on-site, fearing that these two sword saint seeds would be injured in their internal fight!

Swordsman against swordsman, the sharpest against the sharpest!

Although in the end, both of their star robes were torn apart at the same time, the instructor declared it a draw. But everyone knew that from this moment on, the red-haired sword girl had stepped on the stepping stone of the orange dancer and became the most outstanding student of the Sword Flower University!

After all, Leonie had already been a silver artificer for more than two years, while Sonia had not even been one for… a month!

Previously, Sonia’s ability to knock Leonie’s sword away could be considered “lucky,” but this time, it was a one-on-one showdown between the two, even if it was a professional troublemaker who always argued on construction sites, they could only question Sonia’s beauty, not her strength!

And Sonia is still in her first year, and many people believe that she will become a gold artificer before graduation.

Even in the Truth University, where geniuses gather, students who can enter the Time Continent before graduation are considered the most brilliant shooting stars. For the first-year students of the Sword Flower University, their university life is destined to become dim and dull under the brilliance of the red-haired sword girl.

Many people even think that the greatest achievement of their lives may be “having been classmates with Sonia Seway.”

If someone is slightly ahead of you, you may feel jealous, but if someone is so far ahead that you can’t catch up, you can only admire them and even worship them fanatically, hoping that they will achieve more honors in the future and give you a chance to show off this rare connection.

It is said that Sonia Seway’s fan club has already appeared in the school, but they are still debating whether to call themselves “Sonia fans” or “Seway skins.”

On the other hand, since Sonia has attracted so much attention, her roommates naturally became the focus as well. After all, Sonia is already an unbearable prodigy, and everyone can only watch from a distance and dare not approach her. But if they can befriend Sonia’s friends, they can indirectly join Sonia’s circle of friends, right?

Surprisingly, everyone discovered that Sonia actually had a group of treasure roommates.

Yingu Lite goes without saying. Besides Felix and Sonia, she is the top-performing student in the Sword Artificer Department. She is diligent, studious, and elegant.

Lois is one of the most dazzling and beautiful girls in the Water Artificer Department. After Sonia transferred to the Sword Artificer Department, the “one” in “one of the most beautiful girls” can be removed.

Adair is even more impressive because she was the original organizer of Sonia’s fan club. Later, with the identity of “Sonia’s roommate,” she undoubtedly became the president of the fan club and became the number one private fan of the red-haired sword girl.

Under Adair’s secret promotion, the nickname “Sword Flower Dormitory” spread throughout the academy. Everyone knew that the residents of this dormitory were outstanding individuals. It was incredible that four sword flowers bloomed in such a small dormitory. Sword Flower University had truly struck gold, and they would undoubtedly become the number one idol group in Garlean…

Facing the increasing attention, Sonia and Lois naturally enjoyed it. They were “performer-type personalities” who could absorb a sense of superiority and energy from the gaze of others. They went to school every day with full spirits, as if they had absorbed a vitality bomb.

Although Adair was not as arrogant as the two of them, she also enjoyed being the center of attention. Every day, she would show off and receive several love letters.

At first, Yingu Lite was not used to this kind of attention. When she was approached by someone while jogging in the morning, she felt annoyed.

But later, with the help of Sonia and Lois, Yingu Lite changed her hairstyle, fixed her eyebrows, bought plain but fitted sportswear, and combined with her good figure, her appearance suddenly caught up with Sonia and the others. Currently, she is only slightly inferior to Adair. If Adair continues to gain weight, surpassing her is not a dream.

After becoming beautiful, Yingu Lite was a bit shy at first, but she quickly became more and more confident. She was not afraid of being approached and recently started learning from Sonia how to take care of her skin and protect it from the sun.

Makeup is a woman’s armor, and admiration is a man’s surrender. Yingu Lite used to not care about her appearance and thought that swordsmen didn’t need to waste time on it. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t want to become beautiful—she initially wanted to become a swordsman because she saw the handsome female swordsman played by Daidalos on the screen.

Beautiful, elegant, powerful! This is the female swordsman that Yingu Lite aspires to be!

With Sonia and Lois helping her avoid detours, Yingu Lite found that she only needed to spend a little time each day to have an appearance that could defeat 90% of her peers. It did not hinder her daily training, so she willingly joined the ranks of beautiful girls and achieved one-third of her dream of becoming a “female swordsman.”

And tonight, Yingu Lite is one step closer to her dream.

“It’s amazing! Our dormitory has two artificers before the end of the first year.” Adair blushed and giggled, “Our dormitory is really amazing!”During tonight’s routine practice, when Yingu Lite’s sword struck the tenth ring of the armor figure, a resonance of knowledge occurred, autonomously summoning her first Sorcery Spirit, making her the second official Artificer in the dormitory!

“It’s Sonia and Yingu Lite who are amazing, what does it have to do with you?”

Lois bluntly exposed Adair’s shamelessness, but she also curiously looked at the newly promoted female Swordsman: “Yingu Lite, can we see your Sorcery Spirit?”

“There’s really nothing much to see.” Yingu Lite said, but she took the initiative to extend her hand, and a Sorcery Spirit holding a sharp blade appeared in her palm.

“So this is the ‘Sword Slash’ Sorcery Spirit.” Adair examined it for a moment and exclaimed in surprise: “Huh? It’s the Sorcery Spirit you summoned yourself, why does it look like a man? Could it be that you, Yingu Lite, are cross-dressing? No wonder your chest is so——”

“Autonomously summoned Sorcery Spirits are related to the inner projection of the Artificer, don’t talk nonsense if you didn’t listen to the class.” Lois slapped Adair’s head: “Maybe Yingu Lite thinks male Swordsmen are stronger?”

“That’s right.” Yingu Lite calmly said: “Although I don’t think I’m inferior to men, I also know that men are superior to women in terms of strength and agility. I need to put in more effort to surpass male Swordsmen of the same age. Sometimes I also think, if I were a man, would the path of swordsmanship be smoother than it is now……”

“Actually, after becoming an official Artificer, the influence of individual talents such as strength and agility is minimal.” Sonia, eating popcorn, said: “What determines an Artificer’s strength is the Sorcery Spirit, Artificing, and the realm of the faction. Gender is not worth mentioning. Look at Felix, isn’t she still hammered by me without any temper? There’s absolutely no need to feel inferior.”

“I know, I understand all these principles.” Yingu Lite apologized with a smile: “But some concepts are hard to change in a short time. Only when I become stronger and have enough confidence to affirm myself, can I eliminate these inferiorities… Thank you for your concern.”

Sonia stared at Yingu Lite for a few seconds, then turned to Lois and said: “Just wait, she will eventually stand at a peak we can’t reach. This woman has a power stronger than talent.”

“You two will eventually stand at a peak we can’t reach.” Lois said irritably.

“It’s the three of you.” Adair added: “Lois is about to summon the ‘Hydrotherapy’ Sorcery Spirit.”

“You, good, mean, say!” Lois hit Adair’s head each time she paused: “You don’t practice when I ask you to practice with me, you lie in bed watching dramas; you don’t go when I ask you to study with me, you lie in bed watching dramas. If you keep going like this, I doubt you can step into the Virtual Realm before graduation. What will you do if you can’t graduate?”

“Then get married.” Adair said, covering her head.

“And then? Become a lady who only knows about romance and luxury?”

“In addition to romance and luxury, I can continue to lie in bed and watch dramas at home.”


Watching Lois almost pull Adair’s face into a pancake, Sonia thought for a moment and said: “Adair, I know you’re not interested in water magic, maybe you chose the wrong faction… But after all, you’ve been studying for more than a year, you should be not far from the Silver Realm, just a little more effort and you can step into the Virtual Realm. After stepping into the Virtual Realm, you can slowly choose a new faction, there must be a magic faction you love in this world.”

“You and Yingu Lite are the same, you know all the big truths, but you just can’t do it… So I can only tell you, the Virtual Realm is really a fun and interesting place, the content described in the books is not even a fraction of the Virtual Realm. We Artificers explore the Virtual Realm every night, not just to become stronger, but more because the Virtual Realm is an irresistible activity that is more joyful than lying in bed watching dramas.”

“Moreover,” Sonia delivered the final blow: “Once Lois also steps into the Virtual Realm, our daily topics may gradually become the bits and pieces of exploring the Virtual Realm. By then, you who have not soaked in the Sea of Knowledge may not be able to participate in our topics.”

Adair was silent for a moment, then suddenly downed a glass of wine and said: “Alright, alright, starting from tomorrow I won’t watch dramas anymore!”

“Tomorrow?” Lois raised an eyebrow.

“I’m going to finish the drama I’m currently following tonight… Alright, alright, I’ll stop watching from now on! For you guys, this little sacrifice is nothing!”

“It’s for yourself!”

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