Chapter 208

“Lis, who gave you the courage to challenge me?”

“A mere pebble, not even half of me.”

“You’re digging your own grave!”

Igura looked at the screen and saw the words “victory is decided”. He recorded on the notepad next to him: “5:2, I declare it’s Lis’s–“

“Wait!” Asho grabbed the fraudster’s pants leg, pleading: “Eleven rounds, six wins. Change it to eleven rounds, six wins. Let’s continue playing. I can turn the tables! I already know how to play, it’s my turn next!”

Harvey, who was hiding by the window and playing with catnip, couldn’t help but say: “Asho, stop embarrassing yourself. You can’t even beat a little girl…”

Asho stubbornly replied: “I’m just not used to the game controller in this world, and this cushion is too soft. Igura often distracts me, so that’s why–“

Igura felt extremely embarrassed and covered his face, saying to Pancake next to him: “Although I’ve said it several times, I still have to say it again–Asho is an exception. Don’t generalize individual behavior to the whole country.”

The butler boy, who always maintained a half-smiling expression, couldn’t control his expression at this moment. His eyes were almost squinted with laughter. “Mr. Asho, why don’t you let me play against Lis? Let me show you how to control this character…”


Suddenly, Lis spoke loudly: “I’ll play against him. I will definitely defeat him!”

“Hmph, soon you will pay the price for your arrogance!” Asho shouted madly and quickly started the next round of sorcerer duels.

During dinner, Lis suddenly proposed to fight against Asho.

Everyone felt a bit strange, but they didn’t stop her. Pancake even took the initiative to arrange the battle for them–the classic masterpiece “Sorcerer Duel 14”.

The Sorcerer Duel series, a classic battle game in the Kingdom of Gospel for the past thirty years, allows players to control different legendary sorcerers to fight.

Not only ordinary people love to play, even sorcerers are loyal users of this game–it can even be said that almost all battle sorcerers under the age of thirty in the Kingdom of Gospel have been influenced by this game. Many people dream of having the same powerful abilities as the characters in the game, which has even affected the proportion of sorcerers in the entire Kingdom of Gospel.

The most popular characters in the Sorcerer Duel series are the “Alchemist Master” and the “Earth Empress”. The former can create mechanical puppets, summon countless swords, control water, fire, wind, and thunder, and has knowledge of all factions; the latter can change the terrain with every move, with extremely gorgeous techniques. Coupled with the Earth Empress’s beauty, she naturally became the favorite of countless players.

Therefore, in the Kingdom of Gospel, the number of alchemists and earth sorcerers is the highest. However, they soon discover that they have been deceived–alchemists are basically creators in the Silver Realm and lack combat abilities, while earth sorcerers mostly join engineering teams. Not to mention the Empress, they can’t even find a single female cat when working in the mountains and wilderness.

But because there are too many sorcerers from these two factions, it has formed a demographic dividend. Therefore, the urbanization of the Kingdom of Gospel has been rapidly advancing in the past thirty years, and there are even enough people to build multi-story cities… Oops, I digressed. Asho and Lis are now using “Sorcerer Duel 14” to fight, but neither of them chose the popular characters.

Lis used the “Time Witch”. Although it is called the Time Witch, in order to balance its strength, this character mostly uses throwing techniques and close-range boxing, with strong impact but not dazzling special effects.

Asho used the “Wandering Sword Saint”. Since swordsmen are a minority in the Kingdom of Gospel, the Wandering Sword Saint, although its strength is still acceptable, has poor battle effects and naturally not many players choose it.

Igura wasn’t interested in this kind of battle game, but he followed because of Pancake.

He secretly observed Pancake and found that the butler boy was paying a lot of attention to Asho and Lis’s battle. Since Pancake actively recommended this game, he approached Pancake and asked, “Do you really like this game?”

“Not really…” Pancake rarely showed a shy expression. “I’m just a little happy.”

“Why are you happy?”

“Because I put this game in my collection folder for ‘playing with children in the future’.”

Then why don’t you have children… Igura glanced at Pancake’s seemingly undeveloped teenage body and decided to keep this sad question to himself.

He would use this question to humiliate Pancake when they become enemies in the future.

But compared to Pancake, Igura was now more concerned about Lis.

The white-haired little girl stared at the screen seriously, her small fingers skillfully manipulating the joystick and buttons, using various tricks, counterattacks, and breakthrough techniques. She controlled the Time Witch and beat the Wandering Sword Saint more and more proficiently.

Igura could tell that she was indeed playing this game for the first time. Her first round of gameplay was very rough and she was suppressed by Asho, who had some competitive gaming skills.

But she quickly improved in the second round. Asho could only rely on repeatedly using the Wandering Sword Saint’s “breakthrough technique” to forcefully defeat her. Then in the third round, she figured out how to counter various skills. From then on, she completely overwhelmed Asho.

Igura thought she would stop after winning one round and then lose to Asho to save face, but he didn’t expect her to give him no face at all. As soon as Asho came up to provoke her, she fiercely fought back.

Although Asho deserved a beating, it didn’t fit Lis’s style – she and Igura were the same type of people, driven by self-interest. Winning against Asho didn’t bring any benefits other than satisfaction.

Lis had always been cunning, deliberately acting cute to please everyone. Although everyone could see through her act, she was just too adorable.

Just like how men liked green tea and women were obsessed with scumbags, fools loved Igura. If the victim didn’t know what kind of person the other party was deep down, it was definitely a lie. The other party provided an emotional experience that others couldn’t provide, so the victim didn’t want to think too much and just wanted the dream to last a little longer.

But Lis’s behavior now seemed to be breaking her character: not only did she not give Asho face, but she also fought seriously and even called him by his name just now… Did she not want to continue using Asho as her scapegoat? But even wet toilet paper had its uses, so she wouldn’t abandon Asho as her mocking follower so quickly, right?

I don’t know if it’s because Lis won against Asho or because she acted so genuine, but Igura now found her quite cute.

“The match is over!”

“It’s 6:2, Asho, do you want to challenge a ten-game losing streak?”

“After losing six rounds, it’s time for me to show my true skills…”

“As long as you’re happy.”

At 10 o’clock in the evening, Diya, who had finished bathing, collapsed on the bed in her pajamas. Unfortunately, her hair was very long, so she had to wait a while for it to dry before she could go to sleep.

But sleeping wasn’t her job, it was Lis’s job.

If Lis hadn’t accidentally bumped her head and fainted last night, Diya would have already been exploring the virtual realm here.

Annan had given them enough freedom, and with Lis helping to cover for her sleep, Diya wasn’t afraid of others discovering that she was a second-wing sorcerer – even in the high tower of the palace, Diya could still explore the virtual realm right under the eyes of the legendary sanctuary.

Diya sat in front of the mirror and combed her hair, saying, “You have to sleep well later, don’t read, don’t go find anyone else. If something happens, find a chance to contact me in the virtual realm.”

Lis pouted in the mirror, “I also want to duel with Dad as a sorcerer…”

“He’s so bad, you’d better play with Pancake.”

“I like playing with the weak! Isn’t it fun to bully the weak? Pancake looks strong, I’ll definitely lose if I play with him, no fun.”

“Uh, you’re so bad… Oh, by the way, Asho still has some points. Tomorrow, you can try to gamble with him and cheat all his points.”

Suddenly, a familiar and terrifying voice came from behind, “Witch, don’t instigate children to gamble. If there’s no good opponent, why not play a game with me next time?”

Diya turned her head suddenly, but there was no one behind her.

But when she turned back, she saw the man she hated and feared sitting on the bed behind Lis in the mirror!

The Observer!

“Good evening, witches.” The Observer crossed his arms lazily in the mirror and said, “Did you have a good day today?”

“(*^▽^*) Not happy!” Lis said angrily, “Don’t do this again tomorrow, or I’ll hate you!”

The Observer got angry and said, “Little witch, you dare to speak so rudely. Tomorrow, I will make sure you have no time to study and can only play to your heart’s content…”

“Alright, you two.” Diya looked speechless and asked the Observer, “I have completed your task, fought against Asho and defeated him. You won’t deny me some personal time, right?”

“I didn’t mean that kind of fight… But as long as you learn something, I don’t mind.” The Observer shrugged, “See, I’m actually quite easy to talk to.”

Easy to talk to? Does that mean not giving me any choice, breaking into a young girl’s bedroom late at night without asking, and forcing a child to interrupt her studies to play a game? If that’s considered easy to talk to, then even Asho, who is reluctant to obey her orders, can be considered a loving father.

Diya thought to herself, suddenly remembering that the Observer could hear her complaints. She changed the topic, “What can I learn from playing a game with Asho?”

“You experienced the fighting style of the Time Witch. Don’t you think you can apply it to your own combat system?”

“That’s just a game…” Diya stopped halfway through her sentence and stood up, gesturing in the air a few times, her expression becoming serious.

The Observer said leisurely, “The Artificer Duel series has become the most popular game in the Kingdom of Blessings, inspiring countless people to become sorcerers. There’s a reason for that.”

Diya nodded excitedly, “You’re right, I’m going to try it in the virtual realm…”

“That’s why I came to find you.”

Diya was stunned and saw the Observer sitting on the windowsill, overlooking the bustling city below.

“Did you forget? The reason I teased you like this is because I need you to be my companion and explore the virtual realm together.”

“You said you teased me just now?””You misunderstood, I said I would guide you.” The observer’s tone didn’t change at all: “Since everyone is free tonight, why don’t we officially start exploring the Virtual Realm? But you’ll have to wait a bit, we need to prepare.”

Is it really true?

Does he really want to invite me to explore the Virtual Realm with them?

But isn’t the Virtual Realm only for one person…

Although Diya wanted to question the authenticity of this, the observer’s actions over the past two days undoubtedly proved that he was a man of his word – he said to let Lis play, and she couldn’t stop for a second; he said to let Diya fight with Asho, and she couldn’t take her hands off the controller until the game was over.

The observer had no reason to tell such a lie that could be exposed in a moment.

Diya was silent for a moment: “What do you need me to do?”

“You don’t need to do anything.”

The observer’s figure gradually faded, leaving only one sentence:

“The sacred destiny connects you and me, and we will meet in the Virtual Realm soon.”


On the other side, Asho, who had just taken a bath, was lying on the bed, immersed in the sea of knowledge with a book in his hand. The book was titled “The Complete Guide to Artificer Duels”.

As Asho was fantasizing about how to defeat Lis with a combo tomorrow, his Gospel Book suddenly popped out on its own.

A red exclamation mark appeared in the upper right corner of the “My” column. Anyone with a bit of OCD would want to click on it, and then three pieces of information appeared inside.

“The Sorcerer’s Manual of Orola has completed device binding and data transfer! Players can choose this device to log in to this game in the future, the resolution has been upgraded to ultra-high definition, and the character drawing of the agent has added dynamic CG effects.”

“The soul health of the agent ‘End Observer’ has been restored to 100%.”

“The soul health of the agent ‘Dead Crazy Sword Girl’ has been restored to 100%.”

Asho blinked.

What the hell, this game, without his knowledge, had automatically migrated to the new device “Gospel Book”, and even added dynamic CG?

This was not just progress, it was evolution!

From a money-grabbing mobile game to… a more conscientious money-grabbing mobile game.

But compared to the huge transformation of the game, Asho was more interested in the last two pieces of information!

The soul was completely restored, which meant they could finally explore the Virtual Realm tonight!

That is to say…

They could finally meet.

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