Chapter 206 – You’re so annoying

“Chosen by the Gods…”

In the audiovisual room, Igura, who had watched the documentary “The Gospel” at 8 times the speed, wrote down this phrase in his notebook and circled it heavily.

This documentary was filmed in 1680 and is only 8 years old. Ignoring the tendencies commonly found in social science documentaries such as catering to the audience, seeking glory, and ignoring the cost, this documentary can basically serve as an important reference for Igura’s actions in this country.

There were many pieces of information in the documentary that needed attention, such as the millennium company “Shalemi” responsible for manufacturing Gospel book props, the division of each city into racial autonomous zones and multi-ethnic residential areas, the vigorous promotion of “multi-level cities” in the next thirty years to deepen urbanization, the completely free education in the Gospel Kingdom, where anyone who passes the entrance exam can attend the Artificer University for free and receive free room and board, the increase in the number of higher education institutions from 89 to 135 in one hundred years, and the increasing number of annual admissions…

From the proportion of notes made by Igura, one could tell how envious he was of the educational environment in the Gospel Kingdom. He desperately wanted to question whether the free education here was just a gimmick, but the documentary repeatedly slapped him in the face, making Igura have to admit that while he was struggling to complete his university studies while burdened with student loans and occasionally working part-time, there was a large group of carefree and privileged university students in this world.

So even though Igura watched the documentary at 8 times the speed, it still took him nearly half an hour to finish it. The more he watched, the more he realized how miserable his previous life had been. The pain was so unbearable that he had to stop and take a break.

He was the kind of person who was easily consumed by jealousy. Whenever he saw Asho’s optimistic and foolish smile, he felt a stabbing pain in his eyes.

However, even in this clearly celebratory documentary, Igura still caught a few unusual pieces of information.

First, there were no churches in the Gospel Kingdom.

Although everyone knew that the Gospel book was a gift from the Omniscient Weaver, that was all there was to it. No one preached the doctrine of the Omniscient Weaver, no one established statues of the Omniscient Weaver, and no one could even form a “Study Group of the Omniscient Weaver” – because as long as you opened the Gospel book and asked a question, you would know that all the churches were unauthorized makeshift classes.

In fact, it was easy to understand. The foundation of a church is the “chosen spokesperson of the gods in the mortal world,” in simple terms, “the group owner is lazy, so they chose an administrator to help manage the group members.” But the Omniscient Weaver is not lazy – as long as you have enough points, the Gospel book representing the Omniscient Weaver will listen to your nonsense twenty-four hours a day. How can the quality of this service be compared to that of a church?

In a sense, the church is just a middleman profiting from the price difference, while the Omniscient Weaver is a direct manufacturer, selling directly to the consumers. There is simply no soil for the survival of the church.

Second, although there were no churches, the Gospel Kingdom… had an imperial royal family.

As early as the Blood Moon Kingdom, Igura had heard that other countries had royal families and nobles, so he shouldn’t have been surprised. But the Gospel Kingdom was just too developed and prosperous, so Igura found it hard to understand why this country was still an absolute monarchy and not a democratic system.

Even vampires know that dictatorship is not acceptable!

However, the Y’shtola royal family, which currently rules the Gospel Kingdom, has been in power for seven hundred and sixty years, shrinking its power from the beginning of its birth. Legislative power, judicial power, and executive power are all firmly in their hands. Violent forces such as the Red Hat responsible for maintaining public order and the Blue Beard suppressing the abyss are even led by members of the royal family. All national policies, such as the “multi-level city strategy,” are promulgated by the royal family. They have complete control over military and political affairs.

According to reason, such an absolute monarchy should have given rise to a huge bureaucratic interest group, leading to the misery of the people and internal collapse, resulting in the change of dynasties – in fact, that’s how it was before the Y’shtola royal family.

But for some reason, the Y’shtola royal family broke this cycle. Not only have they lasted for more than seven hundred years, but the country has also continued to develop rapidly, completely defeating the democratic Blood Moon Kingdom. This made Igura start to suspect that perhaps a monarchy might be the only way for a kingdom of sorcerers.

Third, although the specific goals of each person in the Gospel Kingdom may be different, their ultimate goal is the same – to climb the rankings and become Chosen by the Gods.

The term “Chosen by the Gods” was almost mentioned throughout the documentary.

Only the Chosen by the Gods can create new technologies, only the Chosen by the Gods can lead the era, and even only the Chosen by the Gods can obtain happiness… just like the Blood Saint Yueying of the Blood Moon Kingdom, the Chosen by the Gods are the privileged class of the Gospel Kingdom.

But unlike the Blood Moon Second Clan supported by the gods, the Chosen by the Gods are nobles revered by ordinary people. Moreover, the threshold for becoming Chosen by the Gods can be said to be very low – as long as you make it onto any ranking list, you are considered Chosen by the Gods.

Even if you can flip a jump rope and make it into the top ten in your region, you can make it onto the list.In a certain sense, the threshold was high – if you didn’t have enough talent, enough effort, then you had no chance at all. Even if you did everything right, you had to consider the course of history. If many geniuses suddenly appeared in your era, you still couldn’t squeeze into the top ten.

Unless you worked even harder…

A thought crossed Igura’s mind.

He finally realized what made him feel ‘familiar’ in this documentary.

Although everything was good in it, everyone was full of vitality, various races worked harmoniously, and society was thriving, Igura didn’t see the ‘happy smile’ that made him jealous on their faces.

Every person, every sentence in the film conveyed the same meaning –

To be the best!

To be the strongest!

To defeat other peers!

To be the first in the industry!

Those who hadn’t made it onto the list were holding their breath and trying hard, and those who had made it onto the list dared not slack off to maintain their advantage. The whole society was like a machine with infinite gears, everyone was spontaneously accelerating and running wildly.

You didn’t even have to worry about running the wrong way, as long as you spent a little bit of points, the Gospel Book would always guide you in the direction of your struggle.

Despite the stark contrast between the social atmosphere and the Blood Moon Kingdom, Igura felt a strong sense of familiarity.

It was like a fly discovering a pile of dung hidden in a cake.

Very interesting, really interesting.

Igura planned to watch a few more documentaries next to get a comprehensive understanding of the Gospel Kingdom.

He left the audio-visual room, planning to get some food and drink for a long battle.

As he passed the Fun Game Room, Igura heard a dejected muttering from inside. He peeked through the crack in the door and found Lis inside, with a large box of blocks in front of her, seemingly assembling a block toy.

This little drama queen was actually playing with blocks?

After two days of contact, Igura naturally recognized Lis’s nature of being cute on the outside and cunning on the inside. After all, Lis was quite like him when he was a child, using her cute appearance to gain adults’ trust while secretly criticizing their stupidity in her heart.

Igura was very sure that Lis was the same kind of person as him, they would not be satisfied with entertaining themselves with toys.

After all, after experiencing the fun of fooling others, toys seemed meaningless.

They don’t get angry, they don’t have temperature, and they don’t make noise, what’s the value of playing with such things?

So what was Lis doing? Was there a secret of Annan hidden in the blocks? Or was she waiting for someone here?

Igura hid behind the door and watched as Lis carefully compared the shapes of the blocks in her hand, assembling them when she found the right ones.

One minute.

Three minutes.

Ten minutes.

Fifteen minutes.

Igura couldn’t stand it anymore, he went in and pointed at the messy blocks and said, “The instructions are right next to you, can’t you just follow them!? This is clearly a castle block, you’ve assembled it into a dungeon!”

Lis pouted at him, didn’t say a word, just pulled the instructions over to look at.

Igura clenched his fists and walked up with an angry face, “You impolite brat, it seems I have to teach you a lesson…”

Another ten minutes passed, Asho, who was tired from playing virtual games, was going to the kitchen to get some drinks and snacks. As he passed the Fun Game Room, he heard arguing inside:

“This is clearly supposed to be placed here, look at the instructions!”

“Do you know how to play at all, I’ve never seen a brat as stupid as you!”

“o(≧口≦)o Why did you choose such a big block castle!? This is not a big project that two people can complete!”

“o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) You’re so annoying.”

Asho peeked through the crack in the door, glanced at the castle block that hadn’t even assembled the foundation, showed a thoughtful expression, and walked away.

Then he brought Pancake and Harvey.

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