Chapter 205 – No, you have to go play

This generation’s Lis undoubtedly is a sister with many flaws.

Mainly because Diya hasn’t seen many people, her database is either Sorcerer’s Manuals or fairy tales. Unfortunately, she was captured by the Four Pillar God Cult right after crossing over, so Diya can only refer to the protagonist in the fairy tale she has read, “Little Witch,” and quickly create a younger sister who fits the age and appearance.

And so, the little witch Lis was born.

Actually, Lisdiya is not a name but two “roles.” Whoever controls the body in reality is “Lis,” and whoever acts in the Virtual Realm is “Diya.”

Their real names are actually Little Witch, Secret Princess, Black Butler, White Queen, Redeemed, and so on. But generally, the actions in the Virtual Realm are mainly led by the Secret Princess, so the name “Diya” is almost exclusively for the Secret Princess.

The name “Lis” used to belong to another sister, but now that her body has been cursed by the Bronze Dragon, she is no longer suitable for the role of “Lis.” So, before passing the Bronze Dragon’s trial, “Lis” should be the exclusive name of the little witch.

Although the current Lis is lacking, Diya has no intention of changing her.

After all, the new sister needs to grow. After experiencing a series of events, Lis should become more and more adapted to the environment. Even if Diya wants to change, there are no other candidates. Currently, the only one who fits the age is the little witch.

Actually, the little witch has already done well. If it were Diya herself, she probably wouldn’t even pass the Four Pillar God Cult’s test, let alone deceive Annan and Pancake.

Diya read a book while chatting in a low voice:

“Do you want to play? Isn’t it fun to chat with your sisters? Be good, you can play after we enter the Virtual Realm. Real time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted on leisure.”

“You don’t like Annan? That’s normal, I don’t like her either. She and the White Queen are the same kind of people…”

“Yeah, Pancake is indeed very dangerous, so you have to be careful. He won’t show any mercy to protect Annan’s interests…”

“Then who do you have a good impression of? Igura Bokin?”

“What, Dad?”

“We’re chatting, so you don’t need to use that title, right?”

“He’s not kind, he’s just naive, that’s why he fell for your words… Alright, alright, you’re in charge of daily interactions. If you like him, it’s fine. But don’t be soft-hearted, take control of Asho as soon as possible. He is the best pawn for us to resist Annan.”

Suddenly, a strange voice came from beside them: “You must be thirsty after chatting for so long. Have a drink of water and take a break.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Diya subconsciously took a sip and looked down. It was a cup of unknown liquid in strawberry color. She turned her head and instantly her pupils dilated!

“It’s so nice to chat between siblings.”

The observer in a dark red windbreaker sat on the desk, propping his chin and said, “It’s been a long time since I chatted with my brother, and it’s been a long time since I played with my mischievous nephew…”

“You, you—”

“Witch, I advise you not to speak so loudly. The mistress should have installed surveillance devices here.” The observer smiled, “If you silently think in your mind, I will hear your thoughts.”

Listening to thoughts!?

But compared to the fact that the observer could appear here, listening to thoughts was just a trivial detail. Honestly, although Diya met the observer in the tower, she didn’t pay much attention to him.

She thought the observer was looking for “Lisdiya Princess,” but after receiving the favor of the Bronze Dragon, “Lisdiya Princess” had already disappeared, leaving only the little girl captured by the Four Pillar God Cult, Lis.

Therefore, Diya never thought that the observer could catch up with her—even the Gospel couldn’t capture her past, so how did the observer find her!?

“What do you want to do?”

“Don’t be so nervous, I’m not a good person.” The observer leisurely said, “You see, didn’t you promise to become my teammate?”

“I didn’t agree!”

“But as a witch, you don’t have the right to refuse.”

Diya wanted to say something, but she suddenly remembered the favor of the Bronze Dragon.

The timing of the observer’s appearance was just too coincidental.

Just when Diya decided to trigger the “favor of the Bronze Dragon,” he suddenly appeared in the bedroom of the tower, surpassing the miraculous defense mechanism that covered the Imperial Capital, the surveillance devices in every corner of the palace, and even the Holy Sanctuary Sorcerers couldn’t detect his presence.

He seemed to be a being beyond the world.

Apart from the Bronze Dragon, Diya had never seen any other life that could be compared to the observer. Although this may be due to Diya’s limited experience, the pressure the observer gave her was too overwhelming. Diya couldn’t forget that he shattered their mental world—yes, in addition to the Secret Princess, the highest combat power, the Redeemed, and the Black Butler also made a move, but they still couldn’t defeat the observer.

Even if the observer claimed to be a Second Wing Sorcerer and just came to invite her to adventure in the Virtual Realm, Diya didn’t believe a single punctuation mark. She thought he must be playing games in disguise and deliberately pretending to be a fool, but she didn’t know which tiger he planned to eat.

But why does he keep staring at me…

A thought suddenly popped into Diya’s mind: Could it be that he is also influenced by the favor of the Bronze Dragon?

That’s right, the trials arranged by the Bronze Dragon all have this characteristic: the result is good, but the process is inevitably torturous. And without a doubt, the days spent with the observer would be torturous enough.

So that’s why the observer won’t let go of me…

With this thought, Diya no longer had a reason to continue refusing: “Alright, I promise to become your companion. What’s next?”

“Since you are my companion, it is only natural for me to take care of you, right?” the observer asked.

Diya felt that there was a trap in his words: “Theoretically… yes.””And now that you’ve turned into a child, does it mean I naturally become one of your guardians, obligated to take care of your daily life?”

“Of course… not!” Diya shook her head firmly: “I don’t need your care, get lost, don’t disturb me reading!”

“That’s why I’m here.” The observer said: “Finish the rest of the strawberry juice first, it’s a great tonic, don’t waste it.”

Before Diya could react, she picked up the cup and gulped down the mysterious liquid.

“Then, clean up, be a well-mannered child.”

Diya was horrified to find that her body was completely out of her control, stuffing the books back into the bookshelf on its own.

“What are you doing? Why can you control my body? Is this some kind of psychic miracle?”

“Let me go, I still want to read!”

“No,” the observer shook his finger: “You need to go play.”

“I’m not a real child, what am I supposed to play?” Diya was going crazy: “Don’t you want me to be your teammate? Then you should let me study and train to become stronger, how does me playing help you?”

“But you’re a child now, children should balance work and play, energetically play during the day, and have life-threatening adventures at night, that’s what good children do.” The observer pulled out a pair of gloves: “But before you go play, you need to wear gloves, so you don’t get your little hands dirty…”

“Observer, have you gone mad?”

“Witch, sometimes you’re really rude.” The observer tapped the gloves, and the adult gloves instantly turned into a pair of pink children’s half-finger gloves, handing them to Diya to put on herself.

“That’s because you don’t listen!”

Diya glared at him angrily, her eyes flickered, she glanced at the mirror, and her expression suddenly became cute: “Hey, big brother observer, why are you treating me like this?”

“Oh, is that so, little witch?” The observer was calm: “The thing is, I’m controlling your body now, so you can’t read.”


“You can’t go investigate sister Annan and brother Pancake either, and you definitely can’t go against Igura and Harvey.”

“Oh, oh!”

“Under my forceful control, you can only go play games with others, isn’t that pitiful?”

“It’s so pitiful!”

“So what are you waiting for, go play!”


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