Chapter 204 – Witch and Princess

At this time, the young butler called them to follow him. Lis obediently followed behind, looking like a little brother and sister.

Igura walked over, and the scene instantly became a beautiful young woman with two angelic children.

Asho instinctively distanced himself from them, so as not to lower their average attractiveness.

Pancake showed them around the other rooms on this floor, but Asho was thinking about what Igura had said earlier.

The plan to escape the Blood Moon was made and executed together by everyone. Even if they encountered a series of events after crossing the passage, Igura and Harvey still showed the high-level criminal skills expected of death row inmates. Therefore, Asho did not think they would panic in an unfamiliar place.

But upon further thought, even when Asho was rebellious and eager to leave his family, he still felt uneasy and fearful when he went to another city alone for college. This time, they were escaping the Blood Moon and would not be able to return for the rest of their lives. They would have to live in this unfamiliar country with a different culture and political system.

Perhaps they would quickly adapt to their new lives, but during this period of adjustment, they would have to fight their own longing, regret, and loneliness.

The reason why Asho had no worries was because this was already his second time crossing over. The last time, he directly changed to a different universe server. This time, he only changed to a different region. How could Asho feel nervous?

Most importantly, Asho was different from Harvey and Igura.

He was no longer alone.

Therefore, the correct way to treat Igura and Harvey should be…

“Igura.” Asho walked over and patted the swindler’s shoulder, concerned. “You’re already an adult. Shouldn’t you consider dating and finding a partner?”

The look Igura gave Asho was like looking at a pile of shit.

The young butler showed them around and said, “You can freely enjoy the food and drinks, but please be mindful of your weight and avoid overeating or dieting. If you need anything, you can call me. I’m usually in my room. I personally recommend that you watch the documentary ‘Gospel’ to get a basic understanding of the structure of the Gospel Kingdom… Any other questions?”

“Pancake, Pancake!” Lis looked up at the young butler. “How old are you this year?”

Good question! Igura and Asho secretly praised her. They had vaguely guessed from their previous conversation that Pancake’s age was definitely much older than his appearance, or rather, Pancake didn’t bother hiding it.

They were still thinking about how to subtly bring up the topic, but Lis directly asked. This was the advantage of being a child. Even if they hit Pancake’s sore spot, they could still act cute and get away with it. If it were Igura and Asho, they might make the atmosphere awkward.

Pancake glanced at them, tied up his light blue hair with a headband, and tilted his head. “I’m 61 years old.”

61 years old!?

Are you sure it’s not 16?

However, Igura’s eyes lit up. “You’re 61 years old, then the previous Weaving Festival…”

“Do you know why Miss is willing to pave the way for you at all costs?” Pancake smiled. “I’m actually a foreigner. I used to be.”

“So… you’re the Echo from the previous festival?”

Pancake nodded and poked his dimples with his fingers. “This is my Echo reward.”

Seeing this, Lis also poked her own face with her fingers, revealing an innocent and cute expression. Asho looked back and forth and shook his head. “Lis, you lost.”

“…I didn’t ask Dad.”

“No other questions, then feel free to do whatever you want. Lunch starts at 12 o’clock, and I will notify you.” Pancake waved and left.

“I’m going to watch the documentary ‘Gospel’.” Igura decided to follow Pancake’s advice.

“I want to go to the simulation game room and play the virtual games here.” Asho was excited.

The two adult criminals looked at the little girl, Lis, who raised her hand and said, “I’m going to the library to read! I can take care of myself! Asho, Bokin, you guys do your own thing!”

“Asho, let me educate your daughter—”

“Wait, I have a contract with her. I have to protect her. If you want to spank her, you have to cross over my dead body first!”

“Is there such a good thing?”

Lis ignored the two adults who acted like children and ran to the library here, closing the door behind her.

She found a mirror in the library and said to the beautiful white-haired little girl in the mirror, “Princess Diya, are you there?”

“Little witch Lis, I’m here.”

When Lis blinked, she had become Diya.

Diya turned around in place, twisted her neck, and jumped a few times. She secretly complained that this body was too inconvenient. She would rather be turned into an old woman by the Bronze Dragon than have this appearance that could only rely on cuteness to survive…

But now, she finally had some free time!

She set up a ladder and found several reference books in the library: “How to Trigger a Virtual Realm Storm with Bare Hands,” “100 Essential Rules of Interpersonal Communication,” “Introduction to Virtual Realm Creatures,” “Analysis of Artificer Factions,” “Essentials of Close Combat for Guardian Artificers,” and “Survival Guide for Starting as a Dog in the Wilderness.”

To avoid someone suddenly barging in, she also took out several cute picture books and spread them out next to her, then carefully read these complex books.

Perhaps someone could already see a clue from this book list—Diya had never been to school and had never received formal artificer education.

She could read, sing, play the piano, understand rhythm, and excel in painting. In simple terms, she had a slight understanding of any elegant art unrelated to daily life. But when it came to knowledge related to artificer factions or survival skills, she basically had no grasp of it.Her current magical faction, survival skills, and even interpersonal skills, all came from reading the Sorcerer’s Manual and consuming experience orbs in the Virtual Realm.

If it weren’t for the knowledge gained in the Virtual Realm, she would probably still be the princess in the tower, looking at the sky cut into squares by the window, showing a foolishly innocent smile, and gladly accepting her fate.

After leaving the tower with the power of the Bronze Dragon, one of Diya’s goals was to quickly fill in the gaps in her knowledge, perfect her sorcerer knowledge system, and learn various survival skills to prepare for her future life in exile.

Diya originally wanted to practice the time faction, but since Pancake said it’s better not to, she didn’t plan to disobey this command.

Because she sincerely wants to join the “Blasphemous Gospel” plan!

Although she first crossed into the territory of the Four Pillar God, was captured by the heretics, and then was favored by Annan, forced to become a pawn of the Purple Moth, this series of events perfectly met Diya’s needs!

The reason why Diya chose to trigger the favor of the Bronze Dragon at this time was to wash away everything from the past, participate in the Weaving Festival with a blank body, become an Echoer, and seize the wish of the God!

Becoming a pawn of Annan is not only a danger to Diya, but also an opportunity she has been dreaming of!

Diya only knew that if she wanted to exploit the loopholes in the Weaving Festival, she must delete the ‘past’ through the Bronze Dragon, but she was still in the dark about how to exploit the loopholes.

And then, Annan appeared.

It’s like a knight who is about to starve to death meeting a greedy dragon. Either the knight kills the dragon to fill his stomach, or the dragon fattens the knight to satisfy his appetite. But in any case, one of them is bound to achieve their goal!

Without a doubt, the meeting between Annan and Diya was deliberately arranged by the Bronze Dragon!

As the rarest Virtual Realm mechanism in the Time Continent, “The Favor of the Bronze Dragon”, what Diya got was not just a curse, but also the Bronze Dragon’s amusing blessing.

The current situation is exactly the same as described in the Sorcerer’s Manual. “The Favor of the Bronze Dragon” will help the tester achieve their wish while giving the trial, but the process is often as romantic as a fairy tale – in simple terms, the Bronze Dragon will keep messing things up, insisting on teasing the tester.

Like Diya’s journey of hardship, she ended up joining Annan’s firm due to a blessing in disguise, which is equivalent to taking a shortcut to seize the wish of the God. This arrangement of fate is obviously the Bronze Dragon messing around.

If it weren’t for this series of coincidences, Diya would never have met Annan, a blasphemer with the same goal as her; but it was also this series of accidents that forced Diya to act cute for survival, indirectly under Annan’s control.

Complain, the Bronze Dragon’s messing around is indeed good; but be grateful, the Bronze Dragon’s messing around is a bit bad.

It’s really annoying but you can’t get angry in your heart.

Fortunately, the new sister Diya created, the ‘Little Witch’, is smart enough to avoid a direct contract with Annan, but chose to make a contract with the silly-looking Asho, not only leaving room for resistance, but also gaining a subordinate that can be used.

The only problem is that this subordinate doesn’t seem very useful… It would be great if Lis chose Igura as her father at that time, but since Lis didn’t do so, it means that Igura is very vigilant and has a high resistance to acting cute, and is not a low-quality human that can be easily charmed.

However, if Lis calls Asho dad and Igura mom, is there a chance to drag Igura into the water too?

Diya recalled Annan’s style and felt that the terrifying woman would definitely not mind adding another shackle to herself, and couldn’t help but sigh – Lis was too cautious, otherwise they would have two servants now.

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