Chapter 199 – Just tell you not to ask

“Don’t ask any questions about Asho Heath,” Igura said, looking at the revelation on the mirror while brushing his teeth.

He didn’t have much doubt about this revelation, but he felt annoyed – why was it always about him?

Since meeting Asho, nine out of the ten revelations Igura received were related to that guy. The last one even advised Igura to have nine children with Amy for eternity. Now that he thought about it, being with Amy would avoid the fate of meeting Asho, right?

In the future, whenever he was unsure about something, he could just blame Asho…

Wait a minute, now that he thought about it, how could a Meiwa-blooded human like him have nine children with a Blood Saint Moon Shadow?

Although Amy was indeed cute, aside from being a bit eccentric, she had a nice butt, soft breasts, a slender waist, and a big tail and wolf ears that were fun to touch. But the Blood Saint Moon Shadow didn’t have reproductive cells from the beginning, so she couldn’t give birth at all…

Wait, so does that mean the revelation is telling me to have children?

With the biological modification technology of the Blood Moon Kingdom, it’s not impossible… No, wait, I almost got caught up in it. Why should I have children? I don’t need that little reward for reproduction…

After finishing his morning routine, Igura opened the curtains and was almost blinded by the sunlight that greeted him.

It was hard to imagine that in such a grand two-story city, the sunlight wasn’t blocked. Igura had discovered last night that the buildings in this city were arranged in a “blooming petal” pattern. The closer to the central lake, the lower the buildings, and the closer to the city’s edge, the taller they became.

At night, it was hard to see, but during the day, the sunlight shone into the central lake and, with the help of various reflection facilities, diffused like blooming flowers into every corner of the city. From above, the entire city was bright, with fast-paced automated cars shuttling on the roads, and well-dressed people walking in the sunlight, as if walking on clouds.

Even though he was kidnapped by the Four Pillar God cult on his first day here, it was hard to feel disgusted with this country when seeing this scene – compared to the Gospel Kingdom, the Blood Moon Kingdom was indeed too gloomy.

But Igura didn’t think that the Gospel Kingdom was better just because of that. If you only focused on the upper district and the administrative district of Camon City, you would think it was a beautiful world filled with politeness, elegance, and the air of milk and honey.

And as Asho said – if this place was really as beautiful as heaven, then were the heretics of the Four Pillar God cult gathering in the underground hall just playing pranks because they were full and bored?

The brighter the light, the deeper the darkness. Abundance of resources couldn’t solve all problems. Although he hadn’t heard of anyone starving to death in the Blood Moon Kingdom, once people survived, they would instinctively seek more, obtain more, possess more, whether it was a sense of superiority, security, or pleasure.

All races were like this. Even the lowly goblins wanted to rule the world, and the most conservative elves desired to see things burn.

That’s why the Mind Magic faction was the most powerful magical faction of this era.

Igura arrived in the living room and found Harvey and Lis already having breakfast, with Pancake serving them. The breakfast consisted of bread spread with jam, vegetable salad, milk coffee, and Lalafell with custard filling. Apart from eating high-calorie Lalafell early in the morning, it wasn’t much different from the Blood Moon Kingdom.

“Where’s Annan Miss?”

“She’s out socializing.” Pancake smiled faintly, and his demeanor as a young butler made Igura’s heart flutter slightly. “If you need anything, feel free to tell me.”

Igura calmed himself and glanced at the door at the end of the corridor. “What about Asho?”

“He hasn’t woken up yet.” Harvey added a lot of spicy chili powder to his bread and took a bite. “Why don’t you go wake him up?”

“Why should I?” Igura looked at the girl with a single ponytail. “Lis, go quickly and wake up that guy who will become your servant in 101 days.”

“He’s not a servant!” Lis said seriously. “He’s Lis’s dad!”

“I see, you come from a country where servants are called dads, right?” Igura waved his hand. “You go… Oh, wait a minute, speaking of which, this isn’t Broken Lake anymore, huh?”

Since it wasn’t Broken Lake Prison, some of his daily communication “tricks” could come in handy.

Soon, Igura filled a bucket of water and hid next to Lis, gesturing for her to quickly knock on the door and call someone.

“Dad, it’s time for breakfast!”

“Dad, the weather is great today, come out and play with Lis!”

“Dad, Bokin Auntie is sniffing Lalafell with her nose!”

“Is that true?” Asho suddenly opened the door.


Igura poured the “prank water” in his hand. It was a liquid that he had miraculously enhanced, and it could be used for both drinking and external application, but it worked best when used for washing the face.

The target of the prank would instantly feel great anger, but when they saw a beautiful person at first glance, the anger would transform into an equal amount of fondness, directed towards the beautiful person. However, if the first glance was at an ugly person, the anger would directly turn into intense murderous intent.Therefore, this miracle is also known as “First Sight in Life”, one of the few mental miracles of Igura. Combined with his natural beauty, it can instantly elevate the other party’s favorability to the maximum, thereby grasping the target in the palm of his hand.

In the past, he always cast spells on other people’s drinks, but there was no need to be so polite to Asho – just pour it directly on him, the effect is the best!



The bucket was thrown high into the air, hitting the ceiling and falling down.

Asho maintained his counterattack posture, looking at the drenched Igura and Lis, and asked in confusion, “What are you doing?”

Asho didn’t even react to what had happened. However, when Igura attacked outside his field of vision, his “Wild Instinct” automatically counterattacked.

The two subconsciously glanced at Asho, then Lis first looked up at Igura, showing a contemptuous expression of ‘how can you be worse than my dad’, then stomped on Asho’s foot hard, whimpered twice, and went back to change clothes.

Igura quickly used the Sorcery Spirit to calm his mind, confirming whether his favorability towards Asho had changed. Well, seeing him in this miserable state, I also want to step on him, which means that the ‘significant decrease in favorability’ option has been triggered, so there is no change.

So Igura also stepped on Asho’s foot, snorted coldly, and went back to change clothes.

At this moment, he suddenly recalled the revelation he had just received – precisely because he asked about Asho, he suddenly had the idea of using the “Water of Prank”, so he was counter-killed by Asho, so he was in such a mess.

Damn it, it’s all Asho’s fault!

Asho was still in a state of confusion – have you two not eaten breakfast? Your feet are so soft, Furia was much harder when she attacked me at night.

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