Chapter 198 – Sword Girl, you actually dare to fight us in close combat?

“No one cares about your likes!”

The witch chuckled, “Really, do you think you’re choosing a concubine? Picking and choosing like this, it’s shameless!”

“You brought up this topic yourself…” Asho muttered, looking down at the still unconscious Lis. “Did you hear her conversation with me just now?”

“Mhm.” The witch nodded, sitting cross-legged on the bed. “She’s a pitiful and terrifying child.”

“Pitiful and terrifying?”

“You’ve also noticed, haven’t you?” The witch calmly said, “Her calculations are real, her memory loss is real, but her innocence is also real. She deliberately portrays herself as cunning and deep, but easily seen through by adults. It’s also for self-preservation, isn’t it? Compared to children with sharp intuition or not enough intelligence, children like her, who are easily manipulated, are more likely to gain the favor of adults.”

Asho recalled Lis’s behavior in the underground hall. At that time, both Igura and Harvey saw through the little girl’s scheming. Couldn’t Annan see it too?

It was precisely because she saw it that Annan made up her mind to keep Lis.

If it were a child who only cried or was too clever, Annan might have handed her over to the Red Hood, because the Purple Moth needed a “bug” that could immediately participate in her grand plan but was easy to control.

Lis vaguely sensed this, so she displayed that kind of personality and deliberately catered to Annan’s needs.

This child might be good at working.

But… why does she, at such a young age, know when to wear what mask in different situations, just like Asho who has been beaten by society for many years?

“Memory modification?” Asho said softly, “Someone distorted her memories and transformed her into a bug specifically designed to exploit loopholes in the weaving ceremony?”

“If you want to deceive the Weaver Lord, memory modification alone is probably not enough.” The witch narrowed her eyes. “What? Do you sympathize with her? Do you want to listen to her instigations, connect with your companions, rebel against your boss, and then hand over the results to this little girl?”

Asho suddenly looked at the witch. “You’re just like her.”

The witch’s heart skipped a beat, quickly thinking if she had revealed any flaws in her mind, but her face showed no sign of it. “Am I as cute as her?”

“You and her both believe that as long as I’m willing, I can tear up the contract, obtain the highest hidden points, and achieve the final victory,” Asho smiled. “Even though you both just met me today, you unexpectedly have confidence in me. Am I the kind of glorious figure who can do anything as long as I’m willing?”

“Don’t be conceited.” The witch pouted. “She believes in you because she can only use you, so she can only trust you.”

“I don’t actually dislike people with goals.” Asho shrugged. “Having a goal is what makes a journey, unlike me who just wanders around.”

“My vision isn’t that far-reaching. The future I can see is only what I’ll have for lunch tomorrow if I stand on my tiptoes. How could the me from 101 days ago make a decision about whether to break away, conspire, or betray? How can you decide where to have lunch 101 days from now?”

“And I just arrived in this new country. I don’t understand the city, culture, history, or system here. I don’t even understand the true power of the ‘Gospel Book,’ let alone the strength of the Omniscient Weaver… Although I was forced to join an evil organization with passionate goals and a bright future, I’m not really motivated at the moment.”

“Once I’ve witnessed enough scenery, then I’ll know whether I prefer dusk or sunrise.”

“That sounds complicated,” the witch swayed her body. “Can’t you put it more simply?”

“Go with the flow, seize the opportunity,” Asho blinked. “Maybe I’ll have new ideas when the time comes.”

“As for her…” Asho glanced at the unconscious Lis. “Although I don’t know why she insists on relying on me, if it doesn’t harm my interests… or only harms them a little… after all, she is now the only member of my work group. I should take care of her a bit.”

In fact, Asho was just being soft-hearted.

After all, he wasn’t purely a rational creature. Seeing Lis, who called him “Daddy,” he couldn’t help but think of his nephew back home.

Although his nephew wasn’t as cute as Lis, he was even more mischievous and playful! Just thinking about it, Asho regretted not spanking his nephew more in the past. Now he can’t do it anymore.

Since Lis is now bound to him, he’ll see what plans she has first, and then make his own plans. But expecting Asho to be decisive and ruthless towards a human child who knocks herself unconscious is something he can’t do at this stage.

The witch mocked, “Sounds nice, you’re just postponing decisions to your future self.”

“No, I am me, and future Asho is future Asho.” Asho picked up Lis. “I never make promises lightly to myself, nor do I impose restrictions on my future self. Premature decisions either become worthless garbage or meaningless obsessions. Only choices made after careful consideration are the most thrilling.”

“I don’t want to deprive myself of the enjoyable thinking time in the next 101 days.”

Ah, yes.

This taste, this feeling.

It’s not madness, it’s not indifference, but a deeper sense of superiority, as if viewing the whole world as a poorly acted drama, waiting for fate to please oneself with arrogance.

It’s precisely because of this that she likes being an observer so much.The witch squinted her eyes, looking at the white-haired little girl in Asho’s arms, “Ah, did I interrupt your colorful nightlife? I’ll leave right away—”

Asho quickly stopped her slander, “No, no, no, I’m just taking her back to her room, so she doesn’t drool on the floor. You can come with me to supervise that I don’t do anything that can’t be broadcasted on a children’s channel.”

“I’m not interested, I really am leaving,” the witch said, lacking enthusiasm, “Remember the three principles of communication, we’ll meet in the Virtual Realm next time.”

Asho didn’t insist, and left the room holding Lis.

The witch didn’t leave immediately, she sat cross-legged on the bed, lost in thought.

Until a question filled with anger came from behind:

“Witch, you’ve crossed the line.”

The witch didn’t deny it, instead, she counter-questioned, “But aren’t you curious about what the current Observer thinks of the current Sword Girl? Although it has nothing to do with me, hearing that Sword Girl holds a unique position in his heart, I feel a bit inexplicably annoyed— even though I’m so much prettier than you!”


The witch was suddenly pushed down onto the bed, Sword Girl sat on top of her, pressing her slender waist so she couldn’t get up, and held her wrists so she couldn’t move. Facing Sword Girl’s ferocious gaze, the witch backed down a bit, “What are you doing? If you keep this up, I’m going to scream for help.”

Sword Girl didn’t join her in the nonsense, she said word by word, “First, he is not the Observer, but Asho Heath, and she is not Sword Girl, but Sonia Seway; second, you really have crossed the line.”

“Observing and even promoting their emotional changes without permission is a taboo of longing. If I tell everyone about this, you can forget about having the right to observe in the future.”

“Whimper…” the witch whimpered pitifully, “I didn’t really say anything…”

“Why did you mention Sword Girl in front of him?” Sword Girl asked, “You will make their information inconsistent!”

“But I really don’t know the slightly scheming but very cute, hypocritical yet kind-hearted, often vain in front of the mirror, Sword Girl.” The witch blinked, “I don’t really like to lie.”

Sword Girl coldly said, “Among all the lies you’ve told, this should be the most clumsy one.”

The witch suddenly changed the subject, “But why are you so nervous? If the Observer caught me, I would admit it, after all, he is the person in charge, but didn’t you join this plan out of helplessness? Why do you care so much about the emotional life between Asho and Sonia?”

“This is not like the you I know, Sword Girl.” The witch’s eyes sparkled with mischief, “Could it be that you…”

“You also spoke up for Lis.” Sword Girl calmly said, “Isn’t it natural to care about your past self?”

After a moment of eye contact, the witch looked away, “Hmph, if you say so.”

“But Sword Girl, aren’t you a bit… too arrogant?”

The witch wrapped her legs around Sword Girl’s long legs, her hands turned and broke free from Sword Girl’s grip, she flipped over and reversed their positions in an instant, pressing Sword Girl underneath her, holding her hands together and restraining her wrists, pressing her legs tightly so she couldn’t move, their black and red hair mixed together.

“Sword Girl, you actually thought,” the witch’s voice seemed to become an eighteen-piece ensemble, whispering in Sword Girl’s ear, “that you have the ability to engage us in close combat!?”

Sword Girl: “Let go.”

The witch’s voice gradually became crazy and hysterical, “Just now you pressed us for so long, we will press you for the same amount of time!”

Sword Girl’s face was expressionless, but the long sword at her waist was slowly adjusting its angle, seeking the witch’s vital points. The witch seemed to feel Sword Girl’s movement, but she didn’t stop it, the corner of her mouth drew a dangerous arc, as if she was looking forward to a bloody fight with Sword Girl—

Suddenly, there was a quarrel outside, it seemed that the scene of Asho entering Lis’s room was seen by others, and he was in the awkward situation of being unable to explain.

The witch listened for a while, the madness on her face receded like a tide, and she suddenly laughed, “To be honest, when you described the character traits of the Observer… when you described Asho, I, like everyone else, didn’t believe it.”

“Just like imagining a blushing Sonia, imagining an Asho with conscience, humanity, loneliness, and fear, it really challenges our imagination. He would even feel compassion for little Lis, this is really absurd…”

Sword Girl coldly said, “But you see it now.”

“Yes, I see it.” The witch said softly, “Apart from the evil nature suppressed deep in his heart, he is indeed a cheerful and sunny good person on the surface. Even without the bewitching girl, he still has companions who follow him.”

“An Asho Heath bathed in sunlight, this really makes me like him so much…”

“…that I can’t wait to destroy him immediately.”

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