Chapter 195 – Life talk

Blaspheming the Gospel, deceiving the God Lord!

Ignoring the fact that Igura and Harvey, who grew up under the blood-red moonlight since childhood, are both pantheistic believers, even Asho, an alien species with no faith, can feel their temples trembling. This is like masturbating in Veela’s house and getting caught, which means certain death!

Although Asho has never seen any God Lord take action, the God Lord definitely has a strong influence on reality. The Blood Moon Chip and the Gospel Book of the Gospel are ultimately extensions of the power of the God Lord, just entrusted to mortals to manage.

Despite Asho and the others escaping and conducting Blood Moon trials, in the eyes of the Blood Moon God Lord who has controlled the Blood Moon Kingdom for over 1,600 years, they are just a few bugs fighting, not even worth a glance.

But the Weaving Festival mentioned by Annan is something even the Omniscient Weaver himself would personally pay attention to. It is an important event that even rewards a wish. The level of importance is similar to that of a spring outing for elementary school students.

Under these circumstances, Annan still wants to cause trouble with this group of bugs, which is equivalent to a cockroach jumping on her face. Their most likely outcome is to be reborn in the Virtual Realm.

Annan has already prepared herself to do psychological construction for these new employees. However, after a brief moment of astonishment, the new employees not only show no fear, but instead have an eager expression on their faces. And the most excited one is surprisingly Igura, whom Annan has high hopes for!

His ears turn red and almost transparent. He grabs Asho’s shoulder and can’t help but raise the corners of his mouth. “Asho, it seems that I will always be involved in dangerous whirlpools when I’m with you.”

“How is this my fault!?”

They are not unaware of the danger of this matter. On the contrary, it is because of the high risk and high return of this matter that they are so excited… Annan raises an eyebrow. “It seems that you guys were also very dangerous talents in your original kingdom.”

“Isn’t that just what you want, Miss Annan?” Igura laughs. “What you need is a group of reckless daredevils who are not afraid of life and death, right?”

“Don’t represent me, Male Veela!” Asho shouts. “And besides, there are four of us here. It’s not necessary for all of us to go, right? I volunteer to be the team leader to supervise them.”

“First of all, it’s not three, it’s four.” Annan reaches out and touches Lis’s head. “Secondly, although you guys are foreigners, with the greatest foundation for drilling loopholes, whether we can really deceive the Gospel Book still depends on the feasibility of my methods. The more people participate, the higher my margin of error.”

“Although it is possible to deceive the Gospel Book, you still need the basic conditions to deceive it. For example, if there is a Beauty Ranking on the Future List, only Lis and Bokin among the four of you have the possibility to deceive the Gospel Book…”

Lis immediately says, “I think Sister Bokin is much prettier than me!”

“Asho!” Igura shows a sweet smile. “Educate your child properly.”

“Yeah, Lis!” Asho shouts confidently. “You are really rude. Igura is in the same generation as me, so you should call her Aunt Bokin!”

Lis pinches her own face as if she can’t control her mouth. “Aunt… Aunt Bokin…”

“So, what if there is a list that none of us qualify for, but has the highest hidden score?”

Harvey bites his finger hard and looks at his own Gospel Book. “And even if we can make it onto the list, does that mean we will definitely be ranked first? The identity of foreigners may make us highly likely to become Echoers, but you can’t accurately control which list we will be on and what rank we will achieve, right?”

“That’s right.” Annan nods. “But this ‘hidden score’ is not calculated independently, it can be accumulated.”

“Accumulated?” Igura, who is currently fighting with Asho, is slightly startled. “Are you suggesting…”

“As long as each of you can make it onto several lists, your hidden score will definitely be higher than that of an Echoer who can only make it onto a single list.” Annan smiles. “Generally speaking, each person has their own expertise. Being included in a Future List already represents your outstanding talent in a certain aspect. It is rare for someone to be on multiple lists.”

“But you guys are foreigners. Since you can deceive one Future List, why can’t you deceive several more? For example, three, five, seven, or even… nine?”

Igura squints his eyes. “To be honest, if it’s so open and aboveboard, instead of calling it ‘deception,’ I prefer to call it ‘kidnapping.’”

“Mr. Bokin, you and I both belong to that kind of cunning daredevil.” Annan finishes her glass of red wine. “If you were in my shoes, would you miss this opportunity that only comes once every fifty years?”

“Even if the opponent is the God Lord who controls reality?””Even if the opponent is a god who controls reality,”

Igura took a deep breath, his face flushed with excitement. “It is indeed an irresistible temptation. Asho, it seems like I have to cooperate with you again.”

Asho helplessly said, “Igura, do you think of me as your best friend?”


“Otherwise, why would you immediately think of recruiting me as your downline when you encounter such an obvious pyramid scheme?”

“But I still don’t understand.” Harvey asked, “If we are so important, why would you sell us to the Four Pillar God Sect? Aren’t you afraid that they will destroy us, important pawns?”

“Because she wants to completely control us.” Igura sneered, “Compared to the current employer-employee relationship, she hopes that we can purely be loyal to her. If it weren’t for her and the Red Hat’s terrible acting skills, we might really have been grateful and become her loyal servants.”

“And also, for this.” Annan played with her new earring, “This is the reward that the Four Pillar God Sect paid to purchase you – the Marg Crystal Stone. If you die, then I won’t lose out. At least I can get an earring. If you don’t die, then it’s a win-win situation for me. I earn the earring and get to keep you.”

Igura looked at the purple crystal earring, which was worth the same as the three of them. “What’s so special about it?”

“It is produced in the deep layers of the Rangang Abyss in the Boyesia region, embedded in the steel walls, and is almost impossible to mine. It can only be picked up by the ‘Bluebeard’ troops responsible for suppressing the abyss in special circumstances. It is extremely rare, with less than three being mined each year.”

“Hmm.” Igura nodded, “So it comes with permanent miracles? Like permanent dust removal, moisture retention, and complete sun protection?”

“I think it enhances the power of the sorcery spirit and has miraculous effects.” Harvey speculated.

“It’s so rare, so it should be valuable, right?” Asho said confidently, “Should we use it to exchange for a larger flat?”

Only Lis tilted her head and looked at Annan, exclaiming, “Sister, you look so beautiful. You look even more beautiful with this earring! Right, Dad?”

“Huh?” Asho carefully looked at Annan and couldn’t help but nod, “Indeed, you look very charming, making people unable to resist imagining how you would look when blushing…”

Annan raised an eyebrow, “Mr. Bokin, please cover Asho’s eyes. Asho, please let Mr. Bokin cover your eyes.”

“Asho, I’ve told you that your gaze is too dirty…”

“Loosen your grip a bit, you’re deforming my nose! I can cover my own eyes, why let him do it!”

“Shut up! If I had to dig out your eyes and install mechanical ones, it would already be Miss Annan’s mercy.”

“I can’t believe you would betray us, Igura!?”

Harvey blinked his eyes and asked in confusion, “So the effect of this earring is to look good?”

“No,” Annan corrected, “It’s to make me look even better.”

Just to make you look better, you sold the three of us to the Four Pillar God Sect!?

Igura wasn’t surprised. While suppressing Asho, he asked, “Is it because of the rankings?”

“Yes.” Purple Moth supported her chin and said, “After obtaining this earring, my ranking in the ‘Asura Beauty Ranking’ rose to third place, and in the overall ‘Beauty Ranking,’ I rose to eighth place. If you guys die, or if my plan doesn’t work, at least this earring can somewhat compensate for my loss.”

“Is it the guidance of the ‘Gospel Book’?” Igura asked, “You can even ask how to further advance?”

“Of course, it can’t be that direct. But if you ask ‘how to deepen the spiritual faction realm’ or ‘how to become more beautiful,’ the Gospel Book will give you the most appropriate advice based on the resources you currently have access to.” Annan said, “The Gospel Book is the best guide.”

“I had a feeling just now that this Gospel Book sounds like a reward from the fate Q&A in the virtual realm.” Asho suddenly said.

“That’s right, but the fate Q&A rewards in the virtual realm are rare. Now, you can enjoy similar services by spending some points. Are you starting to envy the residents of our Gospel Kingdom?”

Asho said, “It sounds like the unattainable first love that was mass-produced into a clone by an evil sorcerer, and now you can rent a girlfriend to relive the old dream by just spending some money.”

“Mr. Bokin, please…”

“I’ve already covered his mouth.” Igura said, “Asho, be honest, or Miss Annan will stuff your mouth with socks.”

“Tadith… Wow…”

Annan watched their interactions with interest, deepening her understanding of them. She didn’t tell Asho to shut up directly, but let Igura do it, hoping to gather more information through their interactions.

Igura was handsome, the calmest, and carried himself with grace and dignity. It was clear that he had been successful in his original country, but his excessive caution made him somewhat indecisive. Harvey was constantly biting his fingers. According to the eavesdropping in the dressing room, he harbored a deep desire for revenge, hiding a cold flame beneath his eccentric exterior.

The only one Annan couldn’t figure out was Asho. He seemed lazy, slow, easy-going, and weak-willed, obviously an easy pawn to be used. Theoretically, he should be the dead weight in this trio.

But Annan remembered clearly – when the contract was signed, although Igura was in charge of the negotiation and Harvey was supervising, when it came to the actual signing, they both waited for Asho to sign first.

The most likely reason was that they were using Asho as cannon fodder, waiting to see if he would sign without any problems before they did.

But there might be another possibility – facing an unpredictable future, they all subconsciously chose to rely on Asho Heath.

‘More observation is needed.’

“But don’t think I didn’t pay any price,” Annan said, “You can check the ‘Asura Task List’, the name of the Funeral Agency is no longer there. Not only did I not keep the contract confidential after completion, but I also reported to the Red Hat, leading people to wipe out the Four Pillar God cult. Even though I stand on moral high ground, this ‘double win’ behavior greatly reduces the agency’s reputation. Pancake and I have lost a lot of social credit, no one will entrust us, the traitors.”

“For you, I have staked the name of Dolan.”

She stood up, “It’s getting late, I should go to the Virtual Realm. Breakfast is at eight, I hope you have a good routine. Mr. Bokin, you can stop now.”

“When we wake up tomorrow, our agency will have only one goal – to deceive the Omniscient Weaver.”

With that, the purple moth left lightly, and the crimson dragon lizard jumped onto her shoulder.

The young butler Pancake bowed slightly, handing out four room cards, “These are your room cards, each room has a private bathroom, there are snacks in the cabinet, if you need anything else, you can find me in room 3, I wish you a pleasant night.”

After Pancake left, the three smugglers looked at each other. Harvey was the first to take the room card and stand up, “I’m going to the Virtual Realm. I just set foot on the Time Continent a few days ago, I almost have no gold Artificing reserves.”

“I’m the same,” said Igura, “I haven’t been to the Virtual Realm since the jailbreak, I almost forgot what the Reverse Gold Rain scenery looks like.”

Sword Girl’s soul hadn’t recovered yet, and Asho, who was hitching a ride, naturally couldn’t explore the Virtual Realm.

However, after experiencing two consecutive days of high-intensity events – being kidnapped, being sacrificed, being sold into slavery, and joining a high-risk fraud organization – he was now extremely tired. He yawned and entered his room.

He pushed the door open and entered, before he even turned on the room light, he heard the door automatically close and lock.

Is it that smart?

Asho turned around and found a little devil had silently followed him in.

“Daddy.” Lis leaned against the door, blinking at Asho, “Lis came to have a life talk with you.”

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