Chapter 194 – Weaving Ceremony and Echoer

“The Gospel” is a gift from the Omniscient Weaver, a miracle that ordinary people cannot reach, a versatile wish-granting machine, and the foundation of the Gospel Kingdom.

But it is ultimately just a tool.

No matter how great the tool is, after a long period of erosion, all its divinity will eventually fade away. Using tools is a manifestation of wisdom and the instinct of a sorcerer.

“If the ‘Gospel’ is a spider web that covers the entire country, then the agency is like a bug crawling in the mesh.” Zifei’e laughed, “The Gospel does not make mistakes, it’s just… a bit slow.”

“By transferring talents before the ranking assessment, we can influence the rankings of two cities. There are many rules that can be exploited like this. For example, the Gospel does not allow us to directly obtain specific information and current location of a person, but as long as you ask with a slight twist, you can still achieve the goal. You can’t ask about the person’s location, but you can ask about the location of their car.”

“The agency’s job is to use the loopholes in the rules that we know to complete various tasks.” Annan lightly tapped the rim of her wine glass, “It’s a very dangerous profession because the Gospel does not make mistakes, it’s just slow. When it realizes that the spider web is trembling abnormally, the audacious little bug will meet the fate it deserves.”

Igura frowned and said, “If the Gospel despises bugs like you who exploit loopholes, why would it let you be on the ranking list?”

“Because the web has eyes.” Annan said softly, “As long as the mesh exists, there will be a space for our agency to survive. When the agency is completely destroyed, it also means that reality is about to turn into heaven.”

“Everyone participates in intense competition, striving for rankings in the heavenly kingdom?” Asho thought for a moment and felt goosebumps all over his body, “It sounds more like hell, doesn’t it!?”

“I feel pretty good about it.” Harvey said, “The corpses of sorcerers who die suddenly are excellent materials.”

Annan looked at Igura and pointed at Asho, “Is the environment in your Blood Moon Kingdom so harsh that even people who dislike competition can become Second Wing Sorcerers?”

“…As I said before, please do not elevate personal behavior to the level of the kingdom.” Igura said helplessly, “So, can we, the foreigners, become tools for you to exploit loopholes? The contract period is 101 days, and there will be an important ranking assessment during this time?”

“That’s right.” Annan nodded with great satisfaction, “Mr. Bokin, if it were in the past, I would have loved to invite you to join the Funeral Agency, but unfortunately, it’s not possible now.”

Igura’s face turned slightly cold, “Miss Annan, I don’t think it’s wise to expose our killing intent 101 days in advance.”

“You have misunderstood me too deeply.” Annan spread her hands, “What I mean is that after participating in my plan, not only will I gain unimaginable benefits, but you will also transcend the mundane and reign at the pinnacle of the world.”

“I’m not afraid of your retaliation because after 101 days, you will only be grateful to me.”

“Because our goal is not an ordinary ranking, but the once-in-fifty-years Weaving Festival!”

Because our goal is to ring the bell at Nasdaq… Asho suddenly remembered when he submitted a resume and the boss painted such a vivid picture. When he had just graduated from university, he was almost filled with enthusiasm, but he was defeated by the advanced flexible working hours (no overtime pay) and excellent learning platform (multiple roles but only one salary).

But now they have all signed the overbearing contract of granting wishes, why is the new boss still wasting effort in painting a picture? It’s really exquisite to even do foreplay before flirting.

“The rankings of the ‘Gospel’ and the information that can be exchanged are all past events.” Annan said, “If you want to exchange future information, not only is the price high, but it is also highly likely that it cannot be exchanged—unless it is related to the security information of foreign visitors. The ‘Gospel’ has increased its predictive resources for foreign visitors due to national defense needs, reducing the cost of exchanging information about you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to welcome the three of you so perfectly.”

“And the rankings introduced in the Weaving Festival are different because they are the future that is still being woven.”

“The future.” Igura’s eyes flickered, “Are you saying…”

Annan said, “For example, if the ‘Four Wing Sorcerer Battle Power Ranking’ is introduced in the Weaving Festival, the people on the list are most likely not the legendary sorcerers that are well-known now, but the new legends that will rise and surpass the contemporary ones in the next fifty years!”

“Perhaps among the people on the list, some are still unknown sorcerer apprentices, or some may have just been born, but under the full weaving of the ‘Gospel’, their destinies will become determinable history, and we will be able to listen to the echoes of the future.”

“In order to distinguish them from ordinary selected ones on the list, those who can be listed in the Weaving Festival are called ‘Echoers’—the echoes sent back by the Gospel after observing the future.””The Weaving Festival begins on May 10th and ends on August 10th. Every ten days, a future leaderboard will be released, totaling ten future leaderboards. Unlike the point rewards of ordinary leaderboards, the future leaderboard will tailor rewards for those who make the list, including but not limited to Experience Orbs, rare Sorcery Spirits, precious items, and even permanent divine miracles!”

Harvey suddenly realized, “If we make the list, you want us to give you the rewards?”

Annan smiled slightly, but did not immediately respond, continuing to explain, “There is a hierarchy among the leaderboards, you should understand that, right?”

Everyone nodded. The national leaderboard is undoubtedly higher than the regional leaderboard, the organization leaderboard is higher than the individual leaderboard, the Artificer leaderboard is higher than the non-Artificer leaderboard, and the Four-winged Artificer leaderboard is higher than the One-winged Artificer leaderboard. Simply put, the harder it is to get on the leaderboard, the higher its status.

“Among the ten leaderboards of the Weaving Festival, except for the tenth leaderboard which is fixed, the remaining nine leaderboards are completely random. The last Weaving Festival even had a ‘Rope Skipping Leaderboard’.” Annan lightly tapped the long table with her fingertips, “Therefore, each leaderboard ranking has ‘hidden points’ to distinguish the order of the responders. And the responder with the highest ‘hidden points’ will receive the grace of the Omniscient Weaver.”

“What kind of grace?”

“Wishes.” The beautiful green eyes of the Purple Moth fluttered with a lively light. She raised a finger and pointed upwards, “An omnipotent wish.”

“Resurrection from the dead, immortality, surpassing the Four-winged, even… traveling through time and space!”

Igura’s pupils shrank suddenly, Harvey stopped biting his finger, and Asho squinted slightly.

After a long silence, Lis suddenly propped up her small face with both hands, staring at the crimson dragon lizard on the table and said, “That’s great, Lis also has a wish to make—I remember I seem to have a sister, I really want to see her.”

The atmosphere suddenly lightened, and Igura stroked his ring, asking, “Is this wish your goal?”

The Purple Moth nodded, “Yes, I won’t want any rewards you get from making the list, but this wish with the highest hidden points must be given to me.”

Asho suddenly said, “Why are you so sure that we can become the responders who make it onto the future leaderboard? Apart from being single and lazy, I don’t have much confidence in other areas.”

“Foreigners.” Igura calmly said, “Whether we can become responders has nothing to do with our current talents, but it has to do with our identity as foreigners.”


Annan flicked her earring and laughed, “What do you think the ‘Gospel Book’ is based on to predict the future?”

“It’s the past.”

“Family, environment, resources, genetic inheritance… In fact, it’s not complicated. A child born in a superior family, with loving and educationally proficient parents, and neighbors who are all knowledgeable upper-class society, anyone can see his superior life development at a glance.”

“Similarly, a person of low birth, orphaned early, timid and unremarkable in appearance, his future is also obvious.”

“The Weaving Festival is about turning the vast past into threads, weaving an absolutely certain, undisturbed, inevitable future. If a person has lived in the Gospel Kingdom from the moment of birth, even if he hasn’t cried out his first cry at this moment, the Gospel Book can definitely weave his future 100%.”

“But we are foreigners.” Harvey looked at his finger that was about to bleed, gently licked the wound with his tongue, and calmly said, “The Gospel can only cover this kingdom, even if the Virtual Realm passage was briefly connected to the Blood Moon, it can’t possibly know our distant past.”

“Without enough past as a basis, then the ‘Gospel Book’s prediction of your future will almost all be based on everything that is happening ‘now’, which means…”

Annan’s fingertip produced a moth-shaped two-winged Sorcery Spirit, “You can use the ‘now’ to deceive the Gospel Book into weaving a more exciting ‘future’ for you.”

“You are the most dangerous bugs in the net of the Gospel Kingdom.”

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