Chapter 192 – Only Asho, right? Only Asho? Only Asho?

Eternal Wanderer!

Although the name is full of a wicked and eccentric taste, the effect is simply Asho challenging Furia – dying after having fun. The bonus of +5 luck is not much, but at critical moments, luck is -50.

Winning means winning a candy, losing means losing a factory, which is even more of a loss than speculating in stocks.

In addition, there are “easier to trigger mysterious events, easier to encounter setbacks, easier to be antagonized by fate, easier to trigger major failures”, in short, it is easier to be unlucky. Once unlucky, luck is -50, which can be called a perfect combo brought by Veela’s hand and mouth.

If Asho had a stable life, even a normal home, he could somewhat counterbalance the disadvantages brought by this profession.

After all, luck -50 seems intimidating, but in reality, it requires triggering the “critical moment” as a prerequisite. Therefore, the method to avoid it is simple – just like moral blackmail requires the target to have morals. If Asho is a peaceful and uneventful person, even with low luck, it would only affect the probability of him eating a Waffle House burger.

However, now Asho not only lacks a stable life, but he doesn’t even have a home.

He even suspects that if he sleeps under a bridge, he will encounter robbery, gang fights, serial killers, Veela hunting, and foreign sorcerers invading all night long due to his professional characteristics.

Therefore, for Asho, the risk of the option “integrating into this country from the bottom” is too high. Finding a place to live, finding a job, and even finding sorcerer resources are already extremely troublesome. Adding a luck -50, Asho feels that everyone he meets will be a shady intermediary.

Although Annan’s hundred-day contract limits Asho’s freedom, it also means that his safety is guaranteed – the first rule stipulates that the slave owner must protect the slave.

With Annan as a mediator, Asho can at least safely pass through the most dangerous “novice stage”. Moreover, he doesn’t believe that bad luck is aimed at him like a thunderbolt. It must be an event-level map cannon with a radius of fifty meters centered on him. By then, Igura, Annan, and others will be involved, and at least the bad luck can be shared. If something really happens, there will be someone to take the fall.

Speaking of which, the negative status of Eternal probably started when Serena hit him on the head, and then immediately followed by Annan taking advantage of the situation and the vicious events of the cute little girl Lis deceiving him. The temporary effect of “luck +5” is not yet apparent, but the effect of “luck -50” is indeed outstanding.

While contemplating, they had already arrived in the living room.

Annan’s suite seems to be designed as a large flat, and her entire floor 51 is her home. The living room alone is estimated to be over a hundred square meters. When Asho and the others arrived, they happened to see several mechanical spiders returning to their nests to recharge.

When they just entered the door, Asho saw these mechanical spiders cleaning. There is no need for further description. It can be seen with the naked eye that these spider machines have advantages: extremely flexible, leaving no dead corners in cleaning, three-dimensional and comprehensive.

There are no signs of other servants here. It seems that daily cleaning can be solved by mechanical spiders alone.

Thinking again of the unmanned drone delivery system outside and the developed automatic car network, it seems that manual laborers no longer have any value of exploitation here.

Although it is a country dominated by sorcerers, the level of development here surpasses the Blood Moon Kingdom in both macro and micro aspects. Asho has to consider a possibility – could it be that the Blood Moon Kingdom is really the most barbaric and backward sorcerer civilization?

Perhaps his crossing is the beginning of hell?

“Please sit.” Annan was already sitting at one end of the long table, wearing a set of purple silk pajamas – Asho felt that he had already guessed the color of this woman’s underwear – and the white-haired little girl Lis was sitting next to her, holding a glass of milk, wearing cute bunny pajamas, her eyes bright and energetic.

This is natural. Just now, during the one-hour drive from the outskirts where the Four Pillar God Sect is located to the city center, Lis had a good sleep. Asho and the others took turns resting with their eyes closed.

The young butler Pancake stood by the side, serving them. Apart from his youthful appearance, he was as steady as a sixty-year-old butler.

On the table were four aluminum metal glossy rings, engraved with numbers from 1 to 12, giving a strong sense of technology, three large and one small.

“It doesn’t matter which finger you use, just rotate it once after wearing it.” Annan said while grinding her nails, “This is the latest gospel ring from Shalemi. It comes in starry gray, matte black, and sparkling blue. If you like any color, you can request it, and it can be exchanged within seven days. The numbers on the ring are only used to indicate the time, they are for decoration.”

“Gospel ring?” Igura picked up the ring and carefully examined it.

“Yes, just as you thought.” Annan said, “After wearing it, you can open the ‘Gospel Book’. Most of your doubts can be answered in the ‘Gospel Book’.”Lis couldn’t wait and immediately put on the ring. Upon hearing this, Asho and the others exchanged glances and also put on the ring.

In the next second, four different books appeared in front of them: Lis’s book had a crystal cover, emitting a colorful light; Harvey’s book seemed to be bound with bones, emitting a gray mist; Igura’s book shone with golden light, dazzling…

Asho’s book was the most peculiar – while others had solid colors or various runic patterns on their covers, his cover depicted an inverted hooded figure holding a book to cover its face, giving off an air of mystery.

Annan couldn’t help but take a few more glances at Asho’s book, but quickly lost interest. “You guys look at the Gospel Book and silently say ‘mine’.”

Asho followed suit, and the Gospel Book instantly opened, listing rows of information:

“Asho Heath”

“Current Points: 0”

“Points Earned this Month: 0”

“Current Ranking: None”


Asho turned his head and found Igura and Harvey with shocked expressions. He felt a bit strange. This design wasn’t much different from the chip screen, so why did it look so outdated?

“Annan, I’m ranked 10th on the ‘Azuma Beauty List’!” Lis excitedly boasted.

Asho blinked.

“I’m ranked 1st on the ‘Two-Winged Necromancer List – Azuma Division’.” Harvey said with a sigh, “It seems that the necromancer faction here isn’t doing so well. I’m actually ranked first…”

“Wait, when did you become a two-winged?” Asho suddenly noticed a detail, “During the Blood Moon Judgment, you were still a one-winged sorcerer, right?”

“I had already accumulated enough power. During the jailbreak, I absorbed enough sorcery power in the virtual realm, successfully broke through to the golden level in the necromancer faction, and then upgraded my main sorcery spirit to two wings, allowing me to smoothly enter the Time Continent.” Harvey shrugged, “Even a newly promoted two-winged necromancer like me can rank first here… sigh, I feel like I’ve come to a cultural desert.”

“Isn’t being first good?” Igura raised an eyebrow, “2nd on the ‘Two-Winged Mind List – Azuma Division’, 5th on the ‘Azuma Beauty List’… The beauty list doesn’t matter, but there are actually two-winged sorcerers with higher mind faction levels than me here. If it were during the Blood Moon, I might have already been thinking of hiring you to assassinate that colleague.”

“You’re strange. If someone is stronger than you, shouldn’t you be trying to surpass them with your own strength?”

“Isn’t hiring someone to assassinate them also a display of strength? Resources, connections, influence, intelligence… these are the true strengths of a mind sorcerer. Sorcery power is just a small part of it.” Harvey thought for a moment and actually agreed with Igura’s twisted logic, “That’s right, after all, corpses are also my true strength. Sorcery power is not enough to encompass everything about me…”

As they were talking, they suddenly realized that a noisy voice was missing.

They turned to look at Asho. “Asho, what’s your ranking?”

“Well,” Asho disdainfully said, “this is a very important secret. How can I casually reveal it like you two…”

“Turn your ‘mine’ page over for me to see,” Annan said.

Asho and the others immediately did as they were told, and Lis also obediently turned her book over. Annan took a look and found that the name on it was indeed “Lis”, and the points in the account were 0. She no longer had any doubts about this little girl of unknown origin.

At this moment, Asho’s page was completely exposed to Igura and Harvey’s eyes.

Igura pretended to be surprised and shouted loudly, “Ah, my dear Asho, you don’t have any ranking?”

“Is it true that only Asho has no ranking? Only Asho? Only Asho?!”

“It’s really Asho. This is indeed a secret that needs to be kept. We mustn’t let everyone find out how embarrassing you are,” Harvey said, laughing like he had eaten a moon candy, his shoulders shaking so much that his pajamas were about to fall off.

“Harvey, who was the one dragging their feet during the jailbreak operation, who was acting like a clown? I think the conclusion is already quite clear.”

“Indeed, hahaha. Sorry, Asho, I really can’t help you. It’s just too funny, hahaha…”

“Hmph, you can laugh all you want.” Asho gave up on himself, “As long as I work hard, I will definitely be at the top!”

“As long as I work hard, I will definitely get into university!” Igura’s mouth almost reached the sky, “I miss those classmates who said that. It seems like they have become the ace ‘Silver Fire Dragon’ of the mud coffee.”

“Asho, don’t be like this.” Harvey smiled, “I promise you, if there was a necromancer ranking, I would do my best to get you to the top!””Dad, don’t be sad!” Lis clenched her little fists and said, “I won’t despise you!”

“Do you really still want to call me dad?” Asho couldn’t help but ask.

“Huh? But besides dad, who else would promise to protect Lis forever, to always listen to Lis?” Lis said seriously, “I believe, even if it’s an incompetent dad, he can still protect Lis!”

“When did the contract time extend to forever——”

Harvey reminded, “When she made the vow, she didn’t set a time limit. Theoretically, even if you die and I turn you into an undead, you should continue to protect her.”

“Stop, stop.” Annan gently tapped the table, “Since you all roughly understand the meaning of the ‘Gospel’, we should get to the point.”

“Is it about points?” Igura guessed, “The higher the ranking, the more points you get. Do you want us to give all our points to you?”

“I’ve been on three or more leaderboards since I was sixteen, Pancake has the same number as me.” Annan said lazily, “I don’t care about your little points.”

“But your job is indeed related to the leaderboard, and to the ‘Gospel’.”

Annan blew on her fingernails, “I need you to become the future number one.”

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