Chapter 190 – We outsiders

“Did we travel to an extraordinary country?”

Asho leaned against the floor-to-ceiling glass, overlooking the sleepless city below. The night sky hung a dim white jade disc, strongly indicating that they had missed the opportunity to participate in the Blood Moon Trial, a live adventure.

Tall buildings stood in rows, neon lights hung high, and the self-driving cars on the road—please forgive Asho for not mastering much science fiction vocabulary—they were like a tightly programmed community, with consistent spacing between each car, and almost the same speed. Whenever a car turned into a junction, another car quickly filled the gap. There were no traffic lights, zebra crossings, or other traffic facilities on the road. The self-driving cars seemed to have good self-management capabilities.

In addition, countless drones shuttled through the night. They were also meticulously planned, efficiently and quickly roaming the sky, and even providing point-to-point services. Just now, a drone suddenly flew into the room where they were, dropped off a few sets of underwear, and left.

Because Harvey liked triangular underwear, Asho liked boxer briefs, and Igura liked to go commando, but only triangular underwear was provided here.

After hearing their needs, the young butler, Pancake, said, “I will fulfill your needs as soon as possible.” But they didn’t expect it to be so fast. The new underwear arrived just after they finished bathing.

It was also at that time that Asho and the others discovered that the room had a delivery port for drones to enter and exit. It was just the right size for a drone to pass through, but too flat for an arm to reach in.

Compared to the grand cityscape, it was these inconspicuous buildings and services that were highly integrated and heartwarming, which made Asho and the other three foreign workers feel fearful. Had the productivity here become so abundant that it allowed people to save the last minute of receiving a delivery?

If one word were to describe this city, Asho could only think of “alive.”

This city was like a living machine, operating efficiently with precise computational power. Everything was fast but not chaotic, like a skilled conductor leading an orchestra. Every note was seamless, without any redundant noise. Everything was so pleasing to the ear.

Originally, Asho thought that the Blood Moon Camon City was already good enough, but compared to the city below him, that city was at best considered heavy metal, down-to-earth, and even down to hell.

By the way, although Asho was overlooking the city, he was not on a high floor of a building at the moment. On the contrary, he was in the lowest level, negative 51st floor of this building.

However, beneath the floor he was standing on was not the foundation, but the rooftop.

Under the rooftop was the ground-level city.

A towering 80-story building faced Asho’s negative 51st floor, with a straight-line distance of less than 100 meters. Asho had just observed this scene from the car and felt like droplet-shaped stalactites were facing each other, as if the sky and the earth were kissing.

This was a fantastically trembling fantasy city. The ground level was a normal city, but the second level was an inverted city—all buildings were constructed facing downwards, and the ground of the second level was actually the highest point.

“I hope the corpse management system here is more lenient…” Harvey swung his recently healed left arm and spoke lazily with a moon candy in his mouth as he sat on a soft chair. “A civilized society that knows how to use corpses is a good civilization.”

“No wonder those red-hatted guards, who seemed to be security forces, let us go so easily.”

Igura looked at the drones shuttling through the night. “As long as firearms and cannons are mounted on those machines, it would be enough to annihilate ordinary sorcerer legions. The unmanned three-dimensional defense system that the Blood Moon Kingdom is still researching has become a reality here.”

“Unless a level 3 or higher major virtual realm channel is opened, led by a Sanctuary sorcerer, to hold a hunting ceremony, there won’t be any waves in this country.”

“We, who come from a level 2 virtual realm channel, are considered evil foreign enemies that must be eradicated, but at most, we are just cockroaches, not even centipedes, in their eyes.”

Speaking of this, Igura couldn’t help but feel a bit resentful. “In a civilized country with such well-established rules, as long as we hide for three days until the countdown disappears, we will definitely find a way to become official citizens here, enjoying social welfare, instead of being forced to be that woman’s slave for a hundred days—”

“The social welfare of the Blood Moon Kingdom is actually quite comprehensive,” Asho suddenly said. “It’s just that you have to implant a chip in the back of your neck. If the Blood Moon is willing to exempt you from punishment, but the condition is that you have to implant the chip again, would you be willing?”

“Not willing.” Harvey shrugged. “The monopoly of the corpse industry by the research institute makes it impossible for my small-scale individual business to survive. Even if it wasn’t for the jailbreak, I would definitely leave this Blood Moon, which is an overcrowded red ocean… sigh, where is my blue ocean corpse yard?”

“I don’t like answering hypothetical questions.” Igura said calmly.

“Although there is no evidence, I think this country may not be as good as we see it.” Asho picked up a sandwich cookie from the snack tray. “If everyone here really lives a worry-free life, why is the Four Pillar God Cult more prosperous here than in Camon City?”

“Don’t you consider that there may be an undeniable gap in abilities between the leaders of the two organizations?” Igura sneered.”Moreover, being employed by Annan isn’t entirely a bad thing.” Asho continued, “Being used isn’t scary, what’s scary is having no value to be used. Even if, as you, Male Veela, said, we can slowly integrate into this world from the bottom, how long would that take? Would the risk cost be high? Can we, a group of penniless foreign workers, really establish ourselves in a well-structured civilized country? I’m afraid even sleeping under a bridge would get us driven away for ‘affecting the city’s appearance.’”

“Annan knows about the racial advantages that even we are unaware of. Not only does she know, but she’s even willing to pay a price to get the chance to use us… Igura, if I discover that you have a talent in a certain school of magic, and the price is that you have to lick me all over for the next hundred days, would you be willing?”

“I’ve said it before, I don’t like answering hypothetical questions.” Igura said coldly, “And I can’t pay that price. At most, I would dehydrate and die from intense nausea and vomiting within three minutes.”

Although he said this, everyone understood the subtext of Asho’s words – these hundred days were not only for Annan to use them, but also for them to use Annan.

With the help of Annan, a local native, Asho and the others could not only quickly integrate into this world, but Annan would also help them discover unknown values that they themselves didn’t know.

Even if most or even all of this value was to be shared by Annan, at least they would know their unique talents. It’s like receiving vocational training, although they have to pay with their bodies.

“But don’t forget, we were sold to the Four Pillar God as sacrifices.”

Harvey suddenly stretched his left arm, the bones making a crisp sound, as if they were completely healed. His face was no longer dazed and lazy. He squinted slightly, his dark face full of the coldness that the number one control master of Camon City should have.

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