Chapter 19 – Such a good-looking face, getting punched would make you cry for a long time!

Each era has its own theme. In the age of mystery before the gods bestowed their glory upon the world, the theme was violence, plunder, and destruction. All creatures fought for resources and survival at the cost of their lives.

In this era of gods, Igura believed that the current theme was domination. Domination over others, organizations, culture, and thoughts.

Large-scale wars were rare, and people no longer expanded their territories. Everyone competed for existing resources, and class became ingrained while the system became supreme. Exploitation replaced plundering, and all actions had to abide by the rules set thousands of years ago.

Pure violence without style was no longer appropriate. Only romantic mental domination could thrive in this world.

And when it came to domination, mind sorcerers were undoubtedly the best choice.

Although Igura was only a two-winged mind sorcerer, in this era where class was predetermined at birth and most people had no chance of entering the Virtual Realm, he was at the top of the food chain.

The most dangerous knowledge was controlled by the Blood Saint and Moon Shadow Clans. Ordinary sorcerers had never even heard of mind sorcery, let alone how to defend against it.

Even Igura’s knowledge of mind sorcery was due to his Veela bloodline awakening in his body. He had found two important sorcery spirits, Resonance and Covenant, in the Virtual Realm, which allowed him to transform into a mind sorcerer.

Combined with his profession as an insurance contract master, he possessed the basic sorcery spirit of Contract. Thus, he created a miracle specifically for intelligent beings called “What I say, goes!”

Whether it was a joke or a lie, once someone made an agreement with Igura, he could establish a connection with the other party through Resonance and use Covenant to demand that they fulfill his words!

In civilized society, this miracle was almost invincible. If it weren’t for running into a brick wall, he would be enjoying fine wine in a beach villa, rather than fighting in this prison surrounded by water.

But as long as there were rules, he remained a dominator, including in the prison.

Even though sorcery spirits were prohibited here, they were the embodiment of knowledge. Igura could still achieve his goals through circumvention.

Sorcery spirits were like fire pits used for grilling. Although the fire was extinguished, with a little effort to gather wood and ignite it again, the fire could be reignited for grilling.

The three sorcery spirits of Contract, Resonance, and Covenant were closely related to language. With the power of language alone, Igura could bypass the chip’s restrictions and trigger the resonance of sorcery spirits.

In his past 45 deadly battles, he used the miracle “What I say, goes!” to force his opponents to agree to battle. Even if they lost, they would agree to a second, third, or fourth battle until Igura had drained their contributions before stopping.

“He will attack my left face.”

“Weak, weak, too weak! Do you think you can hit anyone with a fist that smells like milk!?”

“He will kick my left shin.”

“He wants to hug me.”

“He wants to use a right hook.”

Strong thoughts continuously flowed into Igura’s consciousness from his opponent. He looked at the man, who was like a trapped beast, with pity in his eyes and a contemptuous smile on his lips. Once an animal was chained, it had lost its ability to harm its owner!This is a small trick that Igura invented only after being imprisoned. It is not a miracle, but through the connection of “contracts” and the induction of language, it allows “resonance” to continue between Igura and his opponents, thus obtaining the opponent’s attacking intent!

If Igura could leave the Broken Lake Prison, he might be able to invent a miracle similar to “Kill the Enemy First”.

But even if it is an unformed small trick, it is enough to allow Igura to win 45 consecutive matches!

However, the winning streak will soon add another 10 matches – in Igura’s view, Asho Heath is already a lamb waiting to be roasted with cumin! This death match is just the beginning. Next, Igura will win him ten matches in a row and completely take away his initial 50 contribution points!

This is the meaning of a death match, to eliminate the weak and distinguish the livestock!

Crawl under my feet and let me trample on you, livestock!

“He wants to hit my chest with a straight punch.”

Igura avoided his fist and punched back, jokingly saying, “Come on, you almost hit me – huh?”

Although the fist missed, Asho quickly dodged Igura’s attack, even approaching and lifting his elbow.

Igura naturally retreated quickly, but he was surprised – this was the first time Asho had avoided his attack.

Although it was only once, it was not a good sign.

Can’t play anymore, just knock him out.

With this thought, Igura shook the blood off his fist, shouted and rushed forward, using all his spirit to capture Asho’s intentions and aim at his vital points!

“Beast, don’t waste time, end it quickly!”

“It’s rare to have a newcomer, don’t ruin it so quickly!”

“Beast, you have so many contribution points, let me have a good time too!”

“Beast, use a knife in the next match. I want to eat some meaty thighs! Lana, don’t compete with me!”

The prisoners in the audience laughed and joked, but Lana, who was drawing circles on her boyfriend’s chest, suddenly said, “Even if I don’t compete with you, you won’t be able to eat it.”


The prisoners were slightly stunned and looked closely. Many people’s faces changed: “This kid… is he a believer of the Four Pillar God…”

Although Asho’s movements were awkward, his defense efficiency was visibly increasing. Igura had hit every punch before, but now Igura could only hit one out of four punches, and that one punch could even be blocked by Asho’s arm.

It was not a leap in physical fitness, but more like developing a fighting instinct.

Asho’s movements did not become faster, and even slowed down due to fatigue and pain, but his movements became more agile, as if he had completely turned into Igura’s shape, and he knew how to cater to Igura’s movements.

To be honest, Igura is not strong in the Death Match Society, and he is not even considered to be in the second tier. His strength lies in his ability to skin and pull the tendons of the weak, and to completely squeeze the losers by breaking the prison rules. But everyone has to admit that Igura has a good eye and always finds the weak he can bully. His 45 consecutive victories in the past are enough to explain everything.

When Asho and Igura stepped onto the stage, everyone thought that Asho would lose all his contribution points and become a regular guest of the Blood Moon Trial. After all, Asho did not show any fighting talent and looked like a little white face, making people deeply suspect whether the so-called Four Pillar God Heresy was a pseudonym for a wealthy woman’s social circle.

However, relying on just a few minutes of fighting, Asho has transformed from a greenhouse flower who doesn’t even know how to defend, into a calm and experienced jungle cannibal, and even faintly gained the upper hand!”Lord Tyger, it seems like you have the same kind of person.” Someone laughed, “I didn’t expect Igura to be outsmarted by someone pretending to be weak.”


The white-haired old man Tyger, who was always used to acting cowardly, had a serious expression at this time: “He wasn’t pretending to be weak, he was genuinely weak before.”

“One’s body can’t be faked.” Lana also sat up straight on her boyfriend’s lap and said, “His body hasn’t gone through any battle training. He looks like a pampered scholar. I brought him in, and I saw it clearly. His physical reactions are not like those of a person who has gone through battle training, not even as good as a child.”

“Judging from his defensive posture at the beginning of the match, this battle may be one of the few close combats he’s had in recent years.”

Someone muttered, “How is that possible… does that mean…”

“That’s right.” In the darkness, Lana sighed, “A wrong person, at a wrong place, awakened a wrong talent. It’s really… a pity.”


Igura blocked Asho’s fist with both hands, which was his first defense in the battle. Compared to the onlookers in the audience, Igura had a deeper understanding of Asho’s rapid progress. It was as if he had transformed from a silent animal waiting to be slaughtered to an… animal that roared fiercely before being slaughtered.

“What a lovely fist, softer than a baby’s.” Igura sneered, “Are you tired?”

Asho remained silent, pacing as he confronted Igura, looking for gaps in his defense.

“I have to admit, I underestimated you. Your learning speed far exceeded my expectations. Is it the gift of the Four Pillar God? Or the talent you just discovered? I admit that you have the potential to break free from being livestock, but your physical fitness is really too poor, so poor that I only need to delay time to exhaust you!”

“Take the 1 contribution point you bet as the ransom for your transformation from livestock to human. Rejoice, Asho Heath, you are the only livestock that can break free from the chains, but that’s all. After this deathmatch, I will have nothing to do with you, and I will not accept any challenges from you. Under the rules of the prison, you cannot retaliate against me.”

“Understanding the rules, using the rules, dominating the rules, that is true strength. And your little fighting talent, at best, can only turn you from livestock into… a beast!”

“When you are swallowed by power, struggling in the Blood Moon Judgment, I will sit in a safe place, drinking red wine, and enjoying your ugly state. That’s the difference between you and me, that’s the distance between the dominated and the dominator!”

At this moment, Asho suddenly said, “Don’t cover your face.”

Igura sneered disdainfully, only a fool would listen to you—

“You’re quite good-looking, I want to take a closer look.”

‘You’re quite good-looking, I want to take a closer look.’

Asho’s words and his true thoughts came at the same time, causing Igura to pause. It was the first time he had heard such praise on the stage. Out of a natural instinct to show off, he unconsciously let go of his hands—


The long-accumulated punch hit Igura’s face hard, knocking him unconscious.

Ding ding ding!

“Victory has been decided, the winner is Asho Heath!”

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