Chapter 185 – You hurt me

Serena didn’t care that the Red Hat had destroyed her base.

As a “sensory perception,” the concept of “failure” did not exist in her dictionary, only “delayed success.”

All resistance will turn into acceptance, all distance will turn into closeness, and all death will turn into reunion.

Just like a story with a predetermined ending, no matter how the process changes, the final chapter will still come as scheduled.

The only thing she cared about was Asho Heath.

The fact that the Four Pillar God did not respond to her sacrifice was enough to show the weight of this man.

Interestingly, the Four Pillar God also did not respond to the sacrifice of this man.

Although in the eyes of others, Asho’s reversal of sacrificing the Four Pillar God’s followers was a ridiculous and funny act, purely a desperate last madness, Serena did not think so.

If it weren’t for her presiding over the ceremony, if she wasn’t in the underground hall, if she wasn’t a member of Asho’s sacrifice declaration, as long as one of these conditions was not met, perhaps Asho would have succeeded.

Because the Four Pillar God was unwilling to sacrifice Asho, it meant that Asho’s words could get the attention of the Four Pillar God. According to Serena’s experience, the Four Pillar God rarely paid attention to worldly matters, and the only exception she knew of was “sensory perception.”

Although she didn’t know how Asho, as a “sensory perception,” had ended up in such a miserable state, since he possessed this identity, the Four Pillar God would fulfill some reasonable requests from him, such as performing sacrifices. So in the ceremony just now, it was highly possible that the Four Pillar God would respond to his sacrifice.

But the result was that the Four Pillar God did not respond to him or to Serena, not even a sound.

The Four Pillar God rarely “neglected” sensory perceptions like this, and Serena believed that there was only one possible reason for this: the Four Pillar God did not reach a consensus internally.

If they had both decided to support Asho or support Serena, then one side would definitely have succeeded in the sacrifice. But since both sides survived, it meant that there was a difference in the Four Pillar God’s value judgment of them: some believed that Serena was more valuable, while others believed that Asho had more potential.

It’s just that Serena didn’t know the ratio of support between her and Asho, whether it was 3:1, 1:3, or 2:2.

And Serena also recalled that a few days ago, the Four Pillar God unusually issued a divine oracle, demanding that the next sacrifice include “foreigners.”

It was quite rare for the Four Pillar God to suddenly be so greedy, and at that time Serena didn’t think much of it. She directly entrusted the funeral service to find foreigners, and as a result, Asho Heath was brought in.

Now thinking about it, this divine oracle was clearly arranged to bring Asho to this stronghold and then replace her – in the same kingdom, there was no need for a second sensory perception.

When the divine oracle was issued, Serena was destined to make way for Asho.

Although “sensory perception” was important, when there were two “sensory perceptions,” the Four Pillar God would also start to pick and choose, leaving only the best one and discarding the rest.

It’s just that Serena didn’t know why the Four Pillar God suddenly changed his mind, no longer letting Asho replace her, but also didn’t think that Serena was more important than Asho. They hesitated and couldn’t reach a unanimous decision.

So Serena’s task was simple – to share the burden for the Four Pillar God and eliminate one wrong option.

Asho was taken aback by this sudden charge, but quickly realized that it wasn’t as painful as he had imagined.

He looked at Serena, who had a bleeding forehead, with a bewildered look, “What are you doing?”

Asho’s thick forehead was fine, but Serena’s delicate forehead was cut.

Serena stuck out her small tongue, as if she wanted to lick the blood that had flowed to the corner of her mouth, but her tongue was too small. She struggled to lick a little bit and said with a smile, “Look, I’m bleeding.”

“Yeah, so what?”

“Although I look down on people who rely on the ‘Gospel,’ I must admit that everything the ‘Gospel’ says is true.” Serena said, ” ‘You cannot harm me’ is the advice you must follow.”

“You hurt me, you have to pay with your life.”

Asho looked at the blood on Serena’s forehead, with a look of a cancer patient thinking, “Why is it me?” He said, “But you bumped into me on your own, so you got hurt! You can’t blame me for that. Not pursuing your intentional harm is already respecting the elderly and loving the young! You’re intentionally causing trouble!”

“Are you angry? Unhappy? Come and hit me.”

Serena stuck out her tongue and smiled, “When you hurt me, my sensory perception has already touched you. If my sensory perception can absorb your death, maybe it will become stronger?”

Asho felt uneasy, “What exactly is sensory perception? Is it a miracle? Or some special ability?”

He had heard this term from Professor Xilin, but had never found any relevant information. He didn’t expect to be entangled by the Four Pillar God Cult even after crossing over to the new kingdom – it was like changing jobs and discovering that the new company had long been controlled by a corrupt enterprise.

“Sensory perception is just sensory perception.” Serena looked at Asho strangely, “If you want to know what my sensory perception is, didn’t I just tell you?”

“Ah? Can you say it again?”

Serena tilted her head and smiled sweetly:

“Entangled for eternity, always together.”

“Serena!”At this moment, Cleos and the other Red Hats finally managed to temporarily seal all the gaps with earth and water spells. With teary eyes, she glared at Serena, raising her gun and aiming at the half-submerged Silver Throne!

As long as the Silver Throne shattered and exploded, Serena would naturally fall into the water and drown!

The elf’s shooting was accurate, hitting the base under the water just right. The Silver Throne immediately disintegrated with a strange electrical sound. Serena, soaked all over, couldn’t even make a swimming motion like a puppet, sinking into the water like a doll.

However, Serena remained calm, showing no fear of being submerged.


Hearing a strange noise coming from under the Silver Throne, whirlpools appeared around Serena, and the water level visibly dropped at a rapid pace. Cleos bit her lip in frustration, but she held back her hand–she couldn’t directly harm this monster disguised as a girl, or she would be the one to die!

“You’re scared, Cleos.”

Serena lay comfortably in the water, allowing her body to be dragged into the whirlpool below.

“But what you’re actually afraid of is not me, but the gospel of God.”

“Who can you kill with the safety on the gun?”

After leaving these words, Serena was sucked into the small cave that appeared after the Silver Throne shattered. Fortunately, the cave was too small, otherwise Asho would have been swept into the whirlpool as well.

Cleos ran over and looked, her ears pricking up in anger–underneath the cave was a Virtual Realm portal!

And it was a Virtual Realm portal that was about to dissipate. The chaotic flow of the Virtual Realm was rapidly overflowing. By the time Asho also leaned over to observe, the chaotic flow of the Virtual Realm had vanished into thin air, making it impossible to rush in and pursue!

“Damn it, damn it!” Cleos shot a few rounds into the cave in anger, then suddenly collapsed to the ground, biting her lip in frustration and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand: “She got away… and it was all my doing…”

Asho didn’t expect Serena to escape like this, not using a Sorcery Spirit, not relying on a miracle, not summoning the Four Pillar God to beat up the kids, but because Cleos lifted the floor, causing this heinous Eternal Presence to be sucked into the dissipating Virtual Realm portal below.

She didn’t do anything, she didn’t even move. If Cleos had done nothing, she might have caught her by now. But that was impossible–just as it was a natural law that there were underground rivers around the hall, Cleos’ fear of the Eternal Presence was also predestined.

This is… the Eternal Entanglement, the Everlasting Presence.

She is the law of disaster.

Although the pain in his forehead was almost gone, Asho felt a chill in his heart–Serena’s forehead bump was definitely not a prank, but a deliberate attempt to trip him up! With Serena’s favor, plus Asho running away without resigning, causing the Four Pillar God Church to lose the Blood Moon Kingdom market, the directors of the Four Pillar God must have a big problem with Asho now!

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