Chapter 184 – Four Pillar God internal strife?

The underground hall was quiet, with only the sound of flames flickering.

The children stopped crying and stared at him in a daze. Igura seemed to have become younger by ten years at this moment, looking just as lost as the children. Only Harvey had a comical expression, wanting to laugh but not daring to, and he raised his thumb to Asho with his bound right hand.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting silently for the outcome of this sacrificial duel.

One second passed, two seconds passed, three seconds passed, and nothing happened.

The children’s faces were filled with disappointment, and Igura sighed inwardly.

However, the black-robed figures around them began to stir.

“How is this possible…”

“Have we been abandoned?”

“Why is this happening? Four Pillar God, are you punishing us?!”

Even Serena’s adorable and charming face, which was usually filled with joy and anger, furrowed her brows slightly at this moment, like a child who had just had their toy taken away.

Yes, nothing happened.

But the fact that nothing happened was the biggest problem!

The Four Pillar God had always responded quickly to sacrifices, never being aloof or delaying. In terms of being close to the people, the Four Pillar God was indeed at the top of the industry. They accurately grasped the pain points of the believers, strategically laid out new sacrificial paths, formed an ecological cycle between sacrifices and oracles, increased the people’s perception, and ensured the fast and efficient handling of offerings to the Four Pillar God. The sect was flattened and decentralized, achieving the simple reuse and rapid response of the sacrificial ceremony. It was the strongest defense of the Four Pillar God sect…

However, this time, the Four Pillar God did not respond to the call of the believers and come to collect the offerings. It was as if netizens had discovered that a webpage was unresponsive, and it was only natural for the black-robed figures to panic – they suspected that the Four Pillar God had severed their connection with them!

Who wouldn’t be afraid when faced with a network disconnection!


Suddenly, a loud noise came from above, and the black-robed figures looked up in excitement, only to see a crack appearing in the ceiling of the hall.


With a blast, the ceiling exploded!

Asho watched this scene and felt like he had seen this plot development somewhere before.

“I finally found you, Serena Brait.”

A tall elf with gray hair and long ears descended from the falling dust, landing gently in front of Asho and the others. She wore a red cloak with a hood, her gray ponytail held high, and she held a pair of hand guns engraved with rune circuits in her hands.

As she landed, the fire rings around her extinguished, and the ground cracked, forming walls of earth that perfectly surrounded the children!

With the sound of rushing electricity, more than ten rescuers wearing red cloaks stormed in from the ceiling, mercilessly shooting at the black-robed figures in the underground hall, showing no signs of caring about human rights.

But the black-robed cultists here were much stronger than Asho’s group of cheerleaders. They were not afraid of the sudden attack and even drew their weapons to counterattack with miraculous powers, trying to overwhelm the fewer number of rescuers!

Suddenly, a young man among the rescuers shouted in excitement, “Job, great, you’re okay – die, heresy leader!”

The tall elf’s face changed dramatically. “Kuso, don’t-“


The young man fired an electromagnetic bullet at Serena, but the bullet happened to collide with another rescuer’s bullet in mid-air, producing a crisp sound and distorting their flight paths, and then-


Asho heard a sound like a watermelon being smashed behind him, followed by the children’s hysterical screams of panic.

He didn’t dare to look back.

“Job… Job?!” The young man shouted in panic, “It’s impossible, this can’t be-“

The tall elf stared at Serena, shouting, “Kuso, you’re on the battlefield now!”

The elf’s concern quickly turned into reality as the young man named Kuso let out a scream, seemingly being counter-killed by the black-robed figures.

Throughout the whole process, the tall elf never turned her head, always standing in front of Asho and the other sacrifices, keeping her gaze locked on Serena, while letting others deal with the other black-robed cultists.

“Cleos Baimu.”

Although her own hideout had been raided, Serena seemed unconcerned. There was no trace of worry on her face as she looked at the tall elf with interest and said, “The first in the ‘Red Hat – Asura Ranking’, the tenth in the ‘Red Hat Overall Ranking’, the Watcher ‘Crying Sand’ Cleos personally came to arrest a disabled person like me. Serena must be honored.”

“You are not just disabled, you are also cruel.”

The elf named Cleos said coldly, “The first in the ‘Sinners Ranking – Asura Ranking’, the sixth in the ‘Slaughter Ranking – Asura Ranking’, the eighth in the ‘Disaster Messenger Ranking’. In recent years, Asura’s crime rate has been increasing year by year, with serial killings, kidnappings, drug smuggling, and the revival of heresy spreading. All of this is closely related to you.”

“Cleos sister, I have been wronged.” Serena suddenly burst into tears. “Look at me, without this wheelchair, I can’t even move. Without someone to serve me, I would starve to death. I am just a puppet placed on a pedestal, and at certain times, I even have to become a toy for the puppeteer behind the scenes… Cleos sister, can I trust you? Can you help me break free from the control of the Four Pillar God sect?”

Harvey and Igura looked at Asho simultaneously, their eyes filled with strong doubt – brother, are the brainwashing lines of your heresy leader all the same? Did you all attend the same training class before taking office?

Asho knew very well that they were once again suspecting with evil intentions. He whispered in defense, “I have really been wronged! If you change the subject of her statement to me, it’s true!”

“So, have you also been played with by the puppeteer behind the scenes?” Harvey asked.Facing the eternal justification, Cleos remained unaffected and even felt like laughing. “Serena, you are trapped tonight. Whatever you say is useless. The Gospel cannot be wrong.”

Eternal Justification quickly changed his expression and sneered, “Blind faith is a one-way path. The most foolish thing a person can do is to be selfish enough to think that God is selfless. Cleos, your blind faith will eventually bring you despair.”

“Do you, a heresy leader, have the right to say such things?”

“Because I know that God loves the world.” Eternal Justification smiled. “But God loves himself more.”

Cleos fell silent, seemingly uninterested in continuing the nonsensical conversation with Eternal Justification.

Eternal Justification lazily leaned against the Silver Throne. “So, since you have determined that I am a criminal, why don’t you come and arrest me? Do you really expect a disabled little girl like me to come down and surrender?”

“I am waiting.”

The elven woman said coldly, “Waiting for all the other heretics to be eliminated, waiting for all external factors to dissipate, waiting for your miraculous fate to have no usable targets. I will personally toll the death knell for you.”

Miraculous fate!

Upon hearing the most mysterious branch of magic, the three foreign workers couldn’t help but perk up their ears.

Fate, truth, prophecy—these three branches were ones that every sorcerer wanted to learn, but no sorcerer knew how to learn them. Even the most accessible branch, prophecy, had no systematic learning method in the Blood Moon Kingdom. Any professor at Camon University who studied the prophecy branch was just deceiving for funding.

Although the prophecy branch was like a fantasy, sorcerers still considered it a legitimate branch. On the other hand, the truth and fate branches had already been denounced by many sorcerers as feudal superstition—there wasn’t even a trace of a branch sorcery spirit. The stories of sorcerers of fate and truth only existed in ancient myths. What was the difference between this and fantasy settings?

To think that a branch of magic that even sorcerers who believed in miracles considered feudal superstition would appear before their eyes?

“Before taking action, I used up all my points and blessings from the Gospel to obtain a method to defeat you from the Gospel—’cannot harm you.’” Cleos said, “If I’m not mistaken, your miraculous fate distorts all attacks against you through various accidents, and can even counterattack those who have murderous intent towards you.”

“Just now, Kuso wanted to shoot you, but the bullet coincidentally hit his own younger brother, causing him to lose focus and be killed by your subordinates… Truly a terrifying miraculous fate.”

“So, the action plan I devised is to first kill your subordinates and eliminate all unstable factors that can help you, and then deal with you slowly.” The elven woman sneered, “How does it feel to watch yourself walk into a dead end? Underneath that lovely skin of yours, are you harboring fear?”

“Indeed, you are the respected Scarlet Hat Cleos. But you are wrong about one thing.”

Eternal Justification laughed, “The ability you described is not a miraculous fate, and I am not proficient in this legendary branch of magic.”

“It is not a miracle, not a sorcery spirit, not a secret poison, not a blessing.”

“It is my… ‘sensation.’”

“Nonsense!” Cleos looked around and realized that the black-robed figures were mostly suppressed. She no longer waited and aimed her gun at—

The ceiling!

Shoo, shoo, shoo!

Cleos’ bullets seemed to possess miracles, quickly dissolving and disintegrating the rocks on the ceiling. With a rumbling sound, a huge rock layer was about to fall, smashing Eternal Justification on the Silver Throne into a pile of minced meat!

Asho immediately understood Cleos’ idea—although I can’t attack you, I can attack the rocks and make them fall to kill you. Wouldn’t that avoid the strange miraculous fate?

This seemed like a wise move, and Asho couldn’t see any loopholes. The black-robed cultists were all suppressed and couldn’t save Eternal Justification. Eternal Justification also had no mobility. If she wanted to leave the Silver Throne, she had to rely on a sorcery spirit or a miracle.

But for some reason, Asho had a strong premonition—Serena was not a sorcerer!

Other than her “sensation,” she didn’t possess any sorcery spirit or miracle!

Just like Heath back then!


Amidst the rumbling, a strange cracking sound caught everyone’s attention. They looked up and saw a peculiar crack in the middle of the ceiling rocks, with a few drops of water seeping out.

Cleos’ pupils contracted, and she fired a shot towards the back. The ground quickly turned into a fortress, protecting the children.


The rocks completely shattered, but along with it came a torrent of water!

The other parts of the ceiling also quickly crumbled, and the rushing water poured into the underground hall like a waterfall!

“How could there be an underground river there—”

Cleos stared in disbelief. The Scarlet Hats had dug through the ceiling and rushed in, but they miraculously didn’t hit the underground river?

She was so angry that her eyes became moist, biting her lip and quickly shooting at the floor, layer by layer, trying to resist the flood with rising earthen walls.

However, not only in front, but the walls beside them also began to crumble. The raging water surged like an army, as if the entire underground hall was built in an underground sea. As long as a hole was opened, it would be quickly submerged!

Both the Scarlet Hats and the black-robed figures were swept away by the flood, and Cleos could only rely on her earth magic miracle to protect herself. She temporarily couldn’t care about the others—so Asho was also washed away.

Perhaps Asho and the others were too close to Cleos, or perhaps she didn’t think that adults needed special protection, so her earth magic miracle only covered the children, leaving Asho and the other two exposed.

Asho’s hands and feet were still bound by the chains of the miracle. Unless he could spin his tongue like a propeller, he couldn’t swim at all. So he could only hold his breath and go with the flow until he bumped into a soft body and stopped.

“You bumped into me.””Heh, heh… Sorry about that.”

Asho quickly took deep breaths, looking down to find himself lying on the armrest of the silver throne.

The former heresy leader turned his head slightly, only to see a small companion, soaked to the skin, looking like a drowned rat.

He now looked like a perverted adult lying on a little girl’s thigh – if the latter had thighs.

“You just said, you’re the End Watcher?” She whispered into Asho’s ear.

Asho nodded and then shook his head, squirming to distance himself from the current heresy leader: “Actually, I’ve turned over a new leaf…”

“Let me reintroduce myself, I am the Eternal Presence, the Eternal Entanglement, the Everlasting Existence.” The Everlasting Existence laughed, “Nice to meet you, End Watcher, you can call me Presence.”

Asho was a bit stunned: “(⊙o⊙)… You can call me Watcher.”

“Well then, Watcher, please die.”

Serena raised her head high, then heavily knocked it down—

Using her own forehead to hit Asho’s forehead!

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