Chapter 183 – Sacrifice all heretics!

“You are just Asho Heath.”

Why does this name sound like an insult?

Name: Asho Heath, Gender: Asho Heath, Crime: Asho Heath?

Asho lay on the ground, bound and with a grimy face. The pain in his back surged like a tide, making him groan and whimper, too preoccupied to refute the eternal words.

The nearby Death Sorcerer sympathetically said, “So, Asho, what you said about being wronged before was true. I thought it was your own inside joke. At that time, I even thought the leader of the Four Pillar God Sect was quite humorous.”

“I think he’s just stupid.” Igura said coldly, “Even at this point, he still can’t see the situation clearly. You have no control over your own life, yet you dare to bargain with the other party. Does the Lumberjack Association fear trees because the axe handle is made of wood?”

“Clearly, you can only flatter and please others, so that you can become their axe. But you act like a cockroach, insisting on provoking them. If they didn’t kill you on the spot, you should consider yourself lucky. Stop meddling and mind your own business. They don’t need an outsider like you. Even the kids in the orphanage know that it’s time to lower their heads and start working. Only you would ask about salary, benefits, and labor contracts…”

Harvey wanted to defend Asho, but when he noticed that Asho was just staring at Igura with a mournful expression, muttering obscenities that only he could hear, he shut his mouth. Asho was injured now and needed a distraction. Igura’s provocation happened to stir up his emotions, making him forget about the pain in his body.

However, Harvey felt that Igura’s insults were strange. If Asho had really acted according to the eternal words just now, then it should be him and Igura who were screaming in pain. Why did Igura still have a mocking tone, as if he wanted Asho to step on their two bodies and survive?

“Wuwu ┭┮﹏┭┮……”

“Let me go, Dad, Mom——”

“Wuwu, wuwu, wuwawa! I want Mommy, Mommy!”

The piercing and noisy voices of the children filled the hall, and Harvey and Igura both showed disgusted expressions. They were not disgusted with the Four Pillar God Sect’s actions towards the children, but rather with the children’s noise. The Blood Moon people had always had a very low tolerance for young offspring.

However, after listening for a while, Igura suddenly asked in a low voice, “Why are they all calling for Dad and Mom? Are Dad and Mom the heroes here?”

Looking at Igura and Harvey asking such questions like illiterates, Asho suddenly felt like laughing.

Although it was the first time he had heard parents in this country being called that, Asho could tell from their tone who they were calling. After all, parents’ names usually consisted of those few most common syllables.

“Yeah, as long as you say this sentence, Dad and Mom will sacrifice their whole lives for you.”

Harvey became serious, “We are not from this country. Will Dad and Mom still protect us?”

Originally, Asho wanted to continue teasing them, but for some reason, he suddenly lost interest and didn’t answer. The crying children were brought to their surroundings, also bound by the Miracle Chains. Their cries were deafening, some sobbing softly, some wailing loudly. Each one was a well-behaved young child, not much taller than the wheels of the Silver Throne, similar in size to the Eternal Heath.

“Do young children have any value as sacrifices…?” Igura asked softly.

“In the Four Pillar God Sect, young children are a symbol of ‘purity.’ Only children who haven’t been tainted by society can give birth to pure evil, pure goodness, pure hatred, pure joy, just like flawless gemstones.” Asho recalled Heath’s criminal record and his face turned ugly, “They are not the best sacrifices, but they are the easiest to find sacrifices.”

“Hey, look at that girl.” Harvey suddenly said.

Asho looked over and saw a very cute and delicate white-haired loli. He thought it was strange that Harvey had become a little more normal, although still very perverted, but at least the target was alive.

But he quickly understood what Harvey meant—the white-haired loli was too calm.

She didn’t cry, nor was she stunned. Instead, she calmly observed her surroundings. When she noticed the gaze of the three villains, she blinked her eyes and instantly revealed a pitiful and adorable expression, making people’s protective instincts surge. It seemed like she was hoping for a hero to save her from danger.

“Such an actress.” Igura gave an disdainful evaluation, and Harvey and Asho were also disappointed—they thought this loli had some kind of trump card, which was why she was so calm. They didn’t expect her to only know how to act cute.

As they spoke, the black-robed cultists made way for them, and the floating platforms above them suddenly exploded, flowing down four rivers of flames, forming four concentric circles around them. The burning fire rings isolated them from the outside world.

Ancient and strange chants echoed in the underground hall:

“Countless brilliance, countless incarnations, countless possibilities…””Wind and snow messenger, pure azure blue, suppress the evil…”

“Eternal burning, immortal, forever wandering…”

“Dream of freedom…”

“With sincere prayers, we look up to the Four Pillar God’s mercy, and ask for his insight!”

After the believers finished their prayers, the cute and innocent voice of Eternity echoed slowly: “The offerings indicated by the oracle have been gathered.”

“In the name of Serena Brait, we offer to the Four Pillar God the sacrifices within the ring of fire – three foreigners and sixteen pure individuals!”

It’s over.

Igura sighed quietly. He didn’t expect that he wouldn’t die during the jailbreak, nor during the Falconer’s pursuit, but during the Four Pillar God Heresy’s sacrifice.

Rounding up, it was equivalent to dying at the hands of Asho.

If I hadn’t approached this new prisoner back then… If I hadn’t considered him as prey…

Igura suddenly laughed, extinguishing a hint of regret that rose in his heart – compared to rotting in the Broken Lake Prison, he preferred to play a part in the grand Blood Moon Trial and the spectacular jailbreak, and then die.

He wanted to thank Asho Heath. It was him who freed Igura from the boring prison life and set him on a brilliant path to death.

It was said that after a wicked person dies, his soul must pass through the seven layers of hell and suffer all kinds of torment before it can rest in the Virtual Realm. All the resentful spirits harmed by the wicked are waiting for this best opportunity for revenge, eager to return the disaster they suffered tenfold or a hundredfold to the wicked.

Dear heresy leader, with your great achievements, there must be many people in hell looking for you to play games. But it’s okay, I’m also a bad guy, I’ll accompany you to deal with them.

Igura turned his head to look at Asho, but saw that the heresy leader’s face showed no fear. He seemed to have some reliance, tremblingly straightening his back, proudly raising his head, and loudly said to the sky:

“In the name of Asho Heath, I offer to the Four Pillar God the sacrifices outside the ring of fire – all the heretics in the underground hall!”

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