Chapter 181 – Eternal presence with the end viewer

“In the great eternity, Serena Brait! Goodness follows you, evil admires you! The light desires you, and the darkness also hopes for you! You are an existence beyond everything, the color that God has bestowed upon all things!”

When Asho crawled out of the body bag, he saw countless black-robed disciples kneeling on the ground, singing hymns with fanatical voices. This familiar chant almost triggered Asho’s post-traumatic stress disorder.

How could this hymn be a standardized version worldwide?!

“I strongly suspect that we are being dragged down by you, Asho…” Harvey’s voice of complaint came from beside him. Soon, he groaned because a black-robed disciple stepped on his left arm, flattening it—not because the disciple used too much force, but because Harvey’s arm was missing a bone.

Last night, when facing Gesas’ sniper attack, everyone was in a desperate situation: Asho was forced to stop, Lana and Ronald covered each other, Igura lost a large chunk of flesh and still hadn’t fully recovered. Among them, Harvey was the most relaxed. He threw a bone into the air, and for some reason, the bullet aimed at his body shifted and hit the bone instead, seemingly having no effect on the necromancer.

However, during the hours-long journey just now, Asho had already noticed that Harvey’s left hand was almost completely useless. He couldn’t even lift it. Now, it was clear to him that Harvey was probably the most seriously injured among them—while Igura could regenerate his flesh, Harvey couldn’t grow his bones back using his recovery ability.

There might be a miracle in the necromancer faction that could restore bones, but Harvey was immediately put on a dog collar as soon as he passed through the portal. He didn’t have time to grow a new bone for his arm, just like finding out there was no toilet paper after going to the bathroom and having to use his fingers, only to find out that the water was cut off.

The chains of the black-robed figures once again wrapped around the three of them like tentacles, lifting them up. At this moment, Asho could finally observe the surroundings—such a familiar underground hall!

It was over ten meters high, and the underground hall, which was as large as two football fields, appeared bright and ancient under the illumination of the suspended flames. The walls were very smooth, covered with strange and colorful murals. There were crowds of people queuing up to be slaughtered, six pairs of men and women in strange group poses for mating, hundreds of people cutting their throats and filling the swimming pool with blood, and images of decaying creatures of various races.

In theory, such brilliant colors combined with completely incestuous content would be enough to pollute and shock anyone. However, after taking a glance, Asho didn’t feel any disgust in his heart, but he didn’t like it either. He just regarded it as ordinary art murals to appreciate.

“Don’t look, it’s poisonous.” Igura whispered softly beside him, and Asho quickly snapped out of it—when he could accept such strange aesthetics and even consider it normal art, he had already been silently contaminated.

Only Igura noticed his abnormality because he really had a professional aesthetic sense, which was not comparable to Harvey and Asho, who had no artistic cultivation and could even appreciate the shape of their own feces after defecating.

The chains on Asho and the others were pulled, and the black-robed figures motioned for them to move forward. In front of Asho was a narrow stone path over the water. There was actually a pool in this underground hall, and there were four statues in the water on both sides of the stone path—a heroic general, an elegant middle-aged scholar, a kind old man, and a pure young girl.

They obediently walked across the stone path, and the disciples who were singing hymns just now suddenly stopped and knelt quietly on the ground. The underground hall was now filled only with the sound of their footsteps.

When they arrived in front of the towering silver throne, the chains behind them suddenly pulled, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

“Are you the foreigners?”

A sweet and childish voice came from the silver throne with its back facing them. They looked up and saw a small girl who seemed to be less than ten years old sitting on the silver throne. Her silver-white hair was dyed with a strand of wine red, adding layers to her hair color. She was wearing a very cute gothic dress with a black base and white skirt, just like a delicate doll.

However, she had no hands or feet.

She looked like a doll that had only put on clothes and hadn’t had time to attach the hands and feet, placed on the silver throne as a decoration.

There were two extended mechanical arms on the silver throne. The right arm held a cup of steaming drink, and the left arm held a thin comic book. She seemed to be enjoying afternoon tea and reading comics at the same time.

“Yes, the eternal existence.” The black-robed figure bowed and said, “We have confirmed with the ‘Gospel’ that they are indeed foreigners.”

“Thank you for your hard work.” The little girl said, “Then bring the other sacrifices over. The sacrifice will begin immediately, and the Four Pillar Gods are already impatient!”


A fanatical atmosphere quickly swept through the entire underground hall. Even the suspended flames burned more intensely. Asho and the others were tightly bound by the chains and couldn’t break free. They could only watch helplessly as they were like fish on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered!


Harvey and Igura sent him a strong hint simultaneously. Asho grimaced, knowing they must see him as their last straw.

After all, in their eyes, Asho was the leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy. This place was also a branch of the Four Pillar God Heresy. Could there be two separate groups of Four Pillar God Heresy?

They were like the proverbial flood that washed away the Dragon King’s temple, not recognizing their own kind. Why didn’t he hurry up and acknowledge his roots, return to the Four Pillar God Heresy as a scholar, and then quickly save them? At worst, they would also follow him in believing in the Four Pillar God, doing some outrageous things, but at least they would survive.

But Asho knew his own situation. Heath might indeed be the leader of some heresy, but he himself was not!

The Four Pillar God might recognize him, but he didn’t recognize the Four Pillar God!

Asho’s understanding of the Four Pillar God was all from the news. The Falconer’s understanding of the Four Pillar God was even deeper than his. Asho had never been a heresy leader for a day, not even a counterfeit one. At most, he could only be considered a nominal heresy leader.

Asho did want to get closer to the heresy leader here, but he didn’t even understand the doctrines of the Four Pillar God Heresy, let alone know what to say. Could he convince the other party that he was a fellow believer just by talking? Not everyone was as naive as Furia!

Moreover, although Asho could hardly remember the scene when he first crossed over, he was very certain that the Blood Moon branch, whether in terms of the number of believers, the scale of the base, or the prestige of the leader, was far inferior to this branch.

Even if they were branches of the Four Pillar God Heresy, it was uncertain whether the Eternal Presence would be willing to accept a poor relative from the countryside. Perhaps the other party would think, “You are the branch leader? Then we must take this seriously,” and then bring out all kinds of torture instruments to serve Asho, letting the Four Pillar God know that they had indeed treated the leader of the brother unit well and sent Asho on his way.

But if he just waited for death, it would undoubtedly be very foolish. Therefore, Asho plucked up his courage, raised his head and said, “Hello.”

“Hello.” The Eternal Presence was very polite, looking down at Asho, “What can I do for you?”

Asho decided to reveal his heresy reputation title: “I am the End Watcher, Asho Heath.”

“I am the Eternal Presence, Serena Brait.” She looked at Igura and Harvey, “Do you also want to introduce yourselves?”

“No, what I mean is, I am also a believer of the Four Pillar God Heresy.” Asho said cautiously, “I am the branch leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy in the Blood Moon Kingdom, which is the foreign land we come from.”

“Oh, is that so?” She seemed a bit surprised, looking at Asho, “But you look like a good person.”

Asho was so angry that his face turned red. In the eyes of others, he was an unforgivable heresy leader. He had explained hundreds of times that he was a good person, but no one believed him. Only in front of the heresy leader did he say he was a fellow believer, and the other party thought he was a good person.

Damn it, this world should at least give him a way to survive. When being a heresy leader was disadvantageous, he was considered a heresy leader. When being a good person was disadvantageous, he was considered a good person. Even his company’s boss wasn’t this double-standard!

Asho tried to speak in a calm tone: “No, I really am the branch leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy. I am very bad. I have been accused by the authorities of participating in multiple kidnappings, murders, robberies and other serious crimes. I was sentenced to the maximum penalty and barely managed to escape from prison. But the Blood Moon has no place for me, so I left the Blood Moon and came here.”

The Eternal Presence tilted her head, her eyebrows forming a cute arc, “Then prove it to me.”

“Prove it?”

A mechanical arm pulled a dagger from her skirt and threw it to the ground in front of Asho. The chains on Asho disappeared, and although he was still wearing a collar, he could move freely.

“I don’t know what their relationship with you is, but if you are a beloved of the Four Pillar God, then they should also be considered offerings that can be given to the Four Pillar God in your eyes.” The Eternal Presence said calmly, “Torture them as much as possible, destroy them, give them despair, delight them with pain, but don’t kill them.”

“This should be as simple for you as eating and dressing, End Watcher?”

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