Chapter 178 – Asho

“Black and White Witch”

“Human Race, Female, 19 years old”

“Connection Level: 0 (30% experience sharing)”

“Occupation: Daughter of the Tower”

“Occupation Trait: +15% learning efficiency in the tower”

“Innate Talent: Witch (Intermediate): Gain an additional 150% time experience, low chance to gain 10,000% time experience, and easier to gain favor from the Bronze Dragon (can unlock talent level after strength improvement).”

“Personal Skill: Personality Split: The Black and White Witch can actively adjust her personality to adapt to different environments, and can even switch to specific combat personalities when facing different enemies. Insight +10, critical hit judgment +10, critical hit rate increases with battle time.”

“Silver Blessing: Witch’s Taboo: Secretly bestow power upon yourself, and concealment is your weapon. The fewer people in reality who know your true inner self, the stronger you become in the virtual realm. Currently, the concealment level of the Black and White Witch is 93% (unknown to anyone), and she gains a 93% increase in artificing speed. (Observer’s observation is not included).”

“Holding Items: None”

“Controlled Artisans: Mask, Hydrotherapy, Claws…”

“Mental Faction: Silver Level”

“Fist Claw Faction: Gold Level”

“Time Faction: Silver Level”

“Water Art Faction: Silver Level”

“Cultivation Strategy: Not set”

Gold-level faction realm, and also with a Silver Blessing, this is a two-winged agent!

Asho fell into contemplation: Is it because he himself is a two-winged agent that the new agent he drew is also a two-winged agent? Or is the gacha random, and if lucky, he might even draw a four-winged agent?

The Black and White Witch has the Hydrotherapy artisan and a Silver-level Water Art Faction, so she can be used as a semi-support. However, she actually specializes in the Fist Claw Faction and also practices the Time Faction. Although it seems impressive, Asho cannot determine her specific role and will have to allocate tactical positions in the virtual realm team battles.

Of course, if the Black and White Witch can stop time, Asho’s tactical position would be hanging on her thigh pendant.

Speaking of thighs, Asho looked at the character drawing of the Black and White Witch. She was wearing a black and white checkered skirt, with one leg in white stockings and the other in black stockings… Hiss…

I suggest Sword Girl learn from her.jpg

Although he felt disgusted, Asho still looked at the newly obtained costume and was pleasantly surprised:

“Swimsuit Observer: +10% enhancement effect from the Water Art Faction on oneself (limited to the virtual realm, but if the same clothing is worn in reality, the enhancement can also be obtained).”

“Afternoon of the Apocalypse Observer: +3% attack power when not injured.”

Costumes can actually increase attributes!

Although the increase is not much, it’s still better than nothing. If possible, Asho really wishes he could give the swimsuit to Sword Girl, but it’s not possible.

Although the swimsuit has more enhancements, and the new agent also has the Water Art Faction, Asho still equipped himself with “Afternoon of the Apocalypse”. After all, the swimsuit is too embarrassing. Asho’s self-esteem has been continuously exploited by the company for many years, and he can’t waste it in such a place.

And as long as the same clothing is customized in reality, the enhancement can be triggered. No matter how you think about it, the swimsuit can’t become everyday wear. Asho doesn’t want to carry the negative buff of “high probability of being considered a pervert by others” for the sake of this slight enhancement.

Compared to the swimsuit, “Afternoon of the Apocalypse” is much more normal. It looks like a dark red gradient windbreaker, which should be easy to obtain.

Asho and Sword Girl each drank a bottle of Pure Light Energy Drink. Asho immediately drank it after seeing the character drawing of the Observer of the End, while the character drawing of Dead Crazy Sword Girl showed a “zzz” sleeping icon, indicating that the action of drinking the potion needed to be postponed for five hours.

Finally, there is a special golden item that has never been seen before.

“Prince of Pleasure’s Twenty-sided Dice: A dice for play and amusement hand-carved by the Prince of Pleasure. When using this dice during entertainment, you can receive gifts from the Prince of Pleasure.

In the agent’s cultivation strategy, when arranging ‘entertainment’, you can roll the twenty-sided dice at the end of each entertainment. Depending on the different entertainment projects, the size of the dice roll, and the agent’s mood, the agent can receive artificing pleasure experience ranging from 0% to 200% (100% experience = 1 professional training).

Artificing pleasure experience is not subject to any reduction, only accepts additional bonuses.”

Asho understood at a glance – this item makes the ‘entertainment’ in the cultivation strategy that he never chooses more practical. Previously, entertainment could only increase the agent’s mood, which was a meaningless value. But now, there is a chance to obtain high artificing experience through entertainment, and playing games can also become stronger, reducing the experience loss caused by entertainment for the agent.

In short, it’s a useless item.

After all, Asho would never arrange entertainment for the agents, even with this item.

After careful calculation, it can be seen that entertainment requires 2 action points, and the highest experience that can be obtained is 200%. But training only requires 1 action point and will definitely gain 100% experience. From a mathematical expectation perspective, the benefits of 2 training sessions are definitely greater than 1 entertainment session!As for entertainment improving the mood of agents… Although Sword Girl often complained, under the influence of Asho’s motivational speeches, she had gradually adapted to high-intensity training. This proved that human adaptability was indeed strong, and there was still room for her to take initiative.

Asho judged others by his own standards. When he first graduated and started working, he was working 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week. His only rest was when he was slacking off, but he still managed to survive and even outperform others, earning promotions and raises. This was enough to prove that entertainment was unnecessary.

The harder the struggle, the greater the triumph. Asho, lead the way!

The harder the agents work, the faster the players’ progress!

Keep moving those bricks, and the spectators will find their own entertainment!

Sword Girl and the witch, keep it up!

However, the name of this item actually included the “Prince of Joy”. If Asho remembered correctly, wasn’t the Prince of Joy one of the incarnations of the Four Pillar God?

This thought circled in his mind and then vanished – no matter if you’re a god or the Prince of Joy, once you’re in my hands, you’re mine. Everything I consume is nourishment!

Then there was the training strategy for the black and white witch… Asho paused here, remembering that Sword Girl’s training for this week would also end tomorrow.

He thought for a moment, deciding to formulate the training strategy for the black and white witch tomorrow, combining the training cycles of the two agents so that the weekly reports could be delivered at the same time.

It wasn’t exactly an obsession, but aligning the training cycles of all agents felt much more comfortable – okay, it was a mild obsession.

And then there was the “Intermediate Trial Card”…

In fact, the moderate experience provided by the trial card was better than nothing for the two-winged agents. Asho valued the ‘slight increase in agent bond’ more.

Sword Girl already had a level 3 bond with him, while the black and white witch was at level 0.

For Sword Girl, the bond provided by the trial card was equivalent to Asho having a meal and a walk with her, at most maintaining their current relationship. It was still far from upgrading the bond. But for the black and white witch, the trial card was like Asho introducing himself to her, breaking the ice, discussing their family backgrounds. It might not upgrade the bond immediately, but after a few more meetings, they would become familiar with each other. It was extremely cost-effective.

So Asho chose to use the “Intermediate Trial Card” on the black and white witch.

Just as he closed the game interface, Asho felt as if a membrane in his mind had burst. The drowsiness that had been teasing him suddenly overwhelmed him, and he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

After about thirty seconds, the side door of the carriage opened.

A young man in a dark blue butler’s uniform walked into the carriage. He had light blue long hair, wore a gradient blue cloak, had bright eyes and white teeth, and a tender white face. He looked to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old.

He turned the sleeping Igura over, touched Igura’s forehead with his left hand, and a book appeared in his right hand. After flipping through it, he said, “Ranked second on the ‘Two-Winged Soul List – Azuma Sub-list’, ranked fifth on the ‘Azuma Beauty List’, the name is Igura Bokin.”

“Ah~ So does that mean Mildred, the social butterfly, has been squeezed off the beauty list?” Someone outside chuckled, “Great, finally one less person to lower my style. Since he’s in the top ranks of both lists… let’s tentatively classify him as a 3-star character.”

The young man nodded, went over to Harvey, touched his forehead, and said, “Ranked first on the ‘Two-Winged Undead List – Azuma Sub-list’, the name is Aqiborde Harvey.”

“First on the Undead list? But it’s still first… let’s tentatively classify him as a 3-star as well.”

The young man then went over to Asho, touching Asho’s forehead for a while.

The person outside asked curiously, “What’s wrong?”

“He seems… not on any list.”

“Not on any list? He seems to be a two-winged sorcerer, right? No comprehensive sorcerer list, killer list, creator list, faction list, no small lists at all?”


“Hmm… then let’s classify him as a 0-star waste.”

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