Chapter 177 – Bride Sword Girl

In fact, Asho had enough funds to gacha last night when he was robbing the rich at Xilin’s house. However, the environment was too dangerous at that time, and Asho also had to prepare an adventurer’s set and investigate the specific location of Observation Point 53 in order to be prepared to run away quickly. He didn’t have the leisure to gacha.

But now, Asho no longer needs to worry about his safety because he is already unsafe.

It’s the perfect time to gacha.

First, he signed in and obtained the daily sign-in reward, Sourcestone. Then he clicked on “Material Purchase”. Asho had 232 points and could already purchase the “Bag of Sourcestone” worth 198 points.

Purchase successful!

Obtained 40 Sourcestones!

Then triggered the first recharge reward and obtained another 40 Sourcestones!

Combined with the accumulated 15 Sourcestones, Asho now has a total of 95 Sourcestones, enough for a 31 consecutive gacha!

When Asho opened “Agent Search”, he found that the interface had changed.

“‘Sword and Dragon Dance’ Limited Search (Please launch this activity as soon as possible if the expected monthly revenue target is not met three weeks after the launch)”

“Probability increase for limited agents ‘Black and White Witch’ and ‘Enchanting Girl’ ↑↑”

“Probability increase for limited costumes ‘Bride Sword Girl’, ‘Blood Sea Returns Sword Girl’, ‘Afternoon of the Apocalypse Observer’, ‘Swimsuit Observer’ ↑↑”

“Ends on May 15th, 00:00”

Because there were too many flaws, Asho was stunned for a moment. Although he knew that his company was shady, he didn’t expect it to be this shady – launching a limited search to entice players to pay-to-win if the monthly revenue target is not met. This is too shameless!

And the sentence in parentheses is obviously for the company leaders to see. It’s a good thing they forgot to delete it.

The so-called limited search means that the costumes and agents mentioned can only be obtained in this event gacha. Once the event is over, players will not have a chance to obtain the mentioned rewards in the general gacha pool, unless the event is rerun in the future.

Therefore, players with a collecting addiction will try to pay-to-win as much as possible to obtain the important rewards in the gacha pool. Even free-to-play players will endure the pain of paying-to-win if the limited agents are powerful. For players who aim for a complete collection, they will pay-to-win endlessly until they obtain all the items in the gacha pool.

Generally, limited events are usually launched during anniversaries or the Lunar New Year. At that time, players have some spare money and might pay-to-win impulsively. Also, the festive atmosphere makes players less concerned about the disgusting nature of limited events.

But overall, limited events are almost synonymous with pay-to-win and can hardly be considered as welfare. Launching a limited event less than a month after the game’s release is truly “unsightly”.


Asho clicked on “Bride Sword Girl” in the event introduction and found that nothing popped up. Although there was an introduction to the event in the interface, there were no thumbnails. It’s fine if there are no new agent profiles, but there wasn’t even a character drawing for the new costume. It only had a text version of the pay-to-win inducement.

It can be seen that the game system can indeed operate normally, but not completely normally – everything is secondary to pay-to-win.

Although he complained in his heart, Asho didn’t hesitate and chose to use up his Sourcestone reserves in this limited gacha pool.

It had nothing to do with the Bride Sword Girl, he simply wanted to obtain new agents.

Wait, there was still a ritual to perform before gacha…

Asho went to wash his hands and then crawled in front of Igura. “Let’s play rock-paper-scissors.”

Igura, who was interrupted in his thoughts, opened his mouth, his face first confused, then turned ugly, and finally became helpless. His expression management was quite impressive.

In the end, he reluctantly extended his hand and quickly won Asho in three rounds of two out of three, disdainfully telling him to get lost.

Asho crawled back and lay down, ready to gacha!

“Confirm consuming 93 Sourcestones for 31 searches?”


18 white lights, all contaminated gacha pool items such as energy potions, experience potions, and basic battle cards. He would refine the potions later.

9 purple lights, including 3 bottles of Sorcery Spirit Joyful Elixir, 3 bottles of Pure Light Special Drink, 1 intermediate awakening card, 1 new item ‘Orola Automatic Driving Car (Luxury Edition)’, and 1 new item ‘Training Gloves’.

And, 4 gold lights!

“Black and White Witch”!

“Swimsuit Observer”!

“Afternoon of the Apocalypse Observer”!

“Joyful Prince’s Twenty-sided Dice”!


Suddenly, a sound rang out. Harvey and Igura looked over and found that Asho was repeatedly hitting the soft cushion on the wall with the back of his head.

Harvey nodded thoughtfully and also started hitting the soft cushion with the back of his head.

It felt quite effective, and they indeed became more energetic.

Igura suddenly felt that staying with these two individuals with an IQ comparable to adult beastmen, rather than being unable to sleep, seemed to be more harmful to his body and mind.

After venting his frustration on the back of his head, Asho turned his gaze back to the game interface. Sometimes people are strange. Even though it’s not their fault, they subconsciously punish themselves – as if they want to resist the torment of fate with purer pain, just like…

But when Asho saw “Swimsuit Observer”, he wanted to hit the back of his head again.

Is this a joke? I can’t even get a single costume of Sword Girl, but I got all the costumes of Observer!? If I want to see Observer’s costume, I can buy it myself. Not to mention costumes, I can even see Observer’s bathing CG for free every day – but who wants to see it!This is definitely a ploy to make us spend more, they must have secretly adjusted the drop rate, not letting players draw “Bride·Sword Girl”!

As expected of my own company, their greed is even worse than I imagined!

No wonder the salary is so high, this is how they get it, it’s too despicable!

When Asho’s butt shifted from being a worker to a player, he wished he could write a long critique of his own company’s ‘Seven Deadly Sins’, but it was of no use. After grumbling for a while, Asho finally calmed down and checked the newly acquired agent items:

“Training Gloves”: After the agent equips it, the experience gained from fist and claw training is increased by 15%.

“Intermediate Trial Card”: Allows the agent to undergo a trial, gaining a moderate amount of experience and slightly increasing the agent’s bond. Each agent can only use it once a week.

“Orola’s Self-Driving Car (Luxury Edition)”: A moving tool that can be used on the land of the Virtual Realm, capable of loading various functional accessories. Current accessories: None.

“Pure Spirit Light Special Drink”: Every wise soul will emit a bit of pure spirit light when it dissipates. Drinking pure spirit light can greatly accelerate the recovery speed of the soul, and the absorption speed of Artificing in the Virtual Realm is increased by 5% within seven days. What kind of person, what kind of place, can so easily collect a bottle of Pure Spirit Light Special Drink?

There’s no need to mention the gloves, Asho hasn’t drawn a trial card in a long time, and he didn’t expect to draw an intermediate trial card this time.

This Pure Spirit Light Special Drink made Asho happy. If Sword Girl’s estimate was correct, their soul injuries might still need two weeks to fully recover, but with this special drink, it might be shortened to two or three days.

It’s just the last sentence of the effect description that made Asho feel strange, as if this special drink was some villain’s loot. But since it wasn’t explicitly stated, Asho chose to ignore it, now was not the time to be picky.

As for this self-driving car, it is undoubtedly a moving tool suitable for the Time Continent.

After all, the small boat can only be used in the Sea of Knowledge. Asho was originally worried that they would have to walk on foot after sneaking onto the Time Continent. Now with a vehicle, they could even get a head start when running away.

As for this “Luxury Edition” that only provides mobility and does not come with any functional accessories, it’s clearly the “Beggar’s Edition”!

Unlike the small boat, the car itself is a large steel weapon with lethal power. Asho guessed that he might be able to draw armed accessories for the self-driving car in the future, such as heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, bulletproof glass, car-mounted chainsaws, etc., and there might even be skill cards for the self-driving car, capable of using cool skills like “Tornado Charge”…

Then there’s the new agent, “Black and White Witch”!

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