Chapter 175 – Sword Girl’s Interlude – Part 2

“Why are you interested in this organization? If you want to join a club, the drama club would be more suitable for you, right?”

Sonia saw Felix sitting in the driver’s seat. She thought for a moment and chose to sit in the back seat, comfortably stretching on the leather sofa. She casually replied, “I joined the drama club last semester. It’s just a playground for a few high-quality women who scheme against each other. The service staff are a dozen low-quality men who revolve around them, and the prizes are one or two high-quality men… But last year’s prizes didn’t suit my taste, so I felt it was meaningless and quit the drama club.”

“You quit the drama club because it wasn’t fun anymore…”

“Since you know about the Four Pillar God Sect, you must also know that it’s not just a boring club for young boys and girls to find excuses to mate.” Sonia wiped the sweat from her neck with a wet towel and said, “Or rather, it’s much more dangerous than those boring clubs.”

Felix lightly tapped the steering wheel with his finger. “In theory, there should be no information about the Four Pillar God Sect in the Starry Kingdom… Do you mind telling me where you heard this name?”

“From the Sorcerer’s Manual in the Virtual Realm.”

“…If you mind, you can just say so.” Felix said indifferently, “There’s no need to provide completely unverifiable evidence. The information obtained from the Sorcerer’s Manual has no legal effect, and even the credibility is greatly discounted. Have you seen ‘The Legendary Treasure’?”

“Of course, I’ve watched the version with Daidalos five times!” Sonia said, no longer feeling sleepy. “But I really saw it in the Sorcerer’s Manual.”

“The Legendary Treasure” is a well-known fable in the Starry Kingdom. It has been adapted into movies multiple times. The story is not complicated. In simple terms, there is a legendary treasure in the Virtual Realm, but no one knows where it is. The protagonist is a novice sorcerer who, in the process of adventuring in the Virtual Realm, obtains a golden Sorcerer’s Manual. It describes the correct rituals to obtain the legendary treasure, but in order to perform the rituals, the protagonist needs to study sorcery and summon the required sorcery spirits.

When the protagonist sets up the rituals and performs miracles, the legendary treasure gate appears. However, behind the gate is not the treasure, but countless tentacles and boundless darkness. The protagonist wants to resist, but unexpectedly, their sorcery spirits voluntarily surrender and rush into the embrace of the treasure gate.

It turns out that the sorcery systems and spirits required to complete the rituals are only meant to make the summoner more “appetizing.” The treasure gate is not that powerful, but for every summoner who studies the rituals, it is the perfect natural enemy, turning the summoner into a food source that can be taken and given!

The ending of the story is a young sorcerer who has just entered the Virtual Realm, finally defeating the sorcerer projection and obtaining a golden Sorcerer’s Manual…

This fable naturally teaches everyone to work hard and not to expect unexpected wealth. But for sorcerers, this story also has another warning—the information and knowledge in the Sorcerer’s Manual are very dangerous.

“If you only learned about this organization from the Sorcerer’s Manual, there’s no need to investigate it in such detail, right? Since you found me, it means you have already searched in the library, right? I didn’t know you had such a strong curiosity, or is it that the sword training arranged by Professor Teluozan is not satisfying enough for you?”

“Tsk, if you don’t want to say, then don’t. Just drive me back to the dormitory.”

“Doubting is not the same as refusing. I dislike your self-righteous way of thinking.” Felix stepped on the accelerator and reversed the car. “But I don’t know much about the Four Pillar God Sect either. As I said, you can’t learn about this organization from any written materials. The Empire has thoroughly destroyed all information.”

“When I was mingling in the noble circle, I would occasionally hear about this sect, but it was mostly out of curiosity. From what I know, the Four Pillar God Sect’s four pillars represent four different codes of conduct: the tyrant who rules with violence, the evil advisor who manipulates through conspiracy, the benevolent father who tortures with despair, and the pleasure-seeking prince who indulges in pleasure… I’m sure you can guess that the only pillar in the Four Pillars that is favored by the nobles is naturally the pleasure-seeking prince.”

Sonia placed her hands on the front seat and leaned forward, asking, “So… does the Four Pillar God Sect exist in the Starry Kingdom?”

“It doesn’t exist.” Felix shook his head. “The existence of all sects is based on the need for people to have a spiritual refuge, or because they are dissatisfied with reality and choose to seek redemption from a great existence. The Starry Kingdom is a great nation, and there is no soil for the growth of heretical sects.”

“But didn’t you just say that there are nobles who pursue the excitement of believing in the Four Pillar God Sect?”

“Everyone holds their own beliefs at different times, and immaturity is a stage that everyone must go through, including the nobles.” Felix said, “But the reason why the nobles are nobles is because the titles bring them glory and protect them from immaturity and evil.”

“Without a title, one cannot become a minister, and without being a noble, one cannot govern a county… You should have memorized the ‘Nobility Act’ and know why the nobles have a higher status and rights than ordinary people, right?”

“Blessing of the Stars.” Sonia said, “It is said that every noble who is officially granted a title is blessed by Her Majesty the Empress and becomes wise, brave, just, and strict… In fact, it is true.”

The class barriers in the Starry Kingdom are very strict. If you are not a noble, even if you are a talented sorcerer, you cannot grasp the real power of the empire.

However, the restriction is only on being a “noble.” If you can inherit a noble title through marriage or achieve great merits that the Empress personally grants, no matter how you become a member of the nobility, you will have a ticket to the ruling class. Whether you can become an important minister of the country depends on your abilities.

In this era of highly developed information exchange, Sonia, who was a little arrogant, was criticized by her classmates on the forum for more than ten pages. However, such obvious class discrimination did not cause any waves in the Starry Kingdom.

Even Sonia, who has always felt that society owes her a throne, thinks that the noble system is very good.

Because being a noble is really good.Fair and strict, fearless of difficulties, diligent in learning, and devoted to duty, these are the impressions people have of the nobility. Whether they are playboys who frequent the flower fields or sheltered flowers who have never seen a mosquito, the moment they inherit their titles and become nobles, they become mature and steady, becoming pillars of society who contribute to the Starry Kingdom, maintaining the interests of the masses without favoritism, selfishness, chaos, or laziness.

The reason for all this is the ‘Star Blessing’.

The textbook describes the Star Blessing in one sentence: “It awakens the nobility to their responsibilities”. Sonia used to think this was just a platitude, but when she came to Garlean and learned about the perfect integration of the nobility system and the bureaucratic system, she realized that this sentence was actually true.

“What you’re talking about are all side issues, the core impact of the Star Blessing is only one,” Felix glanced at the starry night sky in the distance: “It makes the nobility absolutely loyal to the Starry Kingdom.”

“Absolute loyalty?” Sonia was taken aback: “Brainwashing control?”

“It can’t really be considered brainwashing.” Felix thought for a moment and said: “For example, Sonia, you value your mother very much, you also like to make money, and you are willing to make some contributions to the Starry Kingdom, but if you have to rank them, your mother should be more important than making money, and making money is more important than benefiting the Starry Kingdom, right?”

“Of course.” Sonia paused: “Actually, making money isn’t much more important than benefiting the Starry Kingdom… unless it’s making a lot of money.”

“So in your heart, the priority is your mother, then making money, and then the Starry Kingdom. The so-called absolute loyalty is just making the concept of ‘benefiting the Starry Kingdom’ the highest priority, that’s all.” Felix said: “If it was complete brainwashing control, the nobles would have rebelled long ago, no one wants to become a puppet without self.”

“The power of the Star Blessing lies in the fact that it only makes the nobles see the Starry Kingdom as the most important object of protection, but it does not take away the other spiritual sustenance of the nobles, such as family, lovers, children, hobbies. If it’s during the statutory holiday period, the nobles are almost no different from ordinary people, and they can also enjoy the entertainment and social status that ordinary people can’t reach.”

Felix glanced at the farm woman in the rearview mirror: “Even if you know this secret, would you be willing to become a member of the nobility if you had the chance?”

Sonia thought for a moment, “I suppose I would be willing.”

Although the Star Blessing involves brainwashing, if it’s just raising the priority of ‘benefiting the Starry Kingdom’ to the highest, Sonia thinks she can accept it. After all, it’s the country where she was born and the land where she grew up. If she can, Sonia definitely hopes that the Starry Kingdom will get better and better.

Or to say that most people would definitely be willing, after all, benefiting the Starry Kingdom is a life goal that is admirable. This question is like ‘if you want to be a good person, the price is that you become very rich’ – who wouldn’t want that!

“So you should understand why there is no Four Pillar God religion in the Starry Kingdom.” Felix said: “Under the fair and selfless rule of the nobility, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the standard of living improves year by year, the Four Pillar God religion simply cannot influence any social class.”

“You can’t find any information about the Four Pillar God religion, on the one hand, it’s because the empire destroyed it, on the other hand, it’s because no one needs the Four Pillar God.”

“A sect that is not needed by the people will naturally be swept into the garbage heap.”

The car stopped in front of the dormitory area, Felix pressed the button to open the back door of the car, and said: “That’s all I know about the Four Pillar God religion, do you have any other questions?”

“No.” Sonia shook her head: “I was just curious.”

“I don’t care where you heard this name, but as a friend, I have a piece of advice for you – don’t investigate the Four Pillar God religion anymore.”


Felix turned around and looked at Sonia.

“Because it’s a waste of time.” She said: “You’re a genius swordsman, you don’t have time to waste on such boring things, it seems you’re not training enough, it seems I need to report to Professor Teluozan tomorrow that you’re not focusing on your work…”

“I always feel like you’ve become very arrogant today,” Sonia was not intimidated at all: “Is it because you don’t have to duel with me tomorrow? How about I ask the professor to check your learning progress during the day, I can use a newspaper to hit you…”

“You’re so annoying! I hate you!”

Sonia giggled and got out of the car, leaned over to the car window and said: “Thank you, see you tomorrow.”

Watching Sonia hop and skip into the girls’ dormitory building, Felix let out a long sigh of relief, feeling like her brain would boil if she talked to this farm woman any longer.


The steering wheel was stained with blood, she took a closer look and found that blood was seeping out of her left glove.

Felix’s palm was scratched by Sonia just now, but she didn’t dare to take off her glove to treat it, now that the farm woman was gone she could finally take off her glove. But she wasn’t in a hurry to treat her wound, instead, she held her left hand in front of her eyes.

In the palm of her left hand, there was a very round hole, just big enough to fit an eye.

Her already beautiful pale purple eyes, decorated with the round hole, shone with a kaleidoscopic luster.

Felix looked through the round hole at Sonia, who was walking into the dormitory building in the distance.

“Who exactly talked to her about the Four Pillar God religion?” She murmured softly: “I hate these unstable factors.”

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