Chapter 169 – It’s time to end this

The plan went very smoothly.

Sometimes Asho had to admit that the five of them were like a perfectly designed criminal group. With some temporary operations, they actually managed to lure Jielade out and create a gap to enter the Virtual Realm.

The plan was actually very simple: first, Igura randomly selected an audience member to intimidate. Among adventurers, nine out of ten had shit on them, and the last one was shit themselves. Igura didn’t need to exert much effort to easily bring out the fear in the other person’s heart, making them think that Igura was their enemy and causing them to flee in panic.

While the hunter chased after the adventurer, Harvey used necromancy to connect the chips and added a prohibition to everyone in the area, causing the adventurers to panic. At the same time, Ronald discreetly knocked down a few adventurers and scratched Asho and the others, causing everyone to naturally fall to the ground.

The recording pen that Asho made temporarily would sound on the stand-in, and Igura would then use his psychic miracle to enhance everyone’s suspicion and fear, causing the adventurers to quickly fall into fear of the hunter. Finally, under the leadership of Asho’s stand-in, they would rush out of the camp.

Once Jielade was lured out, the other adventurers would also leave. During this time, the “injured” ones lying on the ground would seize this opportunity to rush towards the passage, leaving the Blood Moon and starting anew!

Originally, Asho didn’t have much hope, but this flawed temporary plan actually went very smoothly. When Jielade turned into an afterimage and crossed over his body, Asho’s heart almost jumped out of his mouth.

The scene was even better than Igura had imagined: there was only one hunter left on the platform, and the surrounding Moon Shadow Priests seemed to be stunned. After knocking out the hunter with a punch, the road ahead was clear.

Everything went smoothly in the process that was most likely to go wrong.

And in the ending that was least likely to go wrong, something unexpected happened.

On the stairs leading to the passage, Asho suddenly felt a chill, as if his heart was being tightly squeezed. He could even feel a word appearing above his head – danger!

He knew what was going on – his “wild intuition” had been triggered.

Ever since he obtained this skill from the Sorcerer’s Manual during the Virtual Realm adventure, it had saved him many times in critical situations. This time, Asho naturally chose to continue to trust it.

Miracle: Sword Body Barrier! After advancing to the second wing, Asho could use his golden artificing to activate the earth sword. The defensive power of this miracle had almost tripled.

Bang! With a loud gunshot, the warm yellow barrier shattered like glass, and even the ground responsible for dispersing the destructive force cracked like a spider web!

Not to mention a direct hit, Asho felt that even if he was grazed by this attack, he would lose more than ten pounds of flesh and bone!

Asho turned his head slightly and saw the orc sniper in the shadow at the entrance of the camp.

Xilin’s lackey. He hadn’t forgotten about Gesas, but he never expected Gesas to perfectly extinguish his last hope. This sudden misfortune made Asho feel that he had used up all his luck in the escape.

More importantly, while maintaining the Sword Body Barrier, he had to keep the sword inserted into the ground and couldn’t move!

After all, the advantage of the sword artificing faction was ultimately destruction, not protection. To derive such a powerful defensive miracle from sword artificing, the only drawback was limited mobility, and he couldn’t ask for more.

Before this, Asho was not troubled by this limitation and never thought about improving this miracle.

But now, Asho had to make a cruel choice: give up the Sword Body Barrier and be shot by Gesas, or maintain the Sword Body Barrier and be broken through by Jielade in a few seconds!

But soon, Asho gave up on making a choice – because Gesas opened up a third path for him.

Gesas quickly raised his left hand, straightened his waist, and instantly positioned his left heavy sniper and waist dual snipers. Four snipers appeared at the same time, but he didn’t lock onto Asho, instead aiming at the other four escapees!

He was too greedy and not satisfied with just one prey, he wanted to take down all the others as well. Because in just a few seconds, Jielade would arrive and suppress everyone with absolute strength, and the price Gesas paid was just a little artificing.

What was he after? The bounties on the escapees? Or the favor of the three-winged Sanctum Sorcerers?

As an orc sorcerer who had climbed up from the bottom, Gesas had too many greedy reasons. Perhaps he didn’t even think it through carefully, he just instinctively didn’t let go of any opportunity or any prey. This past experience may have caused him losses, but more often than not, it brought him great gains, so he subconsciously followed this survival rule.

But this time, his prey were the most vicious criminals in Camon City.

Harvey, who was running at the front, suddenly threw a bone emitting a green light into the air, and the bone exploded in the next second. Obviously, the bullet aimed at Harvey was guided onto the bone! However, Harvey also groaned and his left hand hung down weakly, as if he had lost his bones.

Igura instantly let out a piercing psychic scream, and a strong sound wave formed an all-around barrier, forcefully deflecting the bullet to the right. But the distance was too close, and the edge of the bullet grazed Igura’s shoulder, tearing off a large piece of flesh and causing Igura to fall to the ground in pain.

As a specialist in long-range assassination, Ronald didn’t have the ability to defend against sniper bullets. However, he didn’t need to defend – Lana directly pulled him behind her, her right hand emitting a golden light, and she turned around and swung her sword! Two bullets were directly deflected by Lana! This was the power of a top-tier two-winged weak sorcerer! Barehandedly intercepting sniper bullets!

And when Lana protected Ronald, she didn’t just stand there. She threw a bunch of steel beads with her backhand. The steel beads accelerated in the air like missiles and shot towards Gesas!Although the description of the process seems long, all of this happened in an instant. Asho quickly erected a sword barrier for defense, while Gesas aimed his four-barreled sniper rifle and the escaped prisoners defended themselves.

As the only long-range attacker, Ronald did not disappoint Asho. His steel ball storm forced Gesas to defend himself.

This was exactly the opening that Asho needed!

But after this momentary delay, Asho had already fallen to the back of the team. Climbing the high platform was already difficult, and he hadn’t even pulled his sword out of the ground yet.

It was well known that in the escape phase, being slow might allow one to survive, but being the last one was undoubtedly a death sentence – because pursuers would do their best to leave behind the easiest prey!

He needed a miracle, a miracle that would at least allow him to keep up with the pace of the team and not become the last one!

Heart Sword, Substitute, Circulation – these were the three artisan skills he was most proficient in. The Sword Barrier was the only miracle he had mastered.

When Asho had a thought, the effects of these three artisan skills resonated in his mind, and the structure of the miracle technique unfolded layer by layer in his eyes. The realm of swordsmanship and water magic transformed into a blazing fire, burning away all his thoughts, leaving only the most brilliant crystallization of wisdom!

Suddenly, he remembered Wakas’s final sword strike, and the miracle scene of Sword Girl flying with him into the sky.

Then Asho moved. His right hand still held the Mouth Honey Belly Sword inserted into the ground, but his left hand suddenly had another Mouth Honey Belly Sword, with a sharp golden light swirling around its blade. He used “Substitute” on the Mouth Honey Belly Sword, allowing the “Heart Sword” to attach to the Substitute Sword.

At this moment, Harvey had already entered the Virtual Realm passage, and the rest of the team was only a few steps away from the passage. But Asho didn’t move, instead holding up the Substitute Sword like a javelin and throwing it, hitting the top step of the high platform!

Then he activated “Earth Sword” on both the Substitute Sword attached to the Heart Sword and the Mouth Honey Belly Sword at the same time!

Two warm yellow pillars of light appeared on the high platform at the same time. Igura glanced at the pillar of light from the Substitute Sword as he passed by, and Asho’s heart skipped a beat – if Igura casually flicked it, the Substitute Sword would explode. But Igura seemed to have no intention of wasting any more time on Asho and headed straight for the Virtual Realm passage.

By now, Asho had fallen too far behind. He could even hear Jielade’s footsteps breaking through the moonlight from behind. Asho had never felt so strongly that his fate was in his hands. As long as he made a slight mistake, his fragile fate would turn into foam and be extinguished in his palm.

However, Asho was not afraid, nor was he excited. He wasn’t even calm. He was just quiet. He quietly enjoyed the story that Asho, the person, would unfold next.

Using the Substitute Sword as the target coordinate, the Mouth Honey Belly Sword as the starting coordinate, the Heart Sword as the guide, and the Earth Sword as the path, he used Circulation to transform!

Miracle! Except for a faint yellow light passing between the two warm yellow pillars, there was no other movement, as if nothing had changed. But in this short breath, Asho had already reached the top step of the high platform. He pulled out the Mouth Honey Belly Sword from the ground and it turned into smoke, transferring to the Substitute Sword below.


The Earth Sword turned into a path, Circulation eliminated friction, and the Heart Sword guided Asho. He successfully exchanged positions with the Substitute Sword held in his hand!

This miraculous move was called… Bidirectional Rush!

Lana and Ronald saw Asho suddenly appear in front of them, their expressions slightly stunned, but they didn’t think much of it, thinking it was Asho’s hidden trump card – in fact, there was no need to hide such a short-distance movement.

They were only ten steps away from the Virtual Realm passage, and Igura, who had half of his foot in the passage, turned back and glanced at them, his pupils suddenly dilating.

Although “Wild Instinct” did not trigger, Asho almost hesitated. He directly used “Slash Me Miracle” on himself, instantly cutting off the illusory Substitute and purifying all abnormal states in his body! The blood in his body, which was about to stagnate, instantly returned to normal, so Asho just stumbled for a moment, without falling.

Lana also seemed to have a miracle to dispel abnormal states and was completely unaffected. Only Ronald screamed in pain and fell to the ground, his whole body twitching and paralyzed.

And Igura directly fell into the Virtual Realm passage, unexpectedly being hit at the last moment.

Behind them, Jielade’s chain sword had already reached its maximum length, tearing through the air with screams and rushing towards them with cruel bloodshed!

There was no doubt that they were encountering Jielade’s blood abnormal state.

As a three-winged Blood Saint, although Jielade didn’t like blood magic, it didn’t mean he wasn’t good at it!

When it came to dealing with any flesh and blood creature, blood magic was the true professional counterpart!

Lana reacted quickly, kicking Ronald away with one foot. Ronald made a dull cracking sound as he flew, obviously breaking several ribs.

Then the bald-headed Lana turned around, and the shadows on the ground crawled onto him like a group of black cats, equipping him with a set of shadow armor, making his already tall and burly figure even more massive, sinister, and ferocious, like a pitch-black abyss.


Lana blocked Jielade’s sword with both arms, almost shattering the shadow armor. His left foot even left a dent in the stone floor, but he managed to withstand it, and even knocked Jielade’s chain sword upwards!

On the other side, Asho caught Ronald and quickly cast “Slash Me Miracle” on him, dragging him by the collar and running at an incredible speed. Ronald, like a “Woodpecker with a Golden Beak” that pecks at wood, regained his normal state and controlled his balance, even though his abdominal pain didn’t affect his movements.

But he didn’t rush to follow Asho and run away. Instead, he turned around and glanced back.Jielade had already stepped out of the moonlight, his chain sword morphing into a long sword. Anger and shame made his already unattractive face even more so. Ronald stood silently, ready to bear the brunt of Jielade’s venting. Everyone could predict the scene that was about to unfold – no one thought Ronald could withstand a full blow from Jielade. The chain sword’s power had been reduced due to the distance, but now that Jielade had finally arrived on the scene, he didn’t need to bypass Ronald. With one swing of his sword, he could tear Ronald, Asho, and himself apart!

There was no better opportunity than now.

This was my last chance.

“It’s time to end this.” After muttering these words, a determined look flashed in Ronald’s eyes. He suddenly stopped, swung his right hand around, and shot out a steel ball.

The steel ball accelerated fiercely in the air, turning into a meteor that struck towards Ronald!

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