Chapter 164 – Evil Gathering

Because the Virtual Realm determined that it could escape the Blood Moon, Asho never considered the possibility of his escape failing. However, he had thought about the worst-case scenario of this escape journey – blending in with a group of unfamiliar adventurers, entering a foreign land that might be worse than the Blood Moon Kingdom, being treated as enemies by the natives, and continuing the fine tradition of being a passive scapegoat, transitioning from a “heresy leader” to an “invader from another realm,” and living a precarious and free life…

He thought that no matter how bad this journey was, it couldn’t be worse than that.

Then reality slapped him hard – don’t underestimate me, a social idler!

Asho’s perspective was too narrow. He actually fantasized about “blending in with a group of unfamiliar adventurers.” However, the terrifying guy who was now shoulder to shoulder with him, with a provocative and lascivious gaze and a mind full of wicked thoughts, who even deceived children for lollipops, who else could it be but Igura, the male Veela?

The one who ate moon-shaped candies like snacks, wasn’t that the necromancer Harvey?

As for the duo sitting opposite him, they were none other than Lalafell and Ronald!

The reunion of these five notorious criminals felt like a blast from the past, facing challenges and hardships together. Asho felt like he was about to ignite!

I mean, his anger was about to ignite.

“Are you guys also choosing to escape the Blood Moon through the Virtual Realm?” Asho’s voice couldn’t contain his anger, “You guys are the big shots, do you really have to squeeze in with me and run away together!?”

Harvey shrugged while eating candy, “You are the leader of the Four Pillar God Cult, shouldn’t you continue your missionary work in Camon City and promote the traditional culture of the Four Pillar God? Are you really just going to leave like this? You are not loyal!”

Lalafell put away his whetstone and glanced at Harvey, “Once you leave the Blood Moon Kingdom and the chip system here, you will no longer be a mysterious and terrifying controller. You will simply be a necromancer no different from a street rat. Is that really what you want?”

When it came to his profession, Harvey couldn’t bear it. He snorted, “Maybe the other side of the portal is a great nation that venerates the necromancer faction. There, corpses are everywhere, and the living are free from heavy work, focusing on the Virtual Realm and research. All social production is carried out by corpses, with no conflicts and abundant resources. Life is sublimated in death…”

“You sound as ridiculous as the day we will fall in love with Lalafell.” Igura said bluntly, “You should go to the orphanage’s children’s class. Maybe someone there will have something in common with you.”

“You’re making me hungry with your words.” Ronald muttered, waving his hand at Asho, “What kind of Lalafell do you like? I prefer the spicy ones.”

“I like the salted egg yolk flavor… No, wait!” Asho covered his head in distress, “Can’t you guys choose a different time and method? Do we have to choose the same time, the same method, and even the same seats?”

“The longer we stay in the Blood Moon, the more dangerous it becomes.” Lalafell said, “Do you also feel that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Besides, now that I’ve found you, I can’t afford to miss it.”

Ronald nodded, “Indeed.”

Harvey said, “I must go with Asho.”

Asho was taken aback, “Why?”

They didn’t say anything, but looked at Igura. Igura had been smiling at Asho all along, his right hand tightly pressing on Asho’s shoulder, as if afraid that his prey would escape.

Asho felt a chill down his spine, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cleared his throat seriously, “Actually, I’m not against us acting together. After all, we have the experience of escaping together as a team. We know each other well and have a foundation of trust and cooperation. Working together will naturally be more efficient. But since we are comrades with a common goal, we should cooperate sincerely, present a united front, not hold each other back, and definitely not betray our teammates. What do you think?”

“Yes, yes!”

“Asho is right!”

“No wonder you are the heresy leader, you speak with such eloquence.”

Igura also nodded repeatedly, looking very approving. Then he extended three fingers, “So, dear heresy leader, are you planning to attract attention, create an opportunity for me to escape, or be a bait?”

“Don’t give me such a cruel multiple-choice question! And aren’t these three options the same?” Asho roared in a suppressed voice, “At least, considering my greatest contribution in the prison break operation, give me a way out!”

“Nonsense!” Harvey cursed directly, “Clearly, I made the greatest contribution. If it weren’t for me, how could you control the prison guards?”

“Necromancer, I can’t pretend I didn’t hear that.” Lalafell said calmly, “If it weren’t for me clearing the hunters and sailors on the transport ship, the plan wouldn’t have gone so smoothly.”

“The escape route was planned by me.” Ronald interrupted, “If it weren’t for me thoroughly investigating the area from Broken Lake Prison to Camon City, how could we have avoided all the surveillance cameras on the way and arrived in Camon City without attracting any attention?”

“Hey hey hey, have you guys misunderstood your roles?” Igura’s eyebrows twitched, “The prison break plan was made by me. If it weren’t for my clever mind, all of you would be rotting in Broken Lake! You guys are just the hands in action, I am the commanding brain. Would you put the credit of your toenails above your head?”

Outside, there was a hail of bullets, flames and ice, and occasional explosions. Inside the tent, there was a heated argument about who had the greatest contribution in the prison break, as if they had no self-awareness. Asho despaired of his escape journey.

What was even scarier was that Asho couldn’t escape from Igura’s clutches, because Igura still held his one wish.If Igura wanted, he could even order Asho to do a handstand and attract attention. In fact, this Male Veela could come up with even more vicious plans – such as ordering Asho to stop Ronald, Harvey, and Langna, causing a disturbance to buy more time for the bad guys to escape.

If they encountered any crisis later, Igura would undoubtedly order Asho to become a “taunting follower” to attract others’ attention. That’s why Harvey, Langna, and Ronald insisted on acting together with Asho – the “taunting follower” should be shared by everyone. Since Asho was going to be sacrificed anyway, why not provide more cover for the three old comrades?

“The Virtual Realm tells me that I can definitely escape from the Blood Moon.”

The quarrel in the tent suddenly stopped. Asho shook off Igura’s hand on his shoulder, looked around, and said lightly, “I participated in the Destiny Quiz, and one of the questions asked me how to escape from the Blood Moon Kingdom. In other words, the Virtual Realm believes that I can definitely escape successfully.”

“If you want to act with me, I don’t mind, but I advise you to give up the idea of using me as a shield and honestly protect me.”

Asho said very firmly, “I can miss this opportunity, and wait for the second or third time, but you may not have that chance.”

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